Tag: sustained weight loss

  • 10 weight loss mistakes we all make

    10 weight loss mistakes we all make

    On the face of it, weight loss sounds like a simple formula – burn more calories than you consume, eat less, move more and workout regularly. But we all know it is a lot harder than it sounds! However, this is because we often make mistakes without even realising it. We share 10 weight loss…

  • ‘After bariatric surgery, Healthifyme helped me continue to lose weight’

    ‘After bariatric surgery, Healthifyme helped me continue to lose weight’

    Rashmi Sudarshan Age 40 Weighs 87 kg today Weighed 104 kg earlier Lost 17 kg over 6 months Her challenges: Rashmi wasn’t always overweight. She married early, at age 20, and had a baby soon after. A homemaker living in Dubai, she had few options for an active outdoors life. “Even so, I ensured that…