Mung Beans – The Nutritional Benefits of Everyday Pulse

Gunjan Sooden
July 18, 2022
Gunjan Sooden
July 18, 2022
Mung beans are a pulse, an edible bean from the legume plant family. These Mung beans are also known as green gram, maash, moong, monggo, or munggo. Mung beans are primarily grown in Asia, Africa, and South America. However, people worldwide eat them as a part of their regular diet.
People frequently confuse mung beans with lentils. However, they are not the same. Lentils are legumes with a lens shape, which is broader in the centre and narrower at each end. Beans are often bigger than lentils. Since mung beans are bigger, they do not come under the lentil group. Earlier, they used to fall under the bean species. However, due to their size, they were later reclassified and are no longer recognised as beans, despite having the word “bean” in their name! Mung beans are pulses, or dry legumes that grow in pods containing up to 12 seeds.
You can buy them fresh on many street corners in the East, but you’ll primarily find them dried at health food stores in the West. Mung beans have a sweet flavour and can be purchased fresh, dried, or sprouted.
Like other legumes, mung beans are high in plant-based protein, complex carbs, fibre, and other minerals. Mung beans, like all pulses, are nutritionally balanced. They are high in vitamins, minerals, and helpful enzymes, making them a perfect addition to a healthy diet. Despite their mild flavour, mung beans provide a good canvas for a wide range of savoury meals, including soups, stews, salads, and curries.
The USDA provides the following nutritional information for 100g of cooked and drained mung beans:
Diabetes, a condition with significantly high blood sugar levels, leads to several chronic diseases. Bean soup is a famous summer food in Asian countries. Since mung beans contain anti-inflammatory properties, they help guard against heat strokes, thirst, and other associated conditions.
Mung beans are also rich in antioxidants called vitexin and isovitexin. Animal studies indicate that the antioxidants in mung bean soup can help protect cells from the free radicals that develop during heatstroke.
High blood pressure is a significant problem since it raises the chance of developing heart disease. However, some lifestyle modifications, such as eating a well-balanced diet, can help reduce blood pressure.
As per a study, mung bean nutrients, such as potassium, magnesium, and fibre, can effectively reduce the risk of high blood pressure.
Researchers investigated the in vitro selective cytotoxic and immunomodulatory effects of mung bean extracts on human cancer cells. The study found that mung bean extract can be a potent anti-cancer agent.
A 2012 study by BMC researchers discovered that mung bean sprout extract behaved as an anticancer agent in human cells in the lab. The antioxidants in mung beans prevent radical damage caused by oxidative stress. Oxidative stress can lead to cancer cell formation. However, the antioxidants in mung beans can prevent it, ultimately lowering cancer risk.
Mung beans are high in fibre, including insoluble fibre, as they include pectin, a soluble fibre. As per research, pectin can help keep your intestines healthy and speed up the pace at which food is processed and moved through your stomach. In addition, it improves the overall digestive function.
Mung beans also include resistant starch, comparable to soluble fibre in that it helps sustain your good gut bacteria. The bacteria digest the starch and convert it into short-chain fatty acids. particularly butyrate. Butyrate improves gut health in many ways. For example, it can nourish colon cells and improve immunological responses in the stomach.
As per research, mung beans keep the arteries clean and promote blood circulation by avoiding LDL oxidation. As a result, it reduces inflammation and repairs blood vessel abnormalities, including plaque formation. A reduction in plaque formation leads to a reduced risk of heart disease like stroke.
Mung beans are high in fibre and protein, which are essential for healthy weight loss.
According to studies, consuming adequate fibre and protein reduces hunger hormones such as ghrelin. As a result, it prevents excess calorie intake. In addition, fibre helps regulate bowel movement and improves overall digestion, thus aiding weight loss. Additional research has discovered that these nutrients might stimulate the production of hormones that make you feel full. So, they help you lose weight by suppressing your appetite and lowering your calorie intake.
An analysis of nine studies indicates that eating legumes like beans made participants feel 31% fuller than eating other meals like pasta and bread.
Green gram, often known as mung bean, improves the gloss and brightness of human skin. Copper’s presence improves its use in different face packs and face creams. Scrubbing with mung beans is another alternative. It is undoubtedly one of the most fantastic natural cleansers for making your skin glow.
Zinc is an essential mineral for the treatment of night blindness. A study shows that zinc promotes the functioning of an enzyme in our bodies that aids in the production of vitamin A. Vitamin A deficiency is one of the most significant causes of night blindness and other vision-related issues. Hence, consuming mung beans can be an excellent addition to your diet to improve your vision.
During pregnancy, women should consume enough folate-rich foods. Folate is essential for a child’s proper growth and development. However, data suggests that most women do not get enough folate, which leads to an increased risk of birth abnormalities.
One cup of cooked mung beans contains 80% of the RDI for folate (202 grams). It is also rich in iron, protein, and fiber, all of which are healthy for pregnant women. On the other hand, pregnant women should avoid eating raw mung bean sprouts because they may contain illness-causing germs. Hence, consuming only cooked beans and sprouts during pregnancy is best.
Beans improve blood sugar levels to aid weight loss. Moreover, the benefits are not limited to oral consumption; you can also use mung beans to make skincare products like face packs, etc., to give your skin a fresh glow.
Despite their high nutritional value, you should avoid mung bean sprouts. Since sprouts do not clean them well and mung beans do not sprout adequately, they are more susceptible to bacterial development. For example, germs such as salmonella and E. coli can grow in them. causing diarrhoea, nausea, stomach cramps and fever. Consult your doctor to see whether mung bean sprouts are okay for you to consume.
Mung bean allergies are uncommon. However, some people sensitive to peanuts or soy may also be allergic to mung beans owing to cross-reactivity. So, if you have a peanut or soy allergy, you should consult your doctor to see if you may consume mung beans.
People suffering from gas and digestive pain should cautiously eat mung beans, especially if they don’t consume a lot of beans, legumes, or pulses. You should gradually incorporate mung brains into your diet and not eat them every morning, noon, and night! Instead, try them first in little amounts to observe how your body reacts.
Mung beans do not have too many potential adverse effects, making them usually safe for consumption. However, it is essential to remember to wash your beans carefully before eating them. Also, sprouting may be healthy, but it does not clean the beans properly. Hence, it is best to eat cooked beans.
Cuisine: Indian Finger Food
Serving: 2-3 servings
Time to prepare: 6 hours and 10 minutes.
Cooking Time: 15 minutes
Cuisine: South Indian Breakfast
Number of servings: 15
Preparation Time: 4 hours 40 minutes
Cooking Time: 30 min.
Cuisine: Filipino Side Dish
Serving: 4 servings
Time to prepare: 3 hours and 10 minutes
Cooking Time: 35 minutes
Cook onion, garlic, and tomato in a skillet. Although this face pack is mild, if you have sensitive skin, you should visit your specialist before applying anything to your face.
All you have to do is soak some little mung beans in some raw milk overnight. Then, the following day, grind the soaked dal to form a paste.
Apply it to your face for 15 minutes. Then, rinse it off and dab your face with a soft towel.
Note: You can also make mung bean face packs for removing acne, suntan, or facial hair.
You can use this pack to restore shine to dull hair.
Combine mung bean powder, rose water, and apple cider vinegar to form a paste.
It also helps to lower blood glucose levels, blood pressure, and maintain digestive health. It can help you onhelp your weight loss journey too.
fiber, vitamins, and minerals. For example, they can help women have a healthy pregnancy and stay fit during the menstrual cycle. It also aids in the reduction of blood glucose levels and blood pressure, as well as the maintenance of digestive health. It can also assist you with your weight loss diet. Mixing mung beans with ginger, cumin, coriander, and turmeric can make them more digestible.
A. Mung beans are generally safe to consume. However, they can have some usage restrictions and precautions. For example, mung beans, if not adequately cleaned and sprouted, have a higher fiber content than lentils. Mung beans have more thiamin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, and folate than other beans. In addition, mung beans are a good source of calcium, whereas lentils have 73% less glucose than mung beans. So they have their own unique properties and benefits. However, mung beans offer more health benefits.
A. Whole-cooked mung beans effectively protect against hepatic lipid accumulation. In addition, germinated mung beans reduce steatosis and inflammatory infiltrates and enhance vascuhigheration in ocontentic tissue. As a result, mung bean germination appeared to improve their liver-protective characteristics.
A. Green bean, mongo, moong, moog dal, mash bean, munggo or monggo, green gram, golden gram, and green soy are all names for the mung bean.
A. You should avoid mung bean sprouts despite their great nutritional content. When sprouts, particularly mung bean sprouts, are not adequately cleaned or sprouted, they are more prone to bacterial growth. Germs like salmonella and E. coli can thrive and cause diarrhoea, nausea, stomach pains, and fever.
A. Green gram, often known as mung bean, increases the lustre and radiance of human skin. In addition, copper increases its usage in various face packs and face creams. Another option is to scrub with mung beans.
A. Mung beans have a lot of protein, roughly 49.4 grammes per cup. However, mung bean only delivers 8 of the 9 necessary amino acids in appropriate amounts. But, it is deficient in methionine.
A. Mung beans are rich in hair-nourishing minerals, including folate, zinc, selenium, silica, iron, and vitamins A, B, C, B-7 (biotin), and K. Mung beans can even be considered a multivitamin for healthy hair.
A. Mung beans are not keto-friendly due to their high carb content. Therefore, even a tiny portion size may cause you to exit ketosis. Mung Bean Sprouts, on the other hand, mung bean sprouts are keto-friendly due to their low net carb count.
A. People constantly mix mung beans with lentils, although they are different. Lentils are lens-shaped legumes that are wider in the centre and thinner at each end. Beans are frequently larger than lentils. Mung beans, for example, do not belong to the lentil family.