Living Alone? Here are 6 Ways to Handle Self-isolation like a Pro

Dr.Poonam Sharma
July 13, 2020
Dr.Poonam Sharma
July 13, 2020
Ever since the Coronavirus pandemic gripped the world, self-isolation has become a norm and people are being asked to remain in the security of their homes to break the chain of transmission. But for social animals, such as us, staying apart from our loved ones for long, can be a traumatic experience.
Feelings of anxiousness, sadness, depression, frustration, and loneliness can seep in and affect your mental health and overall wellbeing. There are many ways how you can move past the loneliness phase, and try to embrace the current changes in your life, without letting any negative emotion get to you. Once you put aside your doubts and indulge in some of the tips mentioned here, you’ll find that coming out of loneliness or even embracing this time is beneficial for you. But, before that let’s get ourselves to understand what negative effects of self-isolation would be like –
To ensure that you go through this pandemic without suffering any kind of mental illness, we are here to tell you what are the negative effects loneliness could bring to your life, and how you can fight the situation and come out victorious in the face of adversity.
We know that self-isolation in the time of COVID 19 is necessary. No matter how much you want to venture outside, if you want to stay healthy and virus-free, you’ll have to put up with isolating yourself and maintaining social distance. But staying away physically need not turn out to be keeping an emotional distance from your friends and family. On the contrary, make use of mobile phones and video calling features to connect with your family and friends. Share your stories and ask them theirs because social distancing does not mean emotional distancing.
Here are all the ways you can handle self-isolation like a pro without beating yourself up:
In this fast-paced world that is constantly moving, stopping to experience your hobby is quite impossible, but self-isolation is a good option to take out those painting brushes or that unfinished book. You must be feeling pressured due to continuously working from home and not knowing when you’re completing your office work, and when you’re transitioning to a homemaker. In such times, indulging in your hobby, be it craft, reading, dancing, or exercising is good for your mental and physical well being.
Living alone can be quite exhausting when you have to manage household and office work. Eventually, the tiredness would get to your mind and body. But one way to tackle such exhaustion is to keep a journal and write about your day. It has always been considered good practice to organize your thoughts and write them down to get it out of your mind.
While many don’t believe that eating influences our mental health, in reality, it does. Eating oily, spicy, or any kind of junk food often leads to drastic changes in hormones thereby affecting our mood. Hence, for a better part of your self-isolation duration, eat fresh fruits and a protein-rich diet to ensure that your body’s hormonal balance is maintained.
We always blame technology for tearing us apart from real life, but when you’re in self-isolation, technology is what will bring you closer to your family and friends. Make a video call and conference with your family members. Show them the new painting you made or the new dish you tried. Make video calls to your friends and siblings, and reminisce your old days together until you meet them again. This way you not only beat the feeling of negativity but also feel connected and in-touch with your loved ones.
The most affected area due to Coronavirus and social distancing is travel. We understand that all the past trips with your friends and family are making you nostalgic. So, we recommend that you try going on a virtual trip with them. Explore the deepest of mountains and the highest of space with your loved ones through the computer screen. Share past stories and drink your favorite beverage while you virtually travel the world with your family and friends.
One of the worst scenarios of self-isolating is staying away from the sunlight for a number of days. As the primary source of Vitamin D, sunlight keeps our skin, hair, and other internal organs nourished with Vitamin D. We recommend you enjoy your morning tea/coffee in your balcony to soak in the sunlight of the new day. You can also go for a short walk on the terrace of your home to avoid crowded places or outside environments.
Self-isolation can be quite a daunting and exhausting experience when you’re not staying with your family or friends. Not only would loneliness take shape in such situations, but negative thoughts, anxiety, and depression could also come to light. However, there is no reason to give in to such thoughts. You can always turn to your trusted people, loved ones, and family members to take the load off your mind and talk to them whenever you feel down.
Besides, you can always turn to other factors, such as healthy foods, video calls, journal keeping, and many more, to keep your spirits up while you self-isolate yourself to others. With time, you can go back to your normal life, and enjoy being around people, provided you follow the rules to stay healthy and away from this deadly virus.