Watermelon – Benefits, Nutrition and Healthy Recipes

Hiral Patel
June 21, 2022
Hiral Patel
June 21, 2022
Watermelon is the ultimate summertime fruit. Kids and adults all wait for summer to enjoy this hydrating fruit. One can consume watermelon in many forms, such as fruit, fresh juice, smoothie, and salad. The beautiful texture of several creative spins makes the most of watermelon. Food enthusiasts worldwide have explored tons of recipes to cater to the growing demand, especially in the vegan industry.
Due to their high nutrient concentration, everyone loves them. In India, it could be considered second to just mangoes. Apart from being visually appealing and mouth-watering, this ball of goodness is full of nutritional goodness.
As far as nutritional benefits go, watermelon does not fall short. It’s primarily 92% water which makes it great for hydration. Low in calories and high in antioxidants. Here are a few of the nutrients you get upon consuming a bowl full of watermelon:
Watermelons are a rich source of this amino acid called citrulline, providing an energy boost. They also contain antioxidants like Vitamin C and carotenoids. Plus, they have lycopene and cucurbitacin E.
When a fruit provides that much nutritional value, you know that it has abundant health benefits. While the list is pretty long, let’s take a look at the nine benefits that stand out:
As per the research conducted by Purdue University in the USA, the high concentration of lycopene in the fruit helps protect the cells from damage. It could lower the risk of cardiac diseases.
Another study found that extracts from the fruit help lower blood pressure in adults and reduce atherosclerosis. In post-menopausal women with aortic stiffness, watermelon extracts have a positive impact on the reduction in stiffness. In addition, it reduces BP. Arginine and citrulline extracts found in the fruit improve circulation. It also reduces cholesterol build-up.
The delightful fruit being rich in Vitamin C helps boost your body’s immune response. Thus, along with the goodness of Vitamin A, it protects the body from infections.
Antibodies produced by this fruit is due to the presence of Vitamin B6. While watermelons are great for immunity, they also have excellent anti-inflammatory properties. The lycopene present is responsible for this property.
Systemic inflammation can occur due to exposure to stress, smoking, pollution, and a range of diseases. Therefore, the consumption of anti-inflammatory fruits such as watermelon is essential to lead a healthy lifestyle.
A study showed that watermelons contain lycopene which is essential for boosting the body’s immune response. This antioxidant, found in large quantities in watermelons, improves heart health, the immune system and prevents cancer.
Watermelon is almost 92% water, so you can already imagine its proficiency at hydrating people.
It has water in its name! It has the goodness of electrolytes such as potassium and magnesium that help replenish energy levels instantly. This quality also helps prevent heat strokes. An excellent diuretic helps increase urine output without pressuring your kidneys.
Being rich in fibres fosters healthy digestion and prevents constipation.
The high water content also helps smoothen the activity of your digestive organs. Consuming fruit sensibly also helps regulate bowel movements. Fibres make up most of your stool, while water helps easy transit in your digestive tract.
Ahoy athletes and fitness freaks! You’re in luck if you love watermelons.
Studies have shown that consuming watermelon juice reduces muscle soreness and elevated heart rate experienced the next day. Citrulline present in the fruit also helps improve athletic performance. In addition, watermelon helps your muscles receive adequate oxygen, thereby aiding quick recovery.
Due to its high concentration of antioxidants, watermelon may have anti-cancer properties. Lycopene, along with its numerous other benefits, is responsible for this as well.
It is responsible for the colour of the fruit. In addition, it is a potent antioxidant that fights free radicals and deters certain types of cancer.
It is common knowledge that Vitamin A is excellent for your skin.
You can get a good dose of it from just a cup full of fresh watermelon. Vitamin A fosters moisturisation of your skin and hair. It also helps repair your skin and create new skin cells.
Another vitamin present in the fruit is Vitamin C which is vital to collagen synthesis. Collagen is what helps keep your skin and hair healthy and soft. These nutrients also help shield your skin from the sun’s harsh glare and prevent skin disorders like psoriasis.
Who wouldn’t like to shed a couple of pounds eating something they enjoy? Due to the high water content, eating watermelon can help you feel full faster, thus eating fewer calories.
Adequate water consumption also helps the removal of toxins and fatty products from your system while speeding metabolism. And what does good metabolism equal? Weight loss!
As discussed earlier, watermelon is an excellent diuretic and reduces pressure on the kidneys.
It is a good source of minerals like potassium, but the concentration is lower than other fruits. It makes them the perfect alternative for people suffering from chronic kidney disease.
What good is knowing all the benefits of the fruit but not eating it in the healthiest way possible? We’ve got you covered with two super healthy and easy recipes with a twist.
A healthy twist to the classic style of fries with just six ingredients. Here’s what you’ll need:
Watermelon is ideal for a smoothie. So why not try something a little different and healthier this time?
Watermelon juice is the easiest way to get your daily dose of vitamins. It is exceptionally hydrating, too, not to mention easy to prepare.
Every food we consume has a side effect. Even the healthiest ones and watermelons are no exception. The most common side effect of watermelons would be a food allergy. Otherwise, here are some side effects that you might experience if you consume too much watermelon.
Consuming too much watermelon can cause bloating, gas, abdominal pain, and diarrhoea due to its fermentable short-chain carbs. These carbs include oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols. They take a long time to absorb in the small intestine. Sometimes they are indigestible. Even the fructose, a simple sugar, content in watermelon can cause bloating. Therefore, watermelon should be eaten in moderation, especially by people suffering from IBS.
Watermelons have a high glycemic index, so while in moderation, they are fine, people with diabetes cannot overeat watermelon. However, watermelons have a naturally low amount of sugar. However, consuming about one cup of watermelon every day is relatively safe. It will not raise the glycemic index of your blood.
Watermelons get their colour from lycopene. It is a carotenoid present in other red or orange fruits and vegetables. However, lycopene is also a pigment, and overeating watermelon can give you lycopenemia. In this condition, lycopene builds up in your skin. Thus, giving it an orange discolouration. However, lycopenemia is extremely rare and reversible as well.
Watermelons are packed with nutrients and antioxidants and are great for overall wellness. Also, unlike many other healthy fruits and veggies, it is delicious and universally loved. You can eat it in many ways. It can be in the form of a delicious recipe or watermelon on its own.
Enjoying a watermelon is the easiest way to get your daily dose of Vitamin C and other vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and amino acids. A watermelon a day can keep the doctor away by keeping you free of heart disease and cancer and protecting your immune system. Along with all of these benefits, watermelons can also be a critical part of your weight loss journey,
It is the ultimate summertime fruit as it helps beat the heat and exhaustion associated with it. It is essential to include this package of goodness in your diet to enjoy all its excellent benefits. Time to get on that watermelon high!
A. Mid-morning or Early evening before 7 pm – for small meals Or can be taken as before workout meal.
A. Overeating watermelon may cause bloating and digestive discomfort. Too much of anything can harm your health, even healthy foods. Mindfully eating is the key here.
A. Both are good as far as not genetically modified. Seedless watermelon is not a genetically modified food; it is a result of cross-breeding. Most of the nutrients are in the flesh. Watermelon seeds are also low in calories and are nutrient-dense, so adding them adds more benefits.
A. Watermelon typically has a Glycemic Index of 72 but a Glycemic Load of 2 per 100-gram serving. So the Glycemic index of watermelon is low, and eat it in moderation like all fruit as part of a balanced meal. But too much of any food can lead to health issues.
A. Watermelon is high in fructose, a naturally occurring sugar often incompletely absorbed by our Gastrointestinal system, leading to gas.
A. Watermelon as fruit has many benefits, which aren’t just it being a hydrating food. Watermelons maintain your heart health, improve your gut health, maintain your immune system, and reduce the risk of cancer. Watermelons are also godsent for your skin and hair.
A. Watermelon is a rich source of Vitamin C, which is good for your skin because it helps synthesise collagen. It has anti-ageing qualities. Vitamin C also helps our bodies absorb iron. In addition, the water content makes it a very hydrating food item.
A. It’s best not to eat watermelon after 7 pm because that can cause digestive issues. Also, since the digestive process is slower at night, consuming watermelon at night may give you an upset stomach the following day.
A. If consumed in the recommended amount, there is nothing wrong with eating watermelon every day. On the contrary, it is beneficial for your health to consume watermelon every day. However, suppose you consume extra amounts daily. In that case, you are at risk of having too much potassium or lycopene in your body.
A. Just because watermelons are a sweet and summer fruit does not mean that they are high in sugar. On the contrary, they are pretty low in sugar. The average cup of watermelon contains less than 10 grams of sugar.
A. No, watermelons do not make you gain weight. In fact, because of their water content, watermelons are one of the most recommended foods for losing weight. They can be filling without being high in calories and provide you with hydration as well. In addition, an amino acid, arginine in watermelons, also helps you lose weight instead of gaining it.
A. No, eating watermelon will not raise your blood pressure. On the contrary, watermelons contain an amino acid, citrulline, that helps your body produce nitric oxide, which relaxes blood vessels so that your arteries are flexible. As a result, it improves the flow of blood, thereby reducing your blood pressure.
A. Watermelon can help burn your belly fat as it is a hydrating fruit rich in lycopene. In addition, watermelons increase arginine levels in your body, an amino acid that helps burn belly fat. Along with this, watermelons are mostly water, so they are a low-calorie food, perfect for weight loss.
A. Watermelon is extremely good for your skin because it hydrates and plumps up your skin. In addition, vitamin C, Vitamin A, other antioxidants, minerals, and amino acids in watermelons promote collagen synthesis. The antioxidants also protect your skin from free radical damage. Even the rinds can be used as spot treatment masks to calm your skin.
A. Watermelon is perfectly safe for people with diabetes in moderate amounts, as long as you don’t go over the safe limit. Watermelons are a reasonably harmless fruit for people with diabetes. They contain a meagre amount of sugar.
A. Yes, watermelon is a superfood because of how versatile it is. You can consume it during summer, use in various recipes, or eat it on its own. Not to mention, watermelons are an abundant source of vitamins and antioxidants.
A. A 100 gram serving of watermelon would be approximately ⅔ of a cup of diced watermelon. Therefore, this serving of watermelon contains only 30 calories.
A. There are 30 calories, or the energy per value is 30 in 100 grams of watermelon.
Hi HealthifyMe, It was a really informative reading the blog.
And (Watermelon fries) It is the first time I have heard about it:)
Would be happy to read more and more.
Have a good time ahead!