Mango – Benefits, Nutrition, Calories and Recipes

Deepika Vasu
July 22, 2022
Deepika Vasu
July 22, 2022
Mango is one of the most popular fruits in India that is available during the summer season. It is a succulent, aromatic fruit of the evergreen Mangifera Indica tree.
The fruit consists of an outer skin and a fleshy edible portion enclosing a single seed. Known as the ‘king of fruits,’ the juicy and delicious mango is a tropical fruit that comes with a range of possible health benefits.
The sweet and creamy mangoes are highly popular across the globe due to their immense health benefits as well as the flavorful taste. Depending upon the nation or region of cultivation, mangoes are also known as mangou, manga, and mangot.
The color of the fruit plays a major role in differentiating between ripe and unripe mangoes. A fully ripe mango feels slightly soft in touch and smells sweet and rich. When choosing mangoes from the grocery store, experts say that always pick mangoes based on touch and aroma.
Going forward, in this post we will be discussing the health benefits of mango, its nutritional value and facts, as well as the best ways to consume the tropical fruit.
Mangoes are rich in enzymes that are believed to benefit us largely. Mango is a rich source of fiber and people have been consuming it over centuries to alleviate piles, constipation, and symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.
According to a research published in the Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety journal, it is stated that antioxidants, minerals, dietary fiber, and vitamins in mango have a positive impact on eliminating degenerative diseases, including heart conditions and certain cancers.
Moreover, those who undergo strenuous activities like bodybuilding, HIIT training or any other physical activity are advised to eat mango as the potassium content in the fruit help replete losses from the body during such activities.
Given below are the nutrients that one can gain with 1 cup sliced mangoes (165 grams) –
Consuming mangoes can help strengthen and protect the body in numerous ways. Here’s an overview of mango and the health benefits it offers.
Mangoes are rich in high amounts of soluble dietary fiber known as pectin that can help lower cholesterol. Pectin is known for its anti-cancer properties that have shown positive results in preventing the development of prostate cancer.
An experiment at The Institute for Food Research found that pectin combines with galectin 3, which is a protein that plays a vital role in all the stages of cancer. One study from The European Prospective Investigation of Cancer has also signified a strong association between the tropical fruit and reducing the risk of prostate cancer.
The dietary fiber in mangoes can help in regulating digestion.
The digestive enzymes in mangoes help the gut bacteria and allows for natural and efficient digestion. Bioactive ingredients like aldehydes, terpenes, and esters, present in mango contribute to boosting the appetite while improving the functioning of the digestive tract.
If weight gain is part of your fitness goal, then consuming mangoes can help you with the process. According to health experts, consuming mango and combining it with other dishes like salads, shakes, etc. is one of the easiest ways to gain healthy weight.
A cup of sliced mango has over 100 calories that can be easily absorbed by the body.
The fruit contains starch in abundance that breaks down into sugar, aiding in weight gain.
One of the biggest health benefits of mango is that it contains iron in abundance, which is necessary for the health of a pregnant woman.
Mango contains all the necessary nutrients and vitamins required for a healthy pregnancy. Mangoes act as healthy yet tasty supplement food for pregnancy.
It not only provides essential nutrients to the mother and the unborn but also ensures that the lackluster appetite of pregnant women is kickstarted.
Those suffering from iron deficiency are prone to suffer from anemia. When the red blood cell count in the body is low, the blood fails to carry an adequate amount of oxygen to the tissues and other organs.
This makes an individual feel tired and exhausted all the time. Consuming mangoes on a regular basis can help increase the healthy red blood cells in your body that ultimately helps in carrying oxygen to the body’s tissues and other parts.
The tropical fruit is a rich source of necessary vitamins like Vitamin A and C that play an essential role in the production of collagen.
Collagen is a protein that is necessary for keeping the skin cells healthy. It helps protect the body’s connective tissues and the blood vessels, thereby enhancing the glow of the skin, triggering elasticity, and slowing down the natural aging process.
Eating mangoes can boost the production of collagen protein in the body that will give you younger-looking skin and clear out any skin blemishes.
Despite its high sugar content, researchers have revealed that mangoes may positively affect people suffering from diabetes.
According to research published in the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, it was stated that mango contains dietary fiber, polyphenols, and carotenoids that can be therapeutic for individuals suffering from diabetes.
Consuming a piece or two of mango a day as a mid morning snack can be a healthier and safer option. However, you should ask your doctor before including mango in your diet if you have diabetes. This is because certain medications can react with the fruit and can cause problems.
Well, most people love eating mango raw. Some even put the fruit in the fridge for a couple of hours before cutting fresh slices of it and mixing it with salad. However, there are certain recipes – easy ones – that will take your mango-eating experience to the next level.
In this section, we will tell you how to make –
This recipe can be easily made at home and enjoyed with friends and family.
There is a reason why mango is called the ‘king’ of fruits. It is packed with nutrients and provides significant health benefits to people. If you are looking to boost your health with healthy eating, you should definitely include mango in your diet. Mango has all the necessary nutrients and minerals required to keep your body active on a daily basis.