Fitness secrets of 5 Bollywood hotties

Anisha Mishra
July 10, 2019
Anisha Mishra
July 10, 2019
These B-town divas have bodies to die for but they work really hard on and for them.
Resistance overweight trainingPiggy Chops is blessed! Apart from her talent, she has a lean figure and doesn’t tend to put on weight easily. But the woman who’s been scorching television screens in India and abroad as Alex Parrish in
Piggy Chops is blessed! Apart from her talent, she has a lean figure and doesn’t tend to put on weight easily. But the woman who’s been scorching television screens in India and abroad as Alex Parrish in Quantico is passionate about health and fitness.
She works out in the gym for an hour four times a week. Her workout comprises running on a treadmill for 15 minutes, push-ups, reverse lunges, bench jumps and reverse crunches. She also does the plank hold and bicep curls with light weights.
On the days Priyanka doesn’t go to the gym, she opts for running or spinning.
Yoga in the morning
Kareena Kapoor who made the body and body image the talk of the town when she famously went to “size zero”, credits celeb yoga trainer Payal Gidwani Tiwari for getting her into perfect shape. “Payal has helped me challenge my genes and transform my body,” she has said in an interview.
A huge yoga fan now – she didn’t enjoy it at first – Kareena tries to devote two hours to yoga every day. Her favourite? The Surya Namaskar.
Yoga is like a “morning prayer” for Kareena. If she misses it, she says she is in a horrible mood for the rest of the day!
Pilates for greater flexibility
A state-level badminton player, this 5 ft 9 in actress looks like a dream, be it in movies or adverts.
“I do regular exercise, yoga and eat healthily. Positive thinking is what makes me look good,” she has said in an interview.
Deepika devotes some time to yoga in the morning after which she goes for an half-hour walk. Running’s not her cup of tea!
Fitness trainer Yasmin Karachiwala has said that Deepika is “not in a habit of going to the gym daily and working out there”.
Yasmin introduced Deepika to Pilates and the actor took to the exercise form immediately. The best part? Pilates is a great way to maintain flexibility without any equipment.
Deepika does a “lot of free-hand weights and 4 to 5 sets of stretching exercises with 20 reps, in between Pilates or stretching routines.” She also enjoys dancing when she doesn’t want a regular exercise routine.
Jogging to warm up
The woman who boasts of the dewiest skin in Indian filmdom also has one of the teeniest-tiniest waists. But it hasn’t come easy. Her daily workout begins with an extensive warmup: an hour-long jog.
Her fitness trainer Reza Katani says that Katrina loves functional training that involves “a mixture of routines incorporating kettle bells, tax, bosu and sandbags”. “We also mix in a bit of muscle training to give that edge and this is tailor made for her body type and her personality,” he has said.
She focuses on core and abs exercises, and crunches, iso-planks and leg workouts give her strength. Katrina also loves the water and opts for swimming as her daily exercise when she doesn’t want to gym. She turns to yoga for mental peace.
Cardio all the way
The chubby little girl who knocked off 16 kg after Karan Johar asked her to hasn’t looked back since she debuted with Student of the Year. Alia focused on cardio to lose flab and get fit. Even today, her exercise asked is packed with cardio for at least 45 minutes per day, including regular running on the treadmill. She goes in for swimming, kick-boxing and altitude training, and also does a lot of dumbbell raises, push-ups, bicep curls, lat pull-downs, and back extensions. Lunges and squats help strengthen the legs. Her love for ballet also keeps her toned and glowing.
To lose weight, she went on a low-carb, high protein, the fibrous diet that completely cut out junk food, refined flour and sugar. But now, she has a weekly cheat day where she indulges her cravings!
Resolve to get as fit as your favourite star and then put these things on your fitness bucket list!