Gastritis Diet: Here’s What You Should Know

Parul Dube
October 27, 2022
Parul Dube
October 27, 2022
Gastritis, an inflammation of the stomach lining, can appear in many different ways. Usually, your stomach is strong enough to deal with its highly acidic environment. But a disruption in the normal protections, caused by specific bacteria like Helicobacter pylori, alcohol, or certain medications, leads to gastritis.
When treating gastritis, the food you eat can have a seriously positive or sometimes negative impact on your condition. Following a gastritis diet helps in uplifting digestive health, easing the symptoms and making you feel better. Eating wholesome foods can go a long way towards better health. Gastritis is one such condition you can handle if you start taking the proper diet in the right amount.
Dietary factors vary from person to person. Therefore, before talking about what you can eat on the gastritis diet, remember that people with this condition are affected by different foods.
If you have gastritis or a stomach ulcer, a more natural diet with fruits, vegetables, and whole grain foods tops the priority list. The prime food groups of the gastritis diet include:
Sugar and fat content are minimal in vegetables. Additionally, they are a good source of fibre, a healthy plant nutrient. Suitable options include asparagus, broccoli, sprouts, cauliflower, cucumbers, green beans, kale, potatoes, and spinach.
Fruits other than citrus have a lower likelihood of causing gastritis symptoms. Fruit is a good source of fibre, magnesium, potassium, and vitamin C. A few fruits that you can eat are apples, avocados, bananas, berries, melons, peaches, and pears.
The undigested dietary fibre from fruits and vegetables makes short-chain fatty acids butyrate. Butyrate has a positive impact since it makes prebiotics to nourish your gut microbiome. As a result, it lessens your gastrointestinal woes, including gastritis.
Several studies show that you can treat gastritis, an inflammatory disorder, with an anti-inflammatory diet. Anti-inflammatory foods help reduce the amount of acid in the stomach, allowing the stomach lining to heal.
Foods that contain natural anti-inflammatory properties are:
Consuming foods and drinks rich in probiotics help combat H.pylori and relieve gastritis symptoms. So next time you go shopping, don’t forget to get a hold of yoghurt, sourdough bread, and a little bit of kimchi.
One standard method of consuming probiotics is as a supplement, although fermented foods can also be a source. Familiar food sources include natural yoghurt, soft cheese, sourdough bread, sauerkraut, tempeh, and miso.
People with gastritis need to prioritise lower acid fruits, fibre-rich veggies, lean protein, and probiotics not to aggravate things further. But remember that a gastritis diet differs from person to person. Patients with a healthy weight do not need to adhere to a restrictive diet. However, we cannot make the same statement for a person who is obese and has gastritis.
Understanding which food products you should entirely avoid is critical. We will discuss all the dietary irritants you should avoid while dealing with or recovering from gastritis.
It’s crucial to refrain from eating any fast food. For example, eating a burger on the way to work is highly bad for your body, no matter how convenient it might be. Even if you cannot identify the difference at the moment, it is still likely to increase the acid secretions in the stomach.
Other food items that you need to avoid are:
Fried and fatty foods may relax the lower oesophagal sphincter, increasing the likelihood of stomach acid reflux into the oesophagus and also delaying stomach emptying of these foods.
Reducing your daily overall fat intake can help because eating high-fat foods increases your risk of gastritis. It includes all fried food items like french fries, onion rings, and other products like deep-fried beef, pork, lamb, and chips.
In a healthy diet, fruits and vegetables are essential. However, some fruits, especially those with a high acid content, might worsen or trigger gastritis symptoms. If you frequently get acid reflux, it may be a sign of damaged stomach lining. Therefore, you should cut back on or altogether avoid fruits like lemons, limes, pineapple, tomatoes, oranges, and grapefruit.
Many people have heartburn after eating sour and spicy meals with onions and garlic. Track your meals carefully in your diary if you consume a lot of onions or garlic. In addition to overeating spicy food, rapidly eating it can also irritate your stomach.
You must avoid high-fat foods, fried foods, citrus fruits, and spicy foods while on a gastritis diet. In short, abstain from consuming anything acidic. Instead, increase the number of alkaline food items in your diet. It will assist in balancing the body’s acid levels and guard against stomach lining damage.
Morning Snack
Evening Snack
Morning Snack
Evening Snack
Morning Snack
Evening Snack
Eating a healthy and balanced diet helps to cure or stay away from most diseases. A balanced diet consists of all kinds of nutrients and minerals the body requires. Plus, regularising meal timings and having small frequent meals throughout the day is more beneficial when gastritis causes an upset tummy. Personalised nutrition based on your lifestyle and dietary preferences is made easier by subscribing to HealthifyMe.
How you cook and prepare your food is also an essential part of a gastritis diet. Fret not, because we are not talking about exotic or professional cooking techniques. It’s only cooking styles you follow at home, such as baking, boiling, steaming and poaching. These cooking methods are less likely to cause stomach irritation.
It is vital to understand how harmful smoking is to your health. Try immediately quitting this habit, especially if you suffer from health issues. For example, it will reduce the possibility of gastritis disease.
Hydration will help your body reduce acidity and will provide relief. In addition, drinking the proper amount of water recommended daily can help regulate stomach acidity.
The irritant alcohol is known to weaken the digestive system and produce acidic reactions inside our bodies. But although some individuals may see an increase in symptoms after just one drink, others can handle small amounts. It is recommended to minimise alcohol consumption as much as possible. Then, gradually quit the habit.
Caffeinated drinks, including sodas, tea, and coffee, should be mostly avoided. These beverages irritate the stomach lining, which can lead to inflammation and pain. If you do buy a beverage, make sure to drink in moderation.
The key point to remember while preparing a gastritis diet plan is to steer clear of fried, oily, fatty, sweet and spicy foods. Since gastritis symptoms can vary in severity, you may also need to modify the diet accordingly. Nonetheless, all variations of the gastritis diet focus on avoiding those triggers, particularly fatty or acidic foods, that can provoke inflammation. A gastritis diet can suit your nutritional needs to prevent the condition from worsening. But if the symptoms last more than a month, seek medical attention.