In season: fresh ginger can help you lose weight

Alpa Momaya
January 28, 2021
Alpa Momaya
January 28, 2021
Through the year, you find yourself sifting through mounds of dry, shriveled pieces of ginger. But during the monsoons, the roots are moist and full of flavor. Which is why now is the time to get inspired by ginger and its weight-loss properties, and incorporate it in your daily diet.
Fresh ginger has several health benefits, many linked to weight loss. It has been effective in lowering blood sugar levels, improving digestion and fat absorption and decreasing fat storage. Researchers at the Institute for Human Nutrition at Columbia University found that adding a hot ginger beverage can leave you feeling fuller after a meal and less likely to eat more later. Ginger also has anti-inflammatory properties, which is important for weight loss. Inflammation is a sign of toxins and if the liver is spending all of its time trying to detox the body, it doesn’t have time to help you lose weight.
While you can incorporate ginger in your daily meals, drinking hot or cold ginger tea is also a good way to get your daily fill. Combining a handful of peeled and diced ginger with the juice from one lemon can also serve as a salad dressing base.
For hot tea, use green tea as a base as it also accelerates weight-loss. Add about a teaspoon of freshly crushed ginger to the tea and about two teaspoons of lemon juice. While you can sweeten it with honey, the best way to drink it is without.
During the summer, you can have iced ginger tea. Add three tablespoons of ginger and whole sliced lemon to a jar containing about two liters of water. Keep it overnight for the flavors to seep in.
Ginger can enable weight loss, and this is the best time of year to enjoy it. But it’s not a root that can help you magically drop weight. A healthy diet, exercise, and plenty of water are all crucial if you want to see results.
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thank you for this great topic .. iam already suffer from fatting .. and searching for method to lose fat . and this is my best weight loss program
Informative blog.Ginger has so many health benefits.Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for sharing wonderful information
Ginger is good for weight loss.
Yes, green tea can help people to lose weight. Don’t forget drink a lot of water – at least 8 glasses daily for boosting metabolism.
thank you for this great topic .. iam already suffer from fatting .. and searching for method to lose fat . and this is my best weight loss program