How to Reduce LDL Cholesterol Levels?

Mehak Shah
December 6, 2022
Mehak Shah
December 6, 2022
Millions worldwide suffer from cholesterol-related health issues, making it necessary to lower cholesterol levels. Cholesterol, a waxy lipid, is vital for maintaining the health of your cells and organs, in addition to other essential tasks such as bile production, vitamin D creation, hormone production, and cell membrane formation.
Lipoproteins, a kind of protein found in the blood, help transport cholesterol throughout the body. LDL, or the “bad” cholesterol, is one of these types, and high levels cause cholesterol to accumulate in your arteries. HDL, the “good” cholesterol, transports cholesterol from other parts of your body to your liver, eliminating cholesterol from your system.
This article will explain what LDL cholesterol is and how to reduce it. It is crucial to remember that, as with most things in the body, too much LDL cholesterol (or cholesterol in the wrong places) can lead to problems and should be kept in the normal range.
Making just a few small changes to your daily routine and habits, such as your diet and level of physical activity, can positively affect your cholesterol level and overall health.
LDL cholesterol, also known as low-density lipoprotein, is often referred to as “bad” cholesterol as having high levels of it can increase the risk of developing certain heart illnesses.
Plaque can form on the walls of blood vessels due to high LDL cholesterol levels, and this can cause the blood vessels to widen. It, in turn, can obstruct the heart’s ability to pump blood to the other organs in the body, which can lead to heart attacks and chest pain. Therefore, keeping a healthy cholesterol level is vital, as HDL or good cholesterol helps reduce LDL cholesterol levels by absorbing it and returning it to the liver, which will then remove it from the body.
If your LDL cholesterol level is 130 mg/dl or above, it is considered borderline high and requires monitoring and treatment. To address this problem, one must first know their cholesterol level. Luckily, modern technologies make this easy. HealthifyMe Pro’s five-step approach to a healthy metabolism is one example, offering features like Continuous Glucose Monitoring and real-time guidance from pro coaches and expert nutritionists.
A lipid profile test can help determine your blood lipid levels and heart disease risk. Triglycerides and cholesterol are two lipids essential for maintaining healthy metabolic health and cholesterol levels. Once you have the results of your lipid profile, you can create an optimal health plan tailored to your specific needs. Several options are available to you, so it is crucial to choose the best option.
HealthifyMe is your ideal partner for managing your health and fitness. It is the biggest health and fitness platform in Asia, providing services that can help you gain insight into your dietary choices. These services include personal trainers, tailored diet plans, and convenient food and activity trackers that sync with your phone and other fitness devices.
This comprehensive health and fitness management app offer a wealth of features for monitoring weight loss, water intake, exercise and food intake. It provides equipment-free at-home training videos for both men and women, making it easier to stay in shape and shed unwanted pounds.
Additionally, users can access personalised diet programmes from top nutritionists and trainers that consider cholesterol levels, target weight, BMI, calorie limits and dietary preferences. The app also tracks the calories in over 100,000 Indian dishes.
Your risk of having high cholesterol is influenced by a few variables you cannot control, such as family background, age, and sex. If you have a family history of high cholesterol, you may need to check your cholesterol levels more often than those without a family history. Furthermore, your body’s ability to remove cholesterol from the blood decreases as you age, increasing your risk of heart disease and stroke.
Additionally, research shows men typically have lower levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL, or “bad”) than women do until about age 55 (or until menopause). In contrast, men typically have lower HDL (or “good”) cholesterol levels than women do at any age.
You might get xanthomas, microscopic skin bumps, or corneal arcus, white, grey, or green rings that encircle the corneas of your eyes if your LDL levels are incredibly high.
High LDL cholesterol levels can raise your risk of the following issues.
High LDL (bad) cholesterol levels can be damaging, even though some cholesterol is needed for good health. Most of the cholesterol found in your body is produced internally, so it is essential to maintain healthy cholesterol levels. While one cannot change some risk factors of heart disease and stroke, high cholesterol levels are not among them and can be managed.
Although no quick fix exists to lower your cholesterol, sustained efforts can have major long-term benefits.
The most significant change to your lifestyle should be to adjust your diet. What you eat greatly influences your ability to manage your cholesterol. Moreover, staying active will help keep your cholesterol levels in check.
You can reduce your risk of heart disease by keeping your cholesterol levels normal. The aim should be to raise HDL levels and decrease LDL levels.
So let’s explore several methods for reducing cholesterol levels.
“Good fats” relate to monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. These fats are suitable for your cholesterol, heart, and overall wellness.
According to a study, monounsaturated fat maintains blood cholesterol by reducing LDL cholesterol. In addition, they lower triglycerides and assist in preventing irregular heartbeats. They thus guard against cardiac conditions and combat inflammation.
According to a study, a low-fat diet lowers the body’s cholesterol levels. High cholesterol may harm the body since it raises triglycerides while decreasing HDL cholesterol.
One can get these fats from dairy items like cheese and nuts like cashews and almonds. Additionally, you can acquire these fats through foods like avocado, nut butter, olive oil, canola oil, etc.
Trans fats are unsaturated fats that have undergone hydrogenation modification. That is so that these fats do not entirely saturate after hydrogenation.
Vegetable oils have a longer shelf life and a better texture, but our bodies handle these fats differently and are unhealthy. According to a study, trans fats lower good cholesterol of HDL but raise total and LDL cholesterol.
Margarine and shortening, pastries and other baked products, some microwaveable popcorn, fried fast food, some pizzas, and non-dairy coffee creamer are foods that frequently include trans fats.
An omega-3-rich diet has a favourable effect on the body’s cholesterol levels. It is so because omega-3 promotes cell growth and cell health.
Additionally, it reduces triglycerides and LDL cholesterol in the body. It thus lowers the risk of heart attacks and coronary artery disease. According to a study, switching to polyunsaturated fats from saturated fat decreased total and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels by roughly 10%.
A particularly heart-healthy variety of polyunsaturated fat is omega-3 fatty acids. One can get them from fish oil and seafood supplements.
Salmon, mackerel, herring, deep sea tuna like the bluefin or albacore, shellfish (to a lesser extent), shrimp, and fatty fish, generally contain exceptionally high levels. Tree nuts and seeds are additional sources.
The advantages of including fibre in your diet are well known. Fibres not only help with digestion but also have several other benefits. A collection of diverse plant components known as soluble fibre is indigestible to humans.
Read more: High-Fibre Diet: Here’s What You Must Know
But the helpful bacteria in your intestines can break down soluble fibre. They need it for their nutrition. These beneficial bacteria, commonly known as probiotics, can lower LDL cholesterol levels.
Oat cereals, beans and lentils, brussels sprouts, peas, flaxseeds, and fruits like blueberries, avocados, and raspberries are some of the richest sources of soluble fibre.
One’s metabolism and cholesterol levels can be significantly impacted by adding a few minutes of exercise to their daily schedule. Unfortunately, people over 40 tend to lead lives that include a lot of sitting in today’s society.
For several reasons, it is unhealthy and causes many health problems, including excessive cholesterol levels. You should begin each day with a few minutes of mild stretchings, such as the cobra stretch, knee to chest, child’s pose, side stretch, etc.
A study shows the positive effects of mixed exercise modalities, resistance training, and aerobic exercise on lipid profiles and cholesterol.
Although our bodies naturally manufacture cholesterol, diets have a significant impact on increasing it and keeping healthy cholesterol levels. No single food can, however, help you lower your cholesterol levels. Therefore, it’s crucial to concentrate on the quality of your entire meal and consistently consume a balanced diet.
The list of foods you can include to lower your cholesterol is below.
Whole-grain foods lower LDL cholesterol since they are a complete mix of nutrients. Several choices include:- rye, finger millet, quinoa, brown rice, etc.
All types of legumes are high in soluble fibre and plant-based proteins. Try including chickpeas, baked beans, kidney beans, lentils, and split peas to lower cholesterol levels.
Fruits are an excellent option for people with high cholesterol because they lower both total and LDL cholesterol levels. In addition, some fruits contain cholesterol-lowering qualities.
Fruits high in soluble fibre and low in sugar include strawberries, apples, blueberries, and pomegranates. Dietary fibre may help decrease LDL cholesterol, according to studies.
Read more: 17 High Fiber Fruits to Up Your Daily Fiber Intake
You can add fruits to oatmeal, a salad, or snacks for health and flavour. Apples, grapes, pears, and other fruits are among those that are particularly helpful in decreasing and maintaining healthy cholesterol levels.
It is an essential nutrient-dense component of a healthy diet because it provides vital vitamins, minerals, macronutrients, and micronutrients necessary for growth, development, and tissue maintenance.
In addition, fermented dairy products diminish LDL cholesterol and the risk of hypertension, while milk raises HDL cholesterol. Therefore, low-fat milk and fermented dairy products, such as buttermilk and sour cream, are healthy.
However, because dairy naturally includes cholesterol and too much might raise total cholesterol levels in the body, it is vital to take them in moderation. Therefore, it is better to choose low-fat or nonfat options only when you have cholesterol.
Non-starchy vegetables with a high fibre content include cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, and Brussels sprouts. The same nutrients are also present in other vegetables like tomatoes, peppers, celery, carrots, leafy greens, and onions.
Dietary fibre has a well-known effect on lowering cholesterol. Additionally, by binding cholesterol during digestion, okra or lady’s fingers aids in lowering cholesterol. This aids in the body’s elimination of cholesterol through the stools.
One can reduce triglycerides and cholesterol by eating fewer starchy foods like rice, potatoes, pasta, and bread while consuming more non-starchy veggies. As a result, you must ensure that your diet includes the vegetables mentioned above.
Salmon, anchovies, black cod, mackerel, or other fatty fish can reduce your cholesterol in several ways. First, one can utilise fatty fish instead of other protein sources that include a lot of saturated fats.
Second, fatty fish have a variety of unsaturated fats, including omega-3 fatty acids, which can lower the risk of heart attack and stroke, as per studies.
Green tea drinking decreases LDL and total cholesterol levels, according to research. It has an active component called, catechin extract, which helps the liver’s LDL receptors work more effectively and reduces cholesterol absorption in the intestines.
Green tea also contains no calories. Moreover, its abundant antioxidants confer additional advantages, including improved immunological function, blood sugar regulation, and weight management.
According to a study, nuts include dietary fibre, antioxidants, and heart-healthy unsaturated fatty acids. As a result, eating nuts can reduce your risk of developing coronary heart disease and other heart diseases related to cholesterol.
Nuts’ nutritional profile can lower the risk of diabetes, encouraging weight loss, and combating inflammation. Walnuts, pistachios, peanuts, and almonds are nutritious nuts you can eat as part of a low-cholesterol diet.
The additional saturated fat and cholesterol in deep-fried items like French fries and fried chicken with skin come from the oil used to cook them.
Deep-fried foods may also lose water and absorb fat, becoming calorie-dense and high in trans fats. You can select baked sweet potato fries or grilled or baked chicken without the skin as a healthier alternative.
High consumption of red meat leads to health concerns such as type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke, and several malignancies, according to a study.
Red meat like beef, hog, veal and lamb has a high concentration of saturated fat and cholesterol. The elevated levels of saturated fatty acids may raise LDL cholesterol.
Natural saturated fats can be found in fatty meats like beef and skin-on chicken. Additionally, red meat increases your risk of developing cardiovascular disease and bowel cancer. Because they contain less saturated fat, lean meat, and skinless poultry are healthier options.
Butter, cheese, heavy cream, and dairy desserts are examples of dairy products high in saturated fatty acids that cause coronary heart disease. Conversely, fermented dairy products have a greater positive impact on cardiovascular health than non-fermented and full-fat dairy products.
Butter is a common ingredient in baked goods like cookies, cakes, and doughnuts, which are also heavy in saturated fat and cholesterol. They also include a lot of sugar, which raises triglycerides in the blood. As a result, it may increase your risk of coronary heart disease.
According to a study, insulin resistance in diabetes patients increases cholesterol production. It causes high blood glucose levels, which in turn causes the liver’s LDL cholesterol to rise.
Your blood pressure, blood sugar, and blood cholesterol can all be controlled by managing your diabetes.
Alcohol abuse leads to weight gain and excessive levels of lipids like triglycerides. Additionally, being overweight might increase LDL and decrease HDL levels. So, drink in moderation to keep your cholesterol levels in check.
Losing weight can help lower your LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels while raising your HDL cholesterol levels if you are obese or overweight.
Smoking lowers HDL cholesterol levels and raises the risk of coronary heart disease. Smokers can, however, reduce their LDL cholesterol and increase their HDL cholesterol by giving up smoking.
Additionally, it can protect their arteries and lessen their risk of developing lung and cardiovascular diseases.
Heart disease risk can increase due to high levels of “bad” LDL cholesterol, minimal, dense oxidised LDL. Changing your diet to include more fruits and vegetables, cooking with herbs and spices, drinking soluble fibre, and consuming plenty of unsaturated fats will help lower your cholesterol levels and minimise your risk of developing these conditions.
Furthermore, to keep cholesterol within healthy values, avoid substances like trans fats and added sweets that raise LDL cholesterol.
You must also adopt a healthy lifestyle that includes a wholesome diet and moderate physical activity to prevent cholesterol and other issues. It is vital to change from a lax, comfort-driven lifestyle to avoid future cholesterol-related problems and live a healthy, hearty life.
A- It is possible to lower LDL cholesterol quickly by adjusting to certain lifestyle modifications, such as eating more monounsaturated fats and omega-3-rich foods, decreasing excess weight, and exercising frequently. If you smoke and have high cholesterol, you should give up to observe decreases in your cholesterol more quickly. Additionally, decreasing alcohol consumption can assist lower the body’s cholesterol levels.
A- Animal fats like butter, ghee, and margarine, red meat, fried foods, baked goods, full-fat dairy products like milk, cheese, yoghurt, and cream, fatty meat, and processed meat products like sausage are all well known for raising levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.
A- Your cholesterol treatment plan is created based on your blood cholesterol test outcomes, age, heart issues, or a family history of high cholesterol. However, you can cure your cholesterol by making healthy lifestyle changes like diet, exercise, weight loss, and, occasionally, using drugs.
A- A healthy lifestyle and regular exercise are essential for lowering your body’s cholesterol levels. High-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, also known as “good” cholesterol, might rise when you exercise moderately. Therefore, exercise should be something you should do. Walking for even 10 minutes can make an impact.
A- Changes in diet and lifestyle are crucial for lowering cholesterol. They do not, however, provide results right away. You should begin by eating well to lower your cholesterol levels quickly. For instance, you should reduce saturated fat, eliminate trans-fat, and increase your intake of omega-3 fatty acids, fruits, whole grains, and green leafy vegetables. Your cholesterol levels will significantly decrease as a result of these dietary adjustments.
A- Although cholesterol is naturally present in egg yolks, having only one egg per day has a minimal impact on blood cholesterol. Therefore, eating eggs is not particularly harmful compared to foods high in saturated and trans fats because they do not elevate your cholesterol. However, moderate consumption of eggs seems like a better option. If cholesterol levels are already high, taking only egg white to increase protein in your diet is a better option.
A- High cholesterol may be caused by your general dietary habits.
Unhealthy cholesterol levels can be caused by consuming excessive trans or saturated fat. For example, fatty beef cuts and full-fat dairy items contain saturated fats. Trans fats contribute to high cholesterol levels, which can be found in packaged snacks and desserts.
A- Despite rice not containing cholesterol, it can impact the body and cause a rise in triglycerides or cholesterol. It is advised to consume brown rice in moderation because of this.
A- No specific time frame exists where a reduction in cholesterol is assured. LDL often changes within 6 to 8 weeks due to cholesterol-lowering medication. In addition, lifestyle changes may lower cholesterol levels within a few weeks. However, it could take longer, typically three months, occasionally much more.
A- Even though coffee does not contain cholesterol, excessive consumption may raise blood cholesterol levels. Diterpenes, a type of chemical molecule found in coffee, inhibit the breakdown of cholesterol, which explains why. It consequently raises levels of LDL (bad cholesterol) and total cholesterol. Furthermore, consuming coffee in moderation has no detrimental effects on cholesterol levels.