Category: Workout

upper arms
February 11, 2021

7 do-at-home exercises to get sexy upper arms

Who doesn’t want a stronger sleeker upper body to show off? Working your upper arms won’t get you bulked up like the Incredible Hulk. It will get your arms leaner and ready to bare by the time summer rolls around. The best part? You can do all these exercises at home. All you need are […]

By Roshini Gilbert

Yoga Asanas - Healthifyme
March 31, 2020

3 Yoga moves that can help you lose weight on the face

Beauty, they say, is self-confidence applied directly to the face. Stay beautiful by trying facial yoga to rejuvenate your face, relax muscles and nerve connections and brighten it. The benefits of yoga go far beyond flexibility. Apart from the life-changing benefits, the practice can help banish fine lines, sagging and wrinkles. Experts believe that yogic […]

By Chaitanya Varma

lose belly fat
September 18, 2019

7 exercises to whittle down your waist

An 18-inch waist may seem like a pipedream, but whittling down the middle should be on everyone’s to-do list. Research has shown that a large waist is associated with large amounts of visceral fat around the abdominal organs. This can lead to inflammation, high cholesterol, insulin resistance and other problems linked with poor health. Getting […]

By Saravanan "Sharu" Hariram

July 9, 2019

11 must-haves for your gym bag

If you’ve made spending time at the gym a part of your daily life, getting your gym bag in order could save you a few precious minutes every day and simplify life.  Every bag reflects its owner’s personality and choice but, there are a few essentials that can set you up for a more productive […]

By Shaik Moyeenuddin

July 22, 2022

How to Build Strong Calf Muscles

What sets a great physique apart from a good one? A superb set of thick diamond-shaped calves. Muscular calves aren’t just only for the looks they provide. Strong calves can help support and stabilise your body during lifts such as the Deadlift and Squat, and during almost every sport. In fact, unless you’ve got calves […]

By Anisha Mishra

July 9, 2019

Perfect Partners: Adding Cycling to Your Run Training

Here’s a little secret. Cycling can make you a better runner. I bet you’re thinking how that’s possible since in our minds cycling and running are broadly categorized as ‘cardio’. Well, cardio is not always the same and works different muscles during different exercises. We’re going to break down the benefits of biking and running for you. […]

By Shaik Moyeenuddin

July 9, 2019

5 Yoga Moves for the Festive Season

Come festival time and the gym – and exercise – gets pushed to the bottom of the priority list. Make sure that you stay by practising these five easy yoga moves. They’ll make you feel healthier and help you survive the severities of overeating with elan! Bhujangasana  Also known as the Cobra pose, this tones […]

By Chaitanya Varma

July 9, 2019

3 Simple Pool Workouts For Cross-Training Days

Running regularly places an immense amount of pressure on our joints, muscles and muscle tissue. The way to relax these core areas while also maintaining a healthy fitness routine is to cross-train. As we have gone over a few times, cross training helps you develop muscles ancillary to running, which helps you gain overall, not […]

By Dileep B. Shivaram

roll your shoulders
September 18, 2019

6 Ways to Get a Lean Body

Who doesn’t want a body like Ranveer Singh’s? If you’re ready to get ripped, stop focusing on killer diets or rigorous workouts. Learn how to get lean with these tips: Start off with cardio: Cardio is any form of exercise that gets your heart rate up and amps up blood circulation. The benefits are many: increased […]

By Saravanan "Sharu" Hariram

July 9, 2019

How to Lose Weight on the Hips

Hips don’t lie, sang Shakira, and they really never do! If they’ve become a repository of fat, you need to get moving. Across the world, women are more afflicted by the problem of weight gain on the hips. The reason is simple. Women have double the amount of body fat as men, mainly to be […]

By Meenakshi S.

Face workout
July 9, 2019

Why your face needs a workout?

You may have a waist as small as that of a 16-year-old girl, but there’s no way you can pass off as “young” if wrinkles form around your mouth and eyes every time you smile. The first thing people see – and the one thing that makes a lasting impression – is your face. Not […]

By Dileep B. Shivaram

Staircase running
July 9, 2019

Weekly workout: Stair running

Stair running is a great way to switch up from your usual routine, and it has some added benefits in terms of exercise too. It’s a very high-intensity workout that will improve your speed, running power and cardiovascular fitness. In addition, you will find that your running technique, especially your striding and your foot striking […]

By Roshini Gilbert

Fitness Motivation
July 9, 2019

Five ways to motivate yourself to work out

Most of us know the benefits of working out and want to sweat more often. But finding the motivation to make fitness a part of the daily routine is a tough ask. Heading out for a workout in the a.m. or for a long walk in the p.m. isn’t easy – there are so many […]

By Meenakshi S.

Lower body strengthening workouts
July 9, 2019

Hitting the Gym: Lower-body Workouts for Building Strength

It may seem that running requires little else than putting one foot in front of the other – but adopting a more inclusive approach right from the start goes a long way in improving the quality of your run. Strength training, in particular, can be invaluable to a runner’s routine—it works on the muscles and […]

By Shaik Moyeenuddin

July 9, 2019

Arthritis 101: What to watch out for and what to do

I had a client, a woman in her late 40s. She never shared much of her health history with me. For the first month, I had to constantly text her to go for walks. She would go for 2 or 3 days, then take a break for a week. Her complaint: It’s too tough. When […]

By Saravanan "Sharu" Hariram

September 18, 2019

The 8 Best Pre-workout Foods

Many of us hit the gym on an empty stomach, thinking it will force our bodies to burn accumulated fat and help us lose weight. But research has shown that this isn’t true. In fact, hunger leads to dipping energy levels and early exhaustion. You end up exercising for lesser time and with reduced intensity, […]

By Sumita Thomas

July 9, 2019

4 Tips to Choose the Right Sports Bra

You have your exercise gear for the gym ready but have you given a thought to what lies beneath? The right breast support is a must during a workout, especially a high-impact one. Lack of support can lead to back pain, discomfort, and tissue damage, ultimately resulting in stretch marks and sagging. A wrong fit […]

By Roshini Gilbert

climb stairs
August 10, 2023

Climb stairs to stay in shape

  When you return home from work this evening, ditch the elevator and climb up the stairs to your apartment. Better still, put down your bag and go up and down a few times before finally entering your home. Actor Akshay Kumar does this almost daily. The Khiladi, who prefers “natural workouts” to gymming, used […]

By Saravanan "Sharu" Hariram

Yoga Asanas - Healthifyme
August 4, 2023

4 Yoga Asanas to Tone Your Thighs

The benefits of yoga are far more than increased flexibility. The many yogasanas leave you with a stronger body, peace of mind, good health and weight loss. If you’ve been struggling to lose weight from your things, it’s time to hit the mat! Utkatasana (Chair Pose) Sitting in a chair is easy. But try sitting […]

By Shamlee Pathare

Group Exercise - HealthifyMe
August 4, 2023

Make Exercise a Group Effort

The versatility of group exercise sessions and the accountability factor keep you motivated for longer Be it power yoga sessions, a barbell boot camp or dance-based classes, group coaching has emerged as a popular exercise choice. Being in a group beats hitting the treadmill or mounting the stepper and continually looking at the clock to […]

By Roshini Gilbert

Fitness Gadgets - HealthifyMe
August 4, 2023

5 tech gadgets that will put you on the road to fitness

The latest crop of fitness tech products comprises wearables that can be worn through the day and can decode your movement patterns, calorie count and sleep functions. According to HIS, an industry forecaster, sales of wearable technology that can link to the Internet or work with mobile apps will grow from $8.6 billion in 2012 […]

By Shaik Moyeenuddin

Weight loss plan
August 4, 2023

Diet vs exercise: What helps you lose weight?

You’ve been exercising each day regularly but aren’t really shedding the kilos. Have you been watching your diet? A recent study has shown that eating less is far more important than exercising to lose weight. Everyone knows that the key to weight loss is to consume fewer calories than you burn. For most people, it’s […]

By Saravanan "Sharu" Hariram

diet and exercise equipment for weight loss
July 5, 2019

The 4 most common weight loss myths

Carb-free diet? Metabolism-enhancing regime? HealthifyMe experts debunk the most common misconceptions about weight loss. No carbs after 6/7/8pm  Any person – whether or not he’s looking to lose weight – must have some macronutrients in all meals, even dinner. The problem with having carbs at night is usually with people who eat poorly through the day […]

By Roshini Gilbert

February 11, 2021

How to Stay Fit Doing Housework

Exercise doesn’t always have to entail the gym. Everyday activities can give you the workout and toning you need. The bonus: No equipment or special time needed. Divide it up: Most experts recommend at least 150 minutes of exercise each week. That amounts to just over 20 minutes a day. If you can’t even find that […]

By Meenakshi S.

Yoga Benefits
August 3, 2023

11 Health Benefits of Yoga

The benefits of yoga go far beyond improving flexibility. A strong and flexible body, peace of mind, good health, even weight loss. It sure pays to hit the mat and benefits of yoga are immense. Recent research shows that far from being a simple system, the complexity of yoga and its many asanas can keep […]

By Manoj Bahuguna

February 11, 2021

Did you know you ‘exhale’ the fat you burn?

We’re always talking about burning fat, but very rarely do we stop to ask where that fat goes. Is it converted into energy and released as heat? Or is it converted to muscle? Apparently, neither is the right answer. According to a study by Andrew Brown from the University of New South Wales and physicist […]

By Saravanan "Sharu" Hariram

February 11, 2021

How to build muscle on a vegetarian diet

Who says you have to eat meat to build muscle and gain strength? A balanced vegetarian diet that includes plant-based protein can help facilitate muscular development and provide minerals that are essential for lean tissue growth. In a country like India, where almost 20-40% of the population is vegetarian, a diet of egg whites and […]

By R. Kalpana

February 12, 2021

Indoor workouts: How to stay fit during the monsoon

What’s your exercise routine like? Most of us choose between a walk, run, yoga/Zumba class or a gym session. But what when it rains? Don’t let the monsoon rain down on your exercise schedule. Try these indoor exercises to keep yourself fit. #1 Push-ups These are great for increasing strength, and engage the core and […]

By Shaik Moyeenuddin

May 27, 2019

Yoga that can be done at your desk

Sitting at a desk all day isn’t good for your health. Research shows that a sedentary lifestyle can take a toll on your health. People who work in sedentary jobs for 10 or more double their risk of bowel cancer and are more likely to develop heart disease, obesity, and diabetes. With most jobs now […]

By Shamlee Pathare

yoga class
August 4, 2023

Why you should choose a virtual yoga class

As a virtual yoga trainer, I’ve often been asked how I can teach when I’m not face-to-face with my client. After all, proper supervision is necessary for anyone to master the posture, angles and moves for every asana. But I think there are several benefits to a virtual yoga class. For instance, the most common […]

By Manoj Bahuguna