Tag: health

  • Osteoporosis – A new health threat on the rise

    Osteoporosis – A new health threat on the rise

    This article on Osteoporosis was originally featured in Your Wellness Magazine and is written by Senior Physiotherapist and Fitness Coach, Meenakshi S.  Aches are a normal part of aging, but it’s important to know when pain may be signalling something more. In women, bone mass or density starts to decrease after 35 years of age…

  • 10 Inspiring Health and Fitness TED Talks You Should Not Miss

    10 Inspiring Health and Fitness TED Talks You Should Not Miss

    Inspiration can be found anywhere; especially in abundant amounts over the Internet. TED, a nonprofit organisation devoted to “Ideas Worth Spreading”, is known for its inspirational talks and life lessons from individuals that specialise in various domains, ranging from science to business to global issues. With thousands of TED talks that focus on Fitness, where…

  • Why dark chocolate’s so good for you!

    If there’s one thing that makes billions of people go mmmmm, it’s got to be chocolate! It’s celebration, it’s pleasure and it’s a mood-upper! We tell you why you should eat a bit – just a bit – of dark chocolate every day! [symple_button url=”https://healthifyme.onelink.me/2285251819?pid=Blog_Post&c=Sign_Up&af_dp=hmein%3A%2F%2Factivity%2FPlansv2Activity&af_web_dp=http%3A%2F%2Fhealthifyme.com%2Fhome&af_force_dp=true” color=”red” size=”medium” border_radius=”3px” target=”self” rel=”” icon_left=”” icon_right=””]Get fit with HealthifyMe.…

  • 5 things to put on your fitness bucket list

    You’re active, healthy and fit, and constantly looking for newer challenges. Give your fitness routine an edge by trying physical activities that are sure to thrill and excite you. On International Women’s Day, we suggest you put these five thrilling things on your fitness bucket list. Run the Bandra-Worli Sea Link So what if you…

  • A yoga routine to help women put #HerHealthFirst

    Over the last few years, there has been an increase in lifestyle-related diseases among women. One of the reasons could be that women, juggling work and home, pay little attention to their health on a daily basis. I would know. A software engineer, I had a sedentary job. I never realised how quickly I could…