Tag: food

  • Vitamin D: All you need to know!

    Vitamin D is a pro-hormone that is synthesized in the body when exposed to sunlight, and hence, is called the sunshine vitamin. It is a group of vitamins, including calciferol (Vitamin D2) and cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3), found mainly in liver and fish oils. It plays a vital role in the absorption of calcium, and hence…

  • Food for thought: The greatest food myths finally busted

    Everything your elders have told you about food need not be true. A lot of this information should be taken with a pinch of salt. Like anything else, a lot of myths exist about food too. This World Food Day, we bust a few food myths for you. Is egg yolk really that bad for…

  • 10 foods that are packed with fibre

    You’ve packed in protein, covered your carbs and cooked your meal in good fats. But have you added fiber? Most of us (if not most) tend to ignore this equally important ingredient for good health. Fibre is not just essential for an easy (and satisfactory) trip to the loo, first thing in the morning, studies…

  • A yoga routine to help women put #HerHealthFirst

    Over the last few years, there has been an increase in lifestyle-related diseases among women. One of the reasons could be that women, juggling work and home, pay little attention to their health on a daily basis. I would know. A software engineer, I had a sedentary job. I never realised how quickly I could…

  • Mixed signals to brain cause overeating

    Am I full? Can I eat some more? Could I still be hungry? Many of us experience these mixed signals that drive us to overeat, and now new research has revealed the cause. There isn’t just one, but dozens of hormones involved in sending hunger signals to the brain, from the stomach, intestine, fat tissue,…