Turmeric – Benefits, Nutritional Value, Weight Loss & Uses

Parul Dube
May 18, 2022
Parul Dube
May 18, 2022
We are aware of the immense benefits that Turmeric can confer. For example, turmeric improves immunity and diabetes, reduces inflammation, and manages cholesterol levels. Not only this, you can get healthy and glowing skin, get rid of stress and shed extra pounds.
Turmeric is a leading spice and a necessary element in religious rituals and traditions in South-East Asia. Due to the vast benefits of this sacred spice, it is also called Indian Saffron.
Turmeric originated from the rhizome or root of the Curcuma longa plant. 78% of the global supply of turmeric is grown in India. Before moving further, we must know that turmeric is (FDA) Food and Drug Agency approved.
According to the research by NCBI, the evidence of the turmeric plant and its medicinal use dates back to approximately 4000 years ago. As per the Sanskrit medical treatises and Unani and Ayurvedic practices, turmeric holds a rich past. For example, Susruta’s Ayurvedic Compendium, 250 BC, promotes an ointment comprising turmeric to alleviate poisoned food effects.
Turmeric can cure you in many ways. For example, it increases energy levels, reduces gas, and dissipates worms. For women, it improves menstruation-related disorders. Additionally, it improves digestion, relieves arthritis and dissolves gallstones. Another widespread use is to heal cuts, burns, and bruises.
Another common issue that the majority faces is obesity and excess fat stored in the body. Therefore, people seek a natural and safe remedy for fat loss or weight loss. Turmeric can also give you weight loss benefits. Let us find out how.
A tablespoon of ground turmeric contains:
Studies prove that fresh turmeric rhizomes have high curcumin content (5.2%). Curcumin is a potent antioxidant. It is the most bioactive and soothing portion of the herb, turmeric. In addition, possesses antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-platelet, cholesterol-lowering, antibacterial and antifungal effects.
Weight loss and health are connected. Turmeric can help you lose weight. In addition, certain studies suggest that curcumin in turmeric can reduce a few inflammatory markers present in people with obesity.
The anti-inflammatory properties and anti-obesity potential of turmeric can help reduce excess fat. In addition, research shows that the compound called curcumin, present in turmeric works best for weight loss. Therefore, weight loss by turmeric is effective when consumed correctly.
Discover how it is a potent spice for weight loss and get the best turmeric benefits.
Turmeric tea prepared using turmeric root by grating it or using the sterilised powder is recognised as one of the most efficient methods of consuming turmeric. Sipping turmeric tea can aid in weight loss. Empty a cup of water into a vessel and bring it to a boil. As soon as the water starts to boil, add a pinch of turmeric. Mix it thoroughly. Pour the tea into a cup and sip the lukewarm turmeric tea slowly.
Turmeric tea stimulates and quickens the digestion process, boosts metabolism and aids in weight loss. A bioactive compound called curcuminoids present in turmeric has countless effectual therapeutic healing qualities. The curcumin present in turmeric represses the increase of fat tissues in the body and promotes weight loss.
If you eat mindfully and drink turmeric tea regularly, you will notice a significant change in your body and weight.
Haldi Doodh or turmeric milk can cure wounds and treat colds and coughs. Turmeric is a dominant superfood that has been used in India for ages. Adding turmeric to milk can give you multiple benefits.
Let us learn about the other health benefits of the wonder spice.
Curcumin improves immune function due to its antioxidants, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial characteristics.
In addition, turmeric helps in regulating immune cell functions against cancer.
Turmeric has the properties that aid digestion and treat digestive problems.
In addition, curcumin can reduce IBS pain and relieve it.
Curcumin helps increase the production of yellow digestive fluid produced by the liver called bile and protects the liver from the chemicals associated with bile juice.
Turmeric has medicinal properties that manage insulin production and help prevent diabetes.
Traditional medicines for diabetes had turmeric added to them.
Curcumin has anti-inflammatory properties that calm down arthritis pain and signs.
Turmeric acts as an antioxidant beneficial for heart health.
Curcumin’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties reduce chronic lung issues.
All these health issues can be a hindrance to weight loss. However, taking precautions and adding wonder spice to your everyday food might benefit you. It has a positive impact on your health.
Turmeric is probably harmless when utilised short term. For example, turmeric that gives up to 8 grams of curcumin every day appears harmless when consumed for 2-3 months. On the other hand, using up to 3 grams of turmeric every day seems to be reliable when used for up to 3-3.5 months.
Turmeric generally does not induce severe side effects. Still, some people can undergo trivial side effects such as stomach discomfort, nausea, dizziness, or diarrhoea. These side effects are more frequent when we consume turmeric in greater dosages.
Turmeric is generally used in small quantities as a seasoning in foods. However, it is possibly not safe to use large amounts of turmeric as a remedy during pregnancy.
It might prompt a menstrual period or excite the uterus, setting the pregnancy at risk. Do not use medicinal turmeric if you are pregnant.
Turmeric is usually taken in small quantities as a spice in foods. But there is no adequate and truthful data to understand if turmeric is safe to consume in medicinal amounts throughout breastfeeding. So be on the safe side and avoid using it as a medicine.
Turmeric can make gallbladder problems worse.
Do not consume turmeric if you have gallstones or a bile duct restraint.
Taking turmeric might reduce blood clotting. But, on the other hand, it might double the risk of hurting and bleeding in people with bleeding complications.
Such as breast cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, endometriosis, or uterine fibroids
Turmeric contains curcumin that might behave like the hormone estrogen. Thus, in conjecture, it might have impacts on hormone-sensitive conditions. Until further study, consume it with caution if you have an issue that might worsen by vulnerability to hormones.
Turmeric might drop testosterone levels and decline sperm movement.
It might decrease fertility. Turmeric should be used carefully by people trying to have a baby.
Taking large quantities of turmeric might hinder the absorption of iron. Therefore, people with iron deficiency should use turmeric with caution.
People are concerned about turmeric damaging the liver, particularly people with liver disease.
Do not use turmeric if you have liver problems.
Turmeric might slow down the blood clotting process. As a result, it might cause extra bleeding during and after surgery and take more minutes to stop the blood flow. Discontinue using turmeric at least two weeks before a scheduled operation.
Turmeric is a wonderful spice with many benefits, but you must not forget its side effects. Therefore, use it with precautions and safety measures. Avoid its usage if it does not suit you.
Treasure it and keep in mind that turmeric is a wonder spice but not a miracle drug. You will have to eat healthy and exercise to lose weight.
If you merely rely on turmeric for weight loss, then you must understand that no spice alone or any other diet alone can help you in your weight loss journey. You have to work out properly, eat healthy and wholesome foods, stay hydrated and have a positive mindset during your weight loss journey
A. Turmeric offers a range of health benefits to our bodies. It is an immune-booster, helps calm IBS, prevents gallstones, helps with diabetes and is also known to treat lung conditions.
A. Turmeric is safe to take as a spice daily. On the other hand, it is unclear if it is safe to consume turmeric supplements daily. Although reports demonstrate that it is acceptable in modest doses, be warned that excessive dosages or long-term usage may cause stomach problems in some people.
A. It is acceptable to take up to 8 gm per day, but some suggestions for the average population say the intake should be about 500 to 1,000 mg per day.
A. Turmeric typically does not cause serious side effects. Nonetheless, some people may experience minor side effects such as stomach pain, nausea, dizziness, or diarrhoea. Turmeric in higher doses can lead to more of these adverse effects.
A. Turmeric’s anti-inflammatory qualities can promote a healthy reduction of excess fat. Furthermore, the component curcumin, found in turmeric, is the most effective for weight loss. Curcumin suppresses fat storage in the body and may aid in weight loss.
A. You should not take turmeric and curcumin if suffering from bile duct blockage, cholangitis, liver condition, gallstones, or any other biliary ailment. That is due to its tendency to stimulate bile output, which may worsen the mentioned conditions.
A. You can eat turmeric in many ways. The turmeric roots, however, are the best way to consume turmeric. The most accessible approach to taking turmeric is grating dried turmeric roots and using them fresh.
A. There has been some evidence to show that turmeric, when taken for a long duration, can help lower blood pressure.
A. Yes, it can assist you in getting a good night’s sleep. In addition, it helps you relax, improve mood and may help you get quality sleep.
A. Turmeric is a good source of Vitamin C, vitamin B6, and antioxidants, which help lower the risk of significant health problems, including heart disease and diabetes.
A. Turmeric, when used as a home spice, does not affect urine. However, supplemental turmeric may considerably raise urinary oxalate concentrations, increasing the risk of kidney stone formation in vulnerable individuals.
A. No. On the contrary, curcumin supplements may enhance blood vessel dilatation. Therefore, it helps in promoting blood flow and lowering blood pressure.
A. Turmeric may help to lighten the skin and reduce spots. Face packs made with cream and turmeric or ground masoor brighten the skin tone with regular usage. Turmeric is a popular ingredient in herbal and natural cosmetics.
A. No evidence has shown that turmeric as a spice is bad for women. Even pregnant/breastfeeding women can safely take turmeric as a spice in food. However, you should avoid supplemental turmeric as a precaution during pregnancy/ breastfeeding.
A . The typical person’s daily consumption should be between 500 and 1,000 mg.
A. Studies on animal models have shown that it improves the viability and production of ovarian follicles. While on the other hand, curcumin may inhibit the proliferation of cells in the uterine lining (endometrial cells) and postpone pregnancy. Such effects are due to high supplemental curcumin consumption and not home-spice turmeric.