12 Best Fruits for Weight Loss

Alpa Momaya
November 30, 2023
Alpa Momaya
November 30, 2023
Losing unwanted weight and keeping it off can be a tricky task.
Most people find it hard to enjoy their weight loss journeys because it essentially boils down to changing your preferable dietary habits to a strict schedule involving physical activity along with food restrictions.
Some people try to shed extra kilos and maintain a lean body through a well-balanced diet alone. This means incorporating more nutrients, protein, and fibre into your diet. It is possible to make weight loss fun by incorporating tasty, colourful and healthy dishes in your weekly menu plan.
Losing weight doesn’t involve just eating fewer meals. The most effective way to shed those unnecessary kilos is by following a healthy diet. And one of the best ways to start a healthy lifestyle is by eating more fruit.
These natural gifts come in all shapes, sizes, colours, and flavours, making them easy and fun to add to your diet. They’re called “nature’s fast food” since they’re so simple to transport and prepare.
Thanks to fruits, you no longer have to follow a bland diet. Following a fruit-based diet is one of the best ways to stay fit.
Fruits contain little to no fat, which is why they are the ideal addition to your weight loss diet. They are packed with high levels of vitamins, minerals, fibre, protein, and everything else you need to stay fit and healthy.
These low-calorie foods also help you keep heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes at bay. Here are some easily available fruits that are great for losing weight.
Blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries are tasty fruits that improve any meal or snack. Research has further elevated these delicious juicy treats to have anti-obesogenic effects.
They contain high amounts of vitamins, minerals, manganese, and antioxidants while being low on the calorie scale. Strawberries are loaded with vitamin C and manganese, and blueberries contain a high amount of vitamin K that regulates blood calcium levels and boosts bone metabolism.
Berries also make you feel full very quickly, which is why you should add them to your diet. These fruits help reduce cholesterol and blood pressure levels.
They also have anti-inflammatory properties. Berries are delicious and can be eaten whole or in smoothies, salads, or baked dishes.
Oranges are simple to include in a diet, which makes weight loss easier and healthier. In addition, using oranges for smoothies and even salads is nutritious.
Oranges are naturally low in calories and high in fibre, which is necessary for weight loss. In addition, as per a study, choosing foods high in fibre is associated with lower body weight. They make you feel fuller for longer and be better satiated.
Increased fibre intake will also maintain regular bowel motions, lessening bloating and gastrointestinal problems. Healthy digestion is essential for losing weight and having overall excellent health.
Vitamin C is essential for healthy body functioning and may help you lose weight successfully. Those who lack vitamin C may find it more challenging to lose fat mass.
Fresh fruits packed in fibre and vitamin C, such as oranges, support the metabolism to keep going on at a reasonable rate. In addition, the flavonoid content in the humble orange can increase the calories expended and reverse the symptoms of obesity.
A medium Apple with a diameter of about 3 inches is equal to 1.5 cups of fruit and offers the following nutrients:-
These sweet juicy treats are ideal weight loss fruits thanks to their high-fibre, low-calorie values. Research shows that this polyphenol-rich fruit promotes anti-obesity effects and exerts beneficial effects like fighting free radicals, regulating gene expression and altering signal transduction in fat tissues.
Another research has shown that consuming apples can lower the risk of diabetes. Apples also contain vitamin C and antioxidant properties, making them a great addition to your diet.
Eating apples before a meal provides a high satiety value that makes people consume fewer calories at meal times for maintaining a calorie deficit eventually leading to weight loss.
This fruit is a great non-caffeinated way to stay awake. When eaten whole, apples can help control your appetite and reduce hunger.
Reports have also shown that people who ate more apples had fewer issues with cholesterol. They are a delicious way to include more fibre in your diet. Add some apple slices to your cereal, salads, yoghurt, or oatmeal for a fibre-rich tasty meal.
Here are a few of the nutrients you get upon consuming a bowl full of melon:
Some of the best weight loss fruits you can find in the market are melons. These fruits contain high amounts of water and studies consistently support the hypothesis of hydration and weight loss.
This is probably the reason why you feel full after eating even a small bowl of watermelon, musk melon or honeydew. They are low in calories, making them excellent fruits to add to your weight loss diet.
As a natural food that provides fibre, micronutrients, and bioactive phytochemicals, watermelon may be a healthier alternative to conventional snacks. Furthermore, watermelon is an excellent arginine source. As per research, it’s an amino acid that is extremely helpful in burning fat quickly.
Read more about how watermelon is good for weight loss.
Additionally, honeydew melons contain about 90% water. They also have certain electrolytes, like potassium, calcium, magnesium and sodium.
This blend of water and electrolytes makes this fruit an excellent source of hydration and keeps your hunger pangs at bay which facilitates weight management.
Melons are packed with antioxidants, vitamins, potassium, and fibre, but they are also high on the glycaemic index. People with diabetes must exercise portion control while consuming melons.
They are best eaten as they are or in salads, but you can also consume them as smoothies or fruit popsicles. However, studies have shown that having these fruits provides more satiety than juice.
A 100g serving contains:
Percentage daily values based on a 2,000-calorie diet RDI:
These delicious fruits are rich in vitamin C and vitamin A. Studies have shown that regularly eating grapefruit can help you burn stomach fat, reduce waist circumference, and regulate blood pressure levels. They are low on the glycaemic index, making them ideal snacks for people with diabetes.
Another benefit of grapefruits is that they have the most fibre compared to other citrus fruits. Including fibre-rich organic products in a diet can give a tingling sensation for the long haul.
That is because fibre eases back the rate at which your stomach digests, expanding its processing time. Grapefruit can be eaten on its own, but you can also add them to salads or drink them as a healthy juice if you aren’t fond of the tart flavour.
One hundred grams of pomegranate arils contain the following nutrients.
These complex fruits are loaded with antioxidants like vitamins and polyphenols. In addition, pomegranate extracts have been found to have strong anti-inflammatory and anti-tumour properties.
Additionally, studies have found that the compounds in pomegranate, such as gallic, oleanolic, ursolic, and uallic acids, have anti-diabetic properties. The pomegranate juice and peel extract may also help increase insulin sensitivity, which is beneficial for people with diabetes.
Recent research has proved the positive effects of pomegranate extracts on fat reduction as well. Many of the beneficial effects are related to the presence of anthocyanins, tannins and very high levels of polyphenols and flavonoids.
They help boost your metabolism and keep unwanted fat at a distance. Pomegranate seeds improve your circulatory system and increase blood flow throughout your body.
This fruit is also known to bring down LDL cholesterol levels in your system. Adding a handful of juicy pomegranate seeds to your daily oatmeal, salad, or yoghurt can help you shed a few kilos.
One small papaya (approx. 152 grams) contains:
Papayas have been a popular weight loss fruit for many decades. A study notes that papaya exhibits characteristics that may help with the management of obesity and maintaining body weight.
This fruit contains an enzyme called papain, which boosts your metabolism and breaks down food in your system. This prevents your body from retaining too much fat and helps you lose weight.
It also helps reduce bloating and constipation. Papayas also contain high amounts of vitamin C, antioxidants, and flavonoids. You can eat papayas as they are or blend them into a smoothie.
Here is the nutritional profile of 100g of raw kiwi fruit:
Kiwis are some of the best fruits to eat if you are looking to lose weight. They have a high water content, are low in calories, and have a good amount of fibre. This makes them perfect for a snack or as part of a breakfast smoothie.
The high amount of vitamin C in kiwis is the key to weight reduction. Vitamin C helps control blood pressure, manages cholesterol levels, supports gut health, and supports immune function. It also plays an important role in metabolizing fats. These are all important factors when embarking on a weight loss journey.
Kiwis have a low GI, meaning the sugar contained in the fruit is released more slowly. Because of this, kiwis can also help regulate blood sugar levels, reducing uneven blood sugar spikes. Foods high in dietary fibre promote weight loss by increasing the feeling of fullness and supporting the digestive tract.
According to studies, eating at least two of these fruits a week can help burn belly fat and reduce your waist size. They also have a low glycaemic index, making them suitable for people with diabetes as well.
You can eat kiwis unpeeled or peeled and add them to salads, smoothies, or juices.
Over 100 variations of pears grow worldwide, but they all have one thing in common they are all incredibly nutritious and have more or less the same vitamins and minerals.
Pears are rich in fibre content that helps you feel satiated for a longer duration. This prevents you from munching at odd hours. Furthermore, the fruit is rich in water content which makes it high in volume but low in calories.
Additionally, pears aid in healthy digestion, which is crucial for healthy weight loss. It helps fight constipation. And as we know, a healthy digestive system is linked to healthy weight loss.
Pears are fibre-rich fruits that have high concentrations of vitamin C. They have the highest amounts of fibre compared to most fruits. This makes them the perfect fruit for people looking to lose weight.
Another fantastic benefit of eating pears regularly is that they give you a powerful energy boost. This property, along with its high fibre content makes pears a great food to include in your weight loss diet.
Pears are known to fight off coronary heart disease and type II diabetes. They are also effective in reducing cholesterol levels and improving cardiac health. You can consume pears raw in salads or add them to baked dishes like tarts or pies.
Every 100g serving of grapes contains:
Furthermore, grapes contain a good ratio of:
If you’re trying to lose weight, grapes, in general, are some of the finest items to include in your diet. They don’t have any sodium, cholesterol, or fat. It implies that you are free to eat more than one dish without worrying about weight.
Grapes have a good amount of water that may help you manage weight in many ways. Water makes you feel full, encourages you to eat less food, and aids in the body’s usage of stored fat for energy. Additionally, water removes toxins from the kidneys and bladder that can cause your metabolism to slow down. Grapes can improve your feeling of fullness and help you avoid overeating when eaten along with a meal.
A chemical substance called resveratrol is present in grapes. According to studies, it assists in the body’s fatty acid metabolization process, thus increasing fat burning.
The nutritional value of 100 grams of pineapple is as follows
Beyond being a delicious summer fruit, pineapple offers benefits to someone trying to lose a few pounds. While pineapple alone can’t melt your extra fat away, this low-calorie juicy fruit can help you replace high-calorie snacks in your diet.
Pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme that breaks down protein and helps absorb nutrients more efficiently. Also, this enzyme lends pineapple the benefit of having lipolytic and proteolytic effects. It helps break down protein into amino acids and helps the body gain energy from fat. It improves your digestion, which helps increase your metabolic rate, an essential component of weight loss.
Pineapple contains a solid amount of fibre, essential for weight loss. Adding more fibre to your diet can boost your weight loss more than other adjustments like macro counting. Research shows that dietary fibre intake promotes weight loss in overweight or obese adults following a calorie-restricted diet. Not only this, but the presence of both soluble and insoluble fibre makes pineapple very filling, keeping you from unnecessarily snacking throughout the day.
As per the USDA, one hundred grams of a dried and uncooked fig consists of the following nutrients:
Figs, whether fresh or dried, can help with weight loss. That is because they are high in fibre and low in calories, which makes them an excellent choice for those looking to shed a few pounds.
If you are on a diet for weight loss and still craving something sweet, you can safely indulge in a fully ripe or well-dried fig. It will provide the necessary sweet taste you require to curb your dessert cravings. Scientific studies suggest that a low-fat and low-calorie diet is one of the most effective ways for weight loss.
Figs are packed with fibre, eating them can help you feel fuller for longer and reduce the urge to snack between meals. It can be beneficial for maintaining a healthy weight.
Epidemiological research has indicated that increased dietary fibre consumption is linked to lower body weight. It is due to increased feelings of satiety and reduced energy intake. Additionally, it can help provide energy throughout the day, reduce fatigue, and keep carbohydrate and food intake to a minimum.
A study found that fresh and dried figs are rich in phytochemicals. Phytochemicals, such as phenolic acids and flavonoids, are potent antioxidants. These phytonutrients can help a person maintain good health, including aiding in weight loss.
100 grams of (approx. one medium-sized) raw banana contains
Bananas can help with both weight loss as well as weight gain. Bananas contain the right amount of carbohydrates and calories. Therefore, incorporating bananas into your diet depends on your goals.
You can eat up to one banana a day as part of a healthy diet for weight loss. But eating 2 to 3 bananas will add up to 350 extra calories that can make you gain weight.
Bananas, on their own, are calorie-dense. You need to be concerned about weight gain if you consume many bananas daily. However, this goes for any food.
If you consume food in large quantities, you’re more likely to consume more calories than you burn and possibly gain weight from that. Consuming one banana a day is an excellent addition to a healthy weight management plan.
Read more: Bananas For Weightloss & Weight Gain
Given below are the nutrients that one can gain with 1 cup of sliced mangoes (165 grams) –
Known as the ‘king of fruits,’ the juicy and delicious mango is a tropical fruit that comes with a range of possible health benefits.
Sweet and creamy mangoes are highly popular across the globe due to their immense health benefits as well as their flavorful taste
However, consuming mangoes in various forms such as aamras, pies, shakes, and ice cream can cause substantive weight gain. The fruit contains starch in abundance that breaks down into sugar, aiding weight gain.
To enjoy mango guilt-free, restrict yourself to not having more than one mango every day. Relish the fruit in its whole form to get the most satiety and avoid cravings.
According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), these are the nutrition facts for about one-half, or 68 grams (g), of an avocado:
Avocados have an abundance of nutrients along with calories and fat. 1 full avocado provides almost 240 calories and 22 g of fat (good quality fat), the calories are high and nearly amount to a small-sized meal. So, no doubt it has several nutrients like vitamins C, E, K, and B6, as well as riboflavin, niacin, folate, pantothenic acid, magnesium, and potassium, which is fantastic.
However, do keep in mind that Avocado is high in calories, thus aim to consume them in judicious quantities. 1 full Avocado should take you through the week.
Dates are extremely sweet as in the process of drying them, their sugars and micronutrients get further concentrated.
This means of course, that they are dense in nutrients like Vitamin B complex, Vitamin C, and antioxidants like phenolics and carotenoids, while at the same time, they become high in calories.
Thus, it is advisable to control their intake, maximum you can eat 2-3 dates in a day, if you are debating between chocolate/candy/ice cream, then it’s preferable to have a date or two.
Prunes are rich in 15 different types of nutrients from Vit A, K, C, Vit B2, B3, B6, iron, and magnesium to copper, the list is long.
However, do remember that they are very sweet, thus high in calories. 1 prune will supply you with around 23 calories, thus in a day you can have around 4-5 prunes only.
Eating more fruit instead of junk food is a great way to lose weight. Choosing the right fruit will ensure that you lose weight and keep it from coming back. Most fruits are low in calories, which is why you should include more of these natural treats in your daily meals.
Most fruits are fibre-rich foods that boost your metabolism and promote weight loss. They also come with high amounts of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, everything you need to feel healthy and young.
Another reason why fruit is better than junk food is that it keeps you feeling full for much longer. This prevents you from eating too much and helps you avoid snacking on unhealthy foods.
Sugar is the biggest culprit behind weight gain and obesity among people of all age groups. Eating fruits regularly helps you ward off cravings for sugary or high-calorie processed foods. Consuming a moderate amount of fruit every day will help control your appetite and give up the unhealthy habit of snacking on junk food.
The key to a fruit diet for weight loss is moderation. Keep an eye on your portions so you can get the most out of these delicious foods.
A: Fruits with high fibre such as apples, pears, and melons keep you full for longer in spite of containing fewer calories. These fruits, combined with a low-fat diet, can help burn fat. Including high-fat avocados can also help get rid of unwanted body fat provided the overall fat intake is controlled.
A: Pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain which helps in proper digestion, thereby improving metabolism and helping in weight loss. However, pineapple contains natural sugars so portion control is key.
A: Most fruits, when eaten in season and combined with a whole food diet with all nutrients, can help you lose weight. The key is to avoid processed and junk foods as well.
A: Adding fruits rich in antioxidants like kiwis and grapefruit have been known to help burn belly fat. Ensuring a regular exercise routine is followed along with fruits and other whole foods will give substantial results
A: Although all fruits are healthy and have their own benefits, it is wise to avoid some of them, if you want to lose weight. Most fruits are sweet and contain high amounts of natural sugar, called fructose. A few fruits you should avoid in order to lose weight are mangoes, grapes, cherries, figs and all dried fruits.
A: Bananas are rich in carbohydrates and calories, which help gain weight naturally. Bananas are fairly high in sugar, which can turn into body fat more quickly than other nutrients. However, bananas are rich in fibre content and control the hunger hormones that make you feel full for longer. Their sweet taste and creamy texture may also help reduce unhealthy cravings. Thus bananas cannot be directly linked to weight gain or loss but are linked to various other factors like portion size, time of consumption and lifestyle pattern.
A: Apples are arguably the healthiest fruit. These sweet juicy treats are the ideal weight loss fruits thanks to their high-fibre, low-calorie values. Eating apples during breakfast or lunch will keep you feeling active throughout the day. These fruits are a great non-caffeinated way to stay awake. When eaten whole, apples can help control your appetite and reduce hunger.
A: Bananas are rich in carbohydrates and calories, which help gain weight naturally. Bananas are fairly high in sugar, which can turn into body fat more quickly than other nutrients. However, bananas are rich in fibre content and control the hunger hormones that make you feel full for longer. Their sweet taste and creamy texture may also help reduce unhealthy cravings. Thus bananas cannot be directly linked to weight gain or loss but are linked to various other factors like portion size, time of consumption and lifestyle pattern.
A: Yes, apples help burn belly fat thanks to their high-fibre, low-calorie values. Eating apples during breakfast or lunch will keep you feeling active throughout the day. These fruits are a great non-caffeinated way to stay awake. When eaten whole, apples can help control your appetite and reduce hunger.
A: Many small lifestyle and dietary changes can help one lose weight. Start your meal with a bowl of salad or stir-fry veggies. They are packed with essential nutrients and fibre which will make you feel full. Take small quantities of food on your plate. Small quantities of any food do more good than any possible harm to our body by extracting the necessary nutrients from the item consumed. Remember to chew slowly and mindfully. Additionally, take a smaller plate which gets full sooner and satisfies your hunger faster. Avoid second helpings as much as possible and do not consume aerated or fizzy drinks at all costs.
A: Potatoes have gained a bad reputation because of their high carbohydrate content and glycemic index. However, studies have shown that potatoes can actually catalyse weight loss if consumed in the right manner. They are rich in fibre and resistant starch that keeps one feeling fuller for longer and controls appetite. The high antioxidants further promote better metabolic health and fat cell shrinking. However, make sure you have cooked potatoes the right way to reap the maximum benefits.
The healthiest breakfast consists of a high protein source such as eggs (made in any style of your preference- scrambled/ omelette/ boiled) along with 1-2 slices of multigrain toast with avocado spread. Another option is a bowl of steel-cut oats with skimmed milk and some roughly chopped walnuts.
Nice post , I think I will consider taking some fruits with caution after reading these🙏🙏
Hi Alpa, I love the content you have been posting lately!
Hi Paul, We really appreciate you taking the time out to share your experience with us. Thank you so much for your kind words.
I loved everything posted!
Hi Matias, We really appreciate you taking the time out to share your experience with us. Thank you so much for your kind words.
Great article. I will surely add these vegetables in my daily diet.
Thankyou Sumit! We appreciate your review.