Vitamin D: All you need to know!

Dr. Priyanka Marakini
July 5, 2019
Dr. Priyanka Marakini
July 5, 2019
Vitamin D is a pro-hormone that is synthesized in the body when exposed to sunlight, and hence, is called the sunshine vitamin. It is a group of vitamins, including calciferol (Vitamin D2) and cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3), found mainly in liver and fish oils. It plays a vital role in the absorption of calcium, and hence benefits the body in several ways.
Vitamin D deficiency is linked to the deficiency of Calcium. This is mainly due to the fact that the body needs the vitamin to absorb Calcium. Without enough of it, one can’t form enough of the hormone calcitriol. This, in turn, leads to insufficient calcium absorption from the diet. In situations like this, the body is forced to turn to the skeleton for its supply of the mineral. Eventually, this causes existing bones to get weakened and prevents the formation of a strong, new bone in children.
The 25(OH)D or the 25-hydroxyvitamin D is the most efficient way to monitor the Vitamin D levels. The amount of 25-hydroxyvitamin D in one’s blood is the best indicator of the levels of the vitamin in the body. 30-100 ng/ml(nanograms per millilitre) is the recommended amount in a healthy human body. In case this number drops to below 20 ng/ml, it is advisable to consult a doctor.
The following factors can increase your risk of deficiency of this invaluable nutrient:
Ideally, one must spend at least 20 minutes each day out in the sun. Anything less than that could lead to a deficiency of Vitamin D in the body. On the other hand, you must take care to not spend too much time out in the sun since that could lead to overexposure to the Ultraviolet B rays. Additionally, the use of sunscreen whenever one steps out in the sun can be a major factor in the risk of deficiency. While it can block out the harmful Ultraviolet B rays, it also hinders the production of Vitamin D in one’s skin
People living closer to the equator are bound to be more exposed to the sun, eventually leading to the production of Vitamin D in their bodies. Similarly, the ones living at higher latitudes see a lower production of the body. In a country like India, the people staying closer to the Himalayas will have less Vitamin D produced in their bodies but the ones living in the South will have much higher amounts of the vitamin.
As you grow older, the ability of your body to produce this all-important nutrient drops. Thus, there is a pretty significant drop in Vitamin D levels for older people.
People with excess body fat levels are seen to have very little of the vitamin in their bodies. Therefore, overweight or obese people have a much higher risk of Vitamin D deficiency.
The following methods can help increase the vitamin content in the body and thus overcome a deficiency of the nutrient:
In the present day and age, most cases of Vitamin D deficiency are due to a lack of exposure to sunlight. Therefore, the best way to improve its intake is through sunlight. However, the consumption of certain foods can surely help increase vitamin levels in the body.
While they may not be the most impressive sources of Vitamin D, both red meat and poultry do contain the vitamin. That said, organ meat is probably the best way to boost your intake of this essential nutrient.
Apart from fortified foods, few varieties of mushroom are the only plant sources of Vitamin D. Just like humans, mushrooms synthesize the vitamin when exposed to sunlight.
While most types of fish have the vitamin, the more oily or fatty fish are likely to contain more Vitamin D than the less oily ones. Salmon, trout, mackerel, and tuna are amongst the most popular fish that are rich in the vitamin.
The protein source in an egg may be the whites but the yolks are just as important. The yolk of the egg also contains Vitamin D, just like other vitamins and minerals.
There is very less Vitamin D content available in natural food sources. However, certain foods are fortified with the nutrient. Several foods and beverages are fortified with the vitamin across the world. Orange juice, milk, cereal, and oatmeal are the best examples of the same.
Exposing your skin to the sun for 20 minutes a day would ensure enough Ultraviolet B rays hit the cholesterol in the skin, thus, providing the energy for Vitamin D synthesis to take place.
Ideally, one must look to go out at around midday since this is when the sun is at its highest and the UVB rays are the most intense. Studies have shown that the hours between 11 am and 2 pm are the best to promote the synthesis of the vitamin in India.
As important as it is to expose one’s skin to the sun for the production of this nutrient, overexposure can be just as harmful. Here are a few consequences of too much sunlight:
A less commonly known fact is the connection between Vitamin D and weight loss. A shortage of the vitamin decreases serotonin levels in the body. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that affects everything in the body from one’s mood to sleep regulation. Thus, we see increased levels of cortisol production. Eventually, this slows down one’s weight loss or even causes the person to hit a weight loss plateau.
The right amount of Vitamin D in one’s body helps aid weight loss by altering the storage and formation of fat cells and increasing the serotonin and testosterone levels in the body. It helps keep hormone levels in check, which also may help enhance weight loss and decrease body fat.
While sunlight may be the best source of the vitamin in the body, certain Vitamin D rich foods can also boost the levels of the nutrient in your body. In case of deficiency, one can take supplements for the same after consulting with a doctor or a certified nutritionist.
Excellent blog about vitamin D, good to see someone is posting quality information. Thanks for sharing this useful information. Keep up the good work.
Thanks so much for this information about vitamin D Deficiency. I have to let you know I concur on several of the points you make here and others may require some further review, but I can see your viewpoint.
Hi am suffering from vitamin d deficiency that’s is 10.18 can u pls help me out to overcome this am struggling from last 4 months
Thank you for this informative post, I enjoyed reading your blog. I don’t know if I have a deficiency in vitamin D. It has been a long time since I had some blood works. But the good thing is the foods that you’ve mentioned on your blog is what I eat almost every day. Knowing that I don’t take any supplements to support my immune system. I think this kind of food helps me to have a healthy lifestyle.
Hi Angel, Thank you for the valuable feedback. Keep following our blogs.