Tag: gym

  • Joining a Gym vs. Working Out at Home

    Joining a Gym vs. Working Out at Home

    It has been 11 months since COVID-19 was recognized as a global pandemic, putting a full-stop to simple activities such as – going to the gym, office, restaurant, or even grabbing something as boring as the morning newspaper without quivering in fear.  Most of our days consist of us moving from our bedroom to the…

  • 10 Coaches Tell Us About Their Inspiring Journey to Fitness

    10 Coaches Tell Us About Their Inspiring Journey to Fitness

    Looking for a reason to stay motivated and inspired on your fitness journey? Here are 10 HealthifyMe fitness trainers talking about their journey to fitness and what inspired them to make it in the fitness industry and motivate others to adopt the healthy lifestyle. Fitness Coach – Sahil Gupta Growing up, I was a very…

  • 7 Indian Women Instagrammers You Must follow for Daily Fitness Inspiration

    7 Indian Women Instagrammers You Must follow for Daily Fitness Inspiration

    If a picture paints a thousand words, it stands to reason that a visual fitness diary with recipes, exercise demos and inspiring words can punch up your workout routine. So when you find yourself in need of some healthy encouragement, check out these Indian Women Instagrammers. Shweta Rathore @shwetarathore13 The 28-year-old from Jaipur is the…

  • 10 easy ways to boost your fitness levels

    10 easy ways to boost your fitness levels

    Too busy to hit the gym? Don’t fret! Here are some nifty ways to get fit without making drastic changes to your daily routine. Taking your dog for a walk gives you more than eight hours of exercise a week, according to a study by the UK-based pet care company Bob Martin.   Giving up…

  • HM helped him get dyslipidemia under control by losing 10 kg

    HM helped him get dyslipidemia under control by losing 10 kg

    Name: Manoj Kumar Acharya Age: 36 years He was diagnosed with dyslipidemia but averted the need for heart surgery by losing 10.2 kg in 3 months. In February 2015, Bangalore-based software engineer Manoj Kumar Acharya was admitted into a hospital with a cough, swelling in the joints and fever. The doctors found another fatal complication—a…