Eating Egg Yolk Cause Weight Gain and Other Myths

Parul Dube
December 6, 2022
Parul Dube
December 6, 2022
We sometimes feel that we can reduce weight by eliminating some foods. But is that true? We get so paranoid about losing weight that we cut off so-called fat from our list. But we do it without really understanding the food value or the nutrients we miss. As a result, our body becomes deficient, and our health suffers in the long run. For example, people start removing eggs from their diet to lose weight. However, this is because some of us believe that egg yolk causes weight gain. But is that even true?
As per our studies, eggs can aid in losing weight but will not lead to you gaining weight.
Many people prefer egg whites because of their low-calorie values and beliefs that egg yolk increases weight and cholesterol. But if you remove the yolk of the egg, you lose out on all its fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins and minerals. Egg yolks do not have an excellent reputation but are full of proteins and other nutrients for healthy weight management. Egg yolks also contain vitamin D, which is necessary for calcium absorption.
Do you know why you feel full after having eggs for breakfast? It is because of the protein present in yolks. Research also shows that eating whole eggs will help you control your food intake throughout the day while reducing your total calorie count. Therefore it will lead to overall weight reduction.
We have heard forever that consuming eggs is bad for our cholesterol levels. Still, recent research has confirmed that eggs do not impact our blood cholesterol levels to a great level. Thus, you can safely eat eggs daily, even if you’re at risk of heart disease. So what affects the blood cholesterol level negatively? It includes simple sugars, saturated fats and trans fats. Eggs comprise around 211 milligrams of cholesterol per egg which is about 70% of the daily intake of cholesterol. Therefore, you need to stick to a low saturated and trans fats diet.
In a typical scenario, the perception is that brown foods are healthier. For example, if you go for whole-grain bread, wheat pasta, brown rice, or other brown food products, it is much more nutritious than their counterparts in white. But this is not the case when it comes to eggs. In terms of nutritional content and health benefits, white and brown eggs stand in the same position. When it comes to pricing, brown eggs tend to cost a little more than white ones. But, the nutrient quality or nutritional value remains unaffected.
When discussing food safety myths and facts, one of the most trending topics of discussion has always been the sell-by date. The expiration date, which is present on an egg carton, serves as a guideline about food quality but not food safety. Therefore, it is to clearly distinguish that the expiration date talks about when the eggs are in good condition and not about when you can consume them safely.
Eggs taste fresh when you consume them sooner but will not pose a safety threat if you eat them, even on the day of their expiry. Did you know that eggs can be eaten safely up to five weeks from the date that is on the egg cartons? After that, you have to preserve them by freezing them. While freezing, remove the shell and keep the white and yolk in a container. Defrost them before cooking. However, once the eggs start rotting or sulfuric, you should throw them away.
It is usual to advise pregnant women not to consume eggs. It can put their baby at risk of an egg allergy. It is a misconception cleared by health professionals who motivate pregnant and lactating women to include eggs in their diets. Eggs are an excellent source of amino acids, vitamins, minerals and protein. It is beneficial as long as you take care not to consume raw or uncooked eggs.
A lot of theories talk about the advantages of eating raw eggs. Bodybuilders go for raw eggs to grow more muscle, enhance muscle mass, and diminish the acids in the stomach. In addition, you rarely get sick from salmonella as usually only 1 out of 30,000 eggs is infected. But the plus points of eating raw eggs are simply overrated and not confirmed. The body does not usually digest egg whites that are raw or cooked.
Did you know that to get vitamin B12, you need to eat two whole eggs? Also, the way you cook can affect eggs’ nutrient content and take away the risk factor of being affected by salmonella. Thus, go for cooked eggs and feel safer.
The nutrient content in raw eggs may be different, but it is again a misconception that raw eggs will help you gain muscles faster. Just in movies, you can spot ripped bodybuilders consuming raw eggs on the screen. Unfortunately, it is just a myth and not reality. Therefore, you must cook your eggs and provide your body with the much-required protein.
It makes it easier for the digestive enzymes to work, and absorption also becomes smooth. Also, cooked eggs are 90% bioavailable, whereas raw eggs are only 50%. So do not miss out on your extra grams of protein from cooked eggs; by consuming some post-workout raw eggs smoothie or shake.
Egg yolk causes no gain in weight, and neither do egg whites. Egg whites often fall into the good food category due to their low calorie, cholesterol and fat content. Further research confirms that the consumption of eggs does not affect heart health. It is because dietary cholesterol will not transform into high blood cholesterol levels. It is the yolk of the egg where you find most of the egg’s folate, iron and vitamins. The yolk also consists of nutrients like lutein & zeaxanthin that improve eye and brain health.
If a large piece of eggshell enters your body, it can hurt your throat or damage your oesophagus. Also, in the case of large eggshells, you should avoid uncooked ones as there is a possibility of harmful bacteria called salmonella. However, just a tiny bit of an eggshell amid your omelette or red velvet cupcake may be annoying but not pose any health risks.
Many people think that eggs can fatten you while trying to lose weight. However, eggs have always proven to be an excellent source of nutrients, and you should not avoid them at any cost. Eggs consist of 13 essential vitamins and minerals, making them a perfect choice for all those trying to eat well.
You should know the nutritional differences between organic, standard and free-range eggs. If there is any nutritional difference, it is in the case of eggs laid by hens fed by diets like omega – 3 enriched eggs.
As per research, eating egg yolk helps your body with the necessary nutrients required daily. It also comprises of:
There are four benefits of egg yolks that you must know. It includes a lower risk of gastrointestinal distress, enhanced immune system, diminished blood pressure and less risk of vision problems.
Gastrointestinal distress: When you consume egg yolks, phosvitin’s egg yolk protein enters the bloodstream. As a result, it decreases the number of inflammation-causing compounds.
Immune System: If you look at the egg yolk membrane, certain compounds called sulfated glycopeptides are present. Thus, the stimulation of macrophages occurs in the immune system cells for protecting the body against infection and diseases.
Blood pressure: As per research, several compounds called peptides are present in the egg yolk, decreasing blood pressure in rats. High blood pressure can pose a risk when it comes to cardiovascular disease. Therefore, if you have high BP problems, you must include egg yolks in your diet.
Vision problems: Yolks are a significant source of lutein & zeaxanthin. These are carotenoids. They give protection against cataracts and macular degeneration. These are two such eye problems that usually develop after 55 years.
If we compare the amount of protein in the egg yolk or egg white, it is 2.7 grams in the case of the yolk and 3.6 grams when it comes to egg white. The egg white provides more protein while the yolk only comprises fat and water-soluble vitamins and minerals present in the eggs. As per research, whole eggs offer more prominent benefits than eating egg whites alone. After performing resistance training, those who consume whole eggs have higher rates of muscle metabolism than those who consume only egg whites.
Eggs provide the most nutrition when consumed as a whole. The yolk is said to have the most nutrients while aiding in gastrointestinal distress, boosting your immune function and reducing blood pressure. An egg’s size, origin, and processing always decide its nutritional content. It also depends on the quality of hens. The final dietary value of an egg yolk depends a lot on how one cooks it. For example, if you cook a whole egg in oil – it might double or triple the presence of fats in it and the cholesterol content of the egg dish. If you do not store it properly, people can be at the risk of catching a Salmonella infection. It is mandatory to maintain good hygiene while making eggs to prevent food poisoning. Eggs keep you full for a more extended time.
You can accelerate your weight loss with the help of eggs. Eggs keep you full for a long time. Also, eggs contain high proteins, and it increases metabolism rates. Your metabolism rate will shoot up and help you burn calories for energy and thus initiate faster weight loss. Eggs are the best because they are inexpensive and taste excellent. You can cook them in various ways and use them in cold salads, sandwiches, and curries. You can also have them boiled, scrambled and fried. It is probably the most convenient option that lends to many tastes.
A. The daily recommended level of consuming egg yolks is not more than 300 milligrams per day. Please note that one egg yolk consists of 200 milligrams of cholesterol.
A. Eggs are considered one of the most economical and nutritious foods. But if not cooked properly, it can expose you to bacteria like salmonella, and you can get sick.
A. Eggs can always lead to enhanced high-density lipoprotein or HDL levels. It is also called good cholesterol. If the HDL level is high, you are at a lesser risk of stroke, heart disease and other health issues.
A. Raw eggs are dense in nutrients and fully packed with proteins, vitamins, minerals, good fats and antioxidants. These antioxidants help in the protection of your heart, brain and eyes.
A. It is the egg yolk because it comprises increased cholesterol, fats, and calories compared to egg whites. It also consists of a majority of the egg’s nutrients. When one eats only the whites, they lose out on vitamin A, D, K, E and DHA. However, egg whites contain fewer calories.
A. A large egg comprises only 74 calories, but it is still very high in nutrients. Therefore, it is always an excellent decision to consume whole eggs but remember to cook them in small amounts of good quality fat only. Eggs may not directly increase height. But it is an essential food item for children and young adults. It provides them with nutrients for healthy growth.
A. Bodybuilders avoid egg yolks because of the fat and cholesterol. Still, now they know that consuming both together is most healthy. The thing is, eggs were villainised for increasing cholesterol. However, good dietary cholesterol does not increase the bad cholesterol, creating health hazards.
A. Yes, it is an ideal source of protein that will help you sustain the entire workout. It also increases metabolism and aids in faster muscle repair.
A. For the majority of the people, eating 3-6 eggs per day is sufficient for gaining weight – which can happen in the case of consuming both egg whites and whole eggs.
A. This is true as eggs are deficient in calories and thus, aid in weight loss. For example, only 60-65 calories are present in a medium-sized egg. As a result, the body’s metabolism rate is activated, enhancing fat burning speed.