Probiotics: The Gut Bacteria with Several Health Benefits

Parul Dube
October 12, 2022
Parul Dube
October 12, 2022
Probiotics are microorganisms that have excellent health benefits when consumed adequately. You can eat them or apply them to the body. Microorganisms are usually considered germs that are harmful to the body. But these bacteria produce specific proteins and by-products which help to improve the digestive and overall health. Fermented foods like yoghurt, curd, tempeh etc., contain probiotics. You can consume them as a supplement through nutrition gummies, drinks, tablets etc. In addition, you can find probiotics in cosmetics as well.
Some bacteria help to digest food, destroy disease-causing cells, or produce vitamins. Many microorganisms in probiotic products are the same as or similar to microorganisms that naturally live in our bodies.
Several microorganisms are beneficial for the body and come under the probiotic category. The most common type of bacteria is Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium.
These bacteria groups are available in most everyday foods like soy products, cheese, yoghurt, and other dairy products. Each group of bacteria has many different varieties, and each array prevents a specific type of disorder or illness.
Probiotics are the bacterial colonies that live inside your gut. They help the digestive system work more effectively. They prevent the growth of harmful bacteria and maintain a healthy balance of microorganisms.
Different types of probiotics work differently with the body’s environment. Probiotics can work by:
All naturally grown foods, fermented foods and drinks are full of probiotics. However, the amount of bacteria present varies for every food. Certain foods are naturally highly rich in probiotics and microorganism levels.
Yoghurt is one of the most popular foods for receiving natural probiotics. It is rich in Lactobacillus bacteria, which helps maintain a healthy balance in your gut. In addition, it is a fermented product that makes it a good source of microorganisms. It is also rich in protein, calcium, vitamin B12 and potassium.
Lactobacillus plays an essential role in digesting various dairy products and produces Vitamin K. vitamin K helps in blood clotting.
For 100g of yoghurt:
Tempeh is a fermented form of soybean, similar to tofu. It is packed with probiotic goodness. It has a cake-like texture, and you can eat it raw or by boiling it and can be substituted for meat.
Tempeh is rich in vitamin B12 and protein. It is one food product with nine essential amino acids and a complete protein source. Also, the fermentation process of tempeh improves its nutrition value by adding nutrients. It is easier to digest, and has zero cholesterol.
A study shows that consuming tempeh can help you improve your cholesterol levels. It reduces Low-Density Lipoproteins (LDL), which is often responsible for increased cholesterol. Increased cholesterol levels can increase the chances of developing coronary diseases and heart attacks.
Cheese made out of goat’s milk, sheep’s milk and cow’s milk are exceptionally high in probiotics. Some good bacteria found in raw cheese are L. Bulgaricus, Thermophilus and Acidophilus. While buying cheese for the probiotic benefits, always ensure that the cheese is unpasteurised and not heavily processed. It can kill many of those probiotic benefits.
L. Bulgaricus is very beneficial for the gut. It is found in the digestive tract and can help fight many gut-related diseases. For example, one of the studies showed that probiotics containing this particular bacterium could help manage the symptoms of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD).
For 100g of raw cheese:
Traditional buttermilk is also a fermented drink made from the liquid content of churned butter or from diluting and churning curd. It is trendy in Asian countries and a good source of probiotics. It is also easier to digest than some other dairy products.
The lactic acid content and the probiotics present in buttermilk makes it a fantastic food for the digestive tract. It is also a rich source of protein which acts as the building block for your muscles, skin and bones.
Buttermilk is full of sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium. These are essential nutrients for the body, required for its healthy functioning.
For 1 glass or 250 ml of buttermilk:
Kefir is a dairy product made after fermentation by adding bacteria and yeast cultures to milk. This bacterium feeds on the natural milk sugars and creates the fermented drink. It has a similar flavour to drinkable yoghurt.
This drink is also gluten-free, making it a healthy choice for people who cannot handle gluten. It also has lower amounts of lactose due to fermentation. Therefore, people who have mild lactose intolerance can also consume this drink.
Kefir contains healthy gut bacteria, which help to improve digestive health by enhancing the number of good bacteria. Research also found that it can be particularly helpful in killing harmful pathogens that can cause infections. Thus, preventing gastroenteritis or vaginal infections.
Sauerkraut is finely cut cabbage fermented by using various lactic acid bacteria. It contains high amounts of vitamin C, Vitamin K1, and sodium, which are essential nutrients. Vitamin C helps to boost the immune system and increase resilience against the common cold. At the same time, vitamin K1 plays a vital role in blood clotting.
Due to the fermentation process, it is rich in probiotics which help to make the food more digestible and increase the gut’s ability to absorb various minerals and vitamins.
For 100g of Sauerkraut:
Probiotics help to add good bacteria to your digestive tract. These gut bacteria have many health benefits. They create a balance between pathogens and good bacteria, which helps to fight many illnesses and prevent infections, inflammations and disorders related to the gut.
According to research, probiotics extracted from dairy-based fermentation are considered medical nutrition therapy.
These good bacteria can reduce the severity of diarrhoea and even prevent it. Unfortunately, diarrhoea is a common side effect of taking solid antibiotics as it can affect the balance of the good and bad bacteria in the intestine.
According to a study, probiotics have shown promising results in preventing pediatric antibiotic-associated diarrhoea. In addition, strains such as L. Rhamnosus, L. cases, found in dairy products like yoghurt and milk, are highly beneficial in reducing the risk of diarrhoea.
Various studies have linked good mental health to the abundance of good bacteria in the system. Therefore, taking probiotic supplements can help to improve mental health conditions. Certain probiotic Bifidobacterium bacteria affect the central nervous system, which positively affects mood and mental health.
Some strains of these good bacteria can help manage your cholesterol and lower your Low-Density Lipoproteins (LDL). Having high LDLs increases the risk of clogged arteries and heart attacks.
According to a study, certain lactic acid-producing bacteria help break down bile in the gut, which helps indigestion. But these effects are only seen when you take sufficient amounts of probiotics for a prolonged period.
Probiotics can help to reduce some allergy symptoms and eczema in children. For example, a study suggests that children who consumed probiotic supplemented milk had an improvement in their eczema condition compared to those who didn’t.
Some probiotics can also help to reduce inflammatory symptoms in certain allergy conditions.
According to a study, probiotics can help boost your immune system by decreasing the number of harmful bacteria and pathogens in your system. In addition, some probiotics also produce natural antibodies. These bacteria also help to increase the functioning of the white blood cells, which are responsible for the immune response.
Some probiotic strains lower the severity of respiratory infections and help to calm down the symptoms.
According to research, probiotics work in several ways to help you lose weight. For example, they restrict the absorption of excess dietary fat in the intestine. As a result, they reduce the unnecessary accumulation of fat in the body.
Probiotics help improve the digestion of foods and thus aid in better absorption of nutrients. This helps improve metabolism and aids in better fat loss.
Probiotics also regulate certain hormones in the body, which can help you burn calories and not store fat.
The food you eat gets mixed with all the digestive juices, enzymes, acids in your stomach. That helps to break it down into smaller molecules. These smaller molecules are easy to digest. Probiotics work on these small molecules, and further break them down into nutrients you need for healthy body functioning. These nutrients are readily absorbable by the body to get all the benefits.
Probiotics are safe to consume. They are essential for a healthy digestive system and prevent many other illnesses. However, they can cause harmful effects in people who have severely compromised immune systems.
Some possible side effects of probiotics are:
Therefore, it is also essential to consult a professional before adding probiotics to your diet if you suffer from severe health issues related to the immune system.
Probiotics are a good source of good bacteria that live in your gut and provide a healthy environment for other microorganisms, enzymes, hormones and acids to work. They create a healthy balance between good and bad bacteria in the body, promoting a healthy body.
Probiotics help reduce gastric disorders and other stomach related issues. They even help to reduce many allergy symptoms and help in better nutrient absorption. However, you should consume them in moderation to reap maximum benefits.
A. Yes, raw organic honey is probiotic and a prebiotic. Honey is a stable natural food having many beneficial effects on health and has prebiotic oligosaccharides that enhance the viability of probiotic lactic acid bacteria. Hence, it could be used as an exceptional food matrix for making honey-based synbiotic formulations. In addition, it has many other minerals, nutrients, and anti-inflammatory properties, making it an all-rounder.
A. Your body shows several signs when you need probiotics. For example, you may have allergies or suffer from one or more disorders. Furthermore, you may require probiotics if you have food poisoning or taking antibiotics.
A. No, there is very little research on the probiotic effects of green tea. Although it is a fantastic diet supplement, it has more prebiotic benefits than probiotics.
A. You can incorporate foods like acidophilus milk, pickled vegetables, Kefir and yoghurt into your diet. These foods are naturally very high in probiotic content. In addition, many other fermented dairy products can help you cover your probiotic needs.
A. There are several herbs with probiotics. These include cinnamon, ginseng, and liquorice. They contain good bacteria which support your immune system.
A. Avocado is prebiotic. It is a superfood as it has 20 vitamins, minerals, and 30-40% of prebiotic fibre, which is very healthy for the body.
A. Apple cider vinegar is a fermented product containing some microorganisms and bacteria. However, they may not survive inside the gut. Therefore, there are conflicting views on its probiotic properties.
A. Raw potatoes are rich in prebiotic fibres, suitable for a healthy gut.
A. No, oatmeal is not a probiotic. However, many experts consider it a probiotic because it has prebiotic fibre, which helps increase the number of good gut bacteria and increases certain enzymes, decreasing the chances of contracting UTIs.
A. No, onions are a good nutrient source as they contain prebiotic fibre, antioxidants and flavonoids. These compounds may decrease cancer risk and improve the bacterial colonies’ environment.
A. Wild blueberries have some prebiotic properties. They have natural plant fibres that promote the growth of good bacteria for a healthy gut.
A. No, lemon is not a probiotic. However, it contains many natural vitamins and minerals that help boost the immune system.
A. Raw sweet potatoes contain some amounts of prebiotic fibres. They can have up to 10-12g of prebiotic fibre per serving of a large-sized sweet potato. However, when cooked, these values may be decreased.
A. Probiotics can help you maintain a healthy gut, keeping gestational issues at bay. They can also help boost your immune system. In addition, they help keep your LDL levels in check, thus, keeping your heart healthy.
A. Yes, yoghurt is a natural probiotic. The process of yoghurt preparation includes fermentation, which adds these good bacteria to the food. These bacteria are very beneficial for a healthy gut.
A. No, garlic is not a probiotic. But it can help facilitate the functioning of the good bacteria and other probiotics in the system. You can pair it with other probiotics to improve their efficiency.
A. Drinking milk that has been fermented is a great way to get more probiotics in your diet and helps to maintain a healthy balance between harmful bacteria and good bacteria.
A. L. acidophilus is a strain of bacteria that helps lose weight. You can get it from fermented milk and other dairy products with added supplements. Therefore, it can have some weight management effects. However, moderate consumption will benefit your health.
A. Some probiotic bacteria strains can help better break down food. Further, they prevent the absorption of dietary fats, which can show a slimming effect.
A. Probiotics work better on an empty stomach. Therefore, it is recommended that you take probiotics before a meal to help better digestion and absorption.
A. The administration of Lactobacillus acidophilus causes weight gain. Other probiotics responsible for weight gain are Lactobacillus fermentum and Lactobacillus Ingluviei.