Category: Workout

December 7, 2021

Yoga for Digestion – 5 Yoga Poses to Help Aid Digestion

The health benefits of yoga are known the world over. Apart from providing mental peace, it can also help target specific problems like a bad back, boost a sluggish metabolism, help torch fat, lose weight on the belly or ease digestive woes. It’s true! Whether you’ve succumbed to a big meal or are suffering from […]

By Chaitanya Varma

July 10, 2019

Why diabetes and exercise go hand in hand

With India being named the diabetes capital of the world, it’s time for us to take charge of our health. The best way to do this – yes, for diabetes patients as well – is exercise. In our experience, people with diabetes who exercise regularly are able to follow a more normal diet than patients […]

By Saravanan "Sharu" Hariram

July 10, 2019

Why you should count macros to lose weight

Want to lose weight? There seem to be only two ways to get there: Counting calories and amping up exercise. But may we suggest a replacement? Forget the calories and focus on macro-nutrients – or macros as they are popularly called – and see the difference. Experts are now advising that you count your macros […]

By Saravanan "Sharu" Hariram

September 17, 2019

Happiness workout: Release those endorphins

Forget being an adrenaline junkie. Focus on your endorphins and you’re sure to have a happier and healthier life. Endorphins are chemicals released by the pituitary gland and are responsible for that post-workout buzz. Structurally similar to morphine, they are considered natural painkillers and bring about feelings of euphoria and wellbeing. Research has linked endorphins […]

By Shaik Moyeenuddin

July 10, 2019

How exercise makes us happier

What makes you happy? A coffee date with your best friend, a movie marathon with your spouse, your child’s smile, a hug from a parent, completing a craft project, submitting a project ahead of deadline…what about exercise? How can going to the gym – which you seem to hate – make you happy? Let’s find […]

By Dileep B. Shivaram

September 28, 2019

Top 10 Bollywood songs for workouts

If you’ve had enough of Shakira, Beyonce and Led Zeppelin, we suggest giving your workout a desi twist. Put these Bollywood songs on your playlist and we’re sure you’ll keep working out religiously and regularly. 1. Suraj Dooba Hai Roy, 2015 The now-fast, now-slow tempo of this eminently hummable song lends itself well to well-paced […]

By Habil

July 9, 2019

5 things to put on your fitness bucket list

You’re active, healthy and fit, and constantly looking for newer challenges. Give your fitness routine an edge by trying physical activities that are sure to thrill and excite you. On International Women’s Day, we suggest you put these five thrilling things on your fitness bucket list. Run the Bandra-Worli Sea Link So what if you […]

By Shaik Moyeenuddin

April 2, 2020

A yoga routine to help women put #HerHealthFirst

Over the last few years, there has been an increase in lifestyle-related diseases among women. One of the reasons could be that women, juggling work and home, pay little attention to their health on a daily basis. I would know. A software engineer, I had a sedentary job. I never realised how quickly I could […]

By Pragya Bhatt

July 9, 2019

6 exercises for the complete shoulder workout

Summer’s on its way but is you summer-ready? Strong shoulders, a taut upper back and sexy upper arms will ensure that you look your best, be it in a sundress or a vest. Square your shoulders and show them off in style under the summer sun by being regular with this shoulder workout. Standing Dumbbell […]

By Dileep B. Shivaram

July 9, 2019

How overtraining defeats the purpose of exercise

Cardio in the morning, strength training on alternate days, a jog in the evening and cycling on weekends. Are you pushing your body way too hard? Experts are unanimous that exercise alone won’t help you lose weight. And that overtraining – or overreaching – may hamper your health and fitness goals. Overtraining is when you […]

By Shaik Moyeenuddin

October 29, 2020

11 reasons to start cycling

Tired of the treadmill and had enough of Zumba? Give your fitness routine a spin by getting onto a bicycle. We give you 10 reasons to start cycling today. 1. It’s one of the easiest ways to exercise Cycling doesn’t need inordinate skills; just one that you picked up in childhood. You can ride a […]

By Saravanan "Sharu" Hariram

July 9, 2019

4 easy workout options for when you are sick

You are determined to stick to your New Year resolution of doing your daily workout diligently, but an unwelcome cold or flu has come in the way. What should you do? Should you work out when you are sick or indulge in a long nap? Fitness experts say the answer depends on where your illness […]

By Meenakshi S.

July 9, 2019

Why weightlifting is good for women

If you are a woman, you have probably heard countless horror stories about weight training. Lifting weights will make you muscular like a man; the muscles will turn to fat when you discontinue; it will put pressure on your uterus and so on. Talk to any sports medicine specialist or qualified fitness instructor and you […]

By Roshini Gilbert

July 9, 2019

7 reasons why you should sign up for a spinning workout

If you want to torch calories – and who doesn’t? – try spinning. A 45-50-minute session can help you lose up to 500 calories. A also comes with the guarantee of never being monotonous. Spinning is similar to stationary cycling but with certain differences—a spin bike has an open flywheel that controls the intensity of […]

By Shaik Moyeenuddin

July 9, 2019

Exercise alone won’t help you lose weight

You’ve been hitting the gym 6 days a week but aren’t losing any weight. Why are you going around in circles when it comes to weight loss? Relax for there’s nothing wrong with what you are doing. A new study conducted at the City University of New York and published in the journal Current Biology […]

By Saravanan "Sharu" Hariram

July 9, 2019

3 moves to get thighs that you can show off

thighs that you can show off, thunder thighs may have been hot once but they are no longer sexy. If you want to flaunt slim thighs in your hot pants, it’s time you whittled away that excess fat. We tell you how. Reality check You believe you have fat thighs but do you have a […]

By Roshini Gilbert

July 9, 2019

Wedding season? 5 expert tips to avoid the bloated feeling

10 hours to go for the big fat Indian wedding that you just have to attend? If you’re struggling to feel great in that figure-hugging Anarkali or slim-fit sherwani, we’ve got help. Five Healthify Me experts give you last-minute healthy tips that will help you avoid the bloated feeling and help you put your best […]

By Roshini Gilbert

July 9, 2019

Staying safe while marathon training

Preparing for a marathon needs a lot of time, discipline and commitment. Training outdoors is an important part of prepping for a marathon but no workout is worth risking your overall health or well-being for. Follow our top 12 training tips for marathon beginners to ensure safe sessions: Avoid deserted areas like the plague. This […]

By Saravanan "Sharu" Hariram

August 16, 2019

5 squat exercises to spice up your workout

No one really likes them but there’s no way you can get a toned lower body without squats. Fitness trainers and experts worldwide recommend them, giving umpteen reasons to add squats to your workout routine. Squats can help build muscle, burn fat, increase strength and protect against disease. Variations of squat exercises ensure that you […]

By Shaik Moyeenuddin

practice yoga at home
May 1, 2020

6 yoga poses to boost metabolism

Yoga, which is associated with unifying the mind, spirit, and body, offers umpteen health benefits. Done regularly, it can improve cardiovascular health, control diabetes, reduce depression, and improve intuition. But there’s more to yoga than toning the muscles, relaxing the mind, and increasing energy. Yoga can also help in weight loss as the right yoga […]

By Shamlee Pathare

Auroville Marathon
August 4, 2023

10 Marathon training tips for beginners

It’s marathon season and almost everybody seems to be running one. You want to but are you marathon ready? If you start training now, you may well be by next season. Try our training tips for marathon beginners and get started. Announce it out loud: The race remains a pipe dream till you start talking about […]

By Saravanan "Sharu" Hariram

February 11, 2021

4 expert tips to stay motivated to exercise

Staying committed to a fitness routine needs constant inspiration and motivation. Most of us want to make sweating a part of our routine but find it tough to stay motivated to exercise. We got four HealthifyMe experts to crack the code of how you can compel yourself to stick to your health and fitness routine. […]

By Roshini Gilbert

April 2, 2020

The 3 best yoga asanas to torch fat

Yoga asanas and fat burn? Yes, you heard right. Yoga isn’t only about moves that increase flexibility; it can also increase the heart rate, build muscle, fuel calorie burn and zap away that fat. Try these yoga asanas for weight loss and shed those winter kilos before they add up. These yoga poses are ideal […]

By Chaitanya Varma

August 10, 2023

9 Reasons to add Squats to your Workout Routine

Love them or hate them, squats are an important part of any exercise routine. Apart from being an exercise that you can do anywhere and at any time, they are the best way to tone your legs and butt. But there are lots more reasons to get down. We give you the top nine reasons […]

By Shaik Moyeenuddin

December 30, 2019

Look Hot at the New Year Eve Party

Getting fit may be your top 2019 resolution but that doesn’t mean you need to feel bloated and out of shape at the New Year Eve bash. Our last-minute suggestions will help the men look their muscled best and the women their svelte-st self. [symple_button url=”” color=”red” size=”medium” border_radius=”3px” target=”self” rel=”” icon_left=”” icon_right=””]Get fit with […]

By Saravanan "Sharu" Hariram

July 9, 2019

Too cold outside? Work out at home

The sun is yet to rise when your alarm clock goes off. You feel like diving under the blanket rather than driving to the gym or heading to the park for a jog on this cold, dreary morning. Sleep in for a bit if you like but don’t let the weather affect your fitness. After […]

By Shaik Moyeenuddin

August 11, 2023

Surya Namaskar: Stay Fit the Kareena Kapoor Way

Kareena Kapoor swears by it. As do Rani Mukherji and Sridevi. And a gazillion other celebrities! The Surya Namaskar, a sequence of 12 yoga poses that flow into each other with rhythmic breathing, is touted as the one series that can keep you fit. Even if you don’t have the time for any other strenuous […]

By Manoj Bahuguna

Exercises to reduce cheek fat
August 10, 2023

8 ways to get rid of that dreaded double chin

Love handles you can hide but what do you do when one appears on your face? The dreaded double chin is hated universally and often acts as the final wakeup call for those who’ve been putting off getting their fitness routine in order. But while gymming, yoga and dieting may help shed pounds and inches […]

By Saravanan "Sharu" Hariram

July 9, 2019

5 exercise plans to help ease arthritis

Anyone who has arthritis tries to live with the pain. The pain is accompanied by aches, stiffness, swelling and decreased range of motion in and around one or more joints. Winter tends to augment the condition. Most often than not, people afflicted by arthritis prefer to stay put but this backfires as the muscles and […]

By Anisha Mishra

September 18, 2019

5 ways to keep you mentally fit

become Mentally fit! cardio five days a week, strength or functional training three days a week and long bike rides over the weekend. You have your physical fitness in order but are you neglecting your mental health? We give you five ways to improve your mental health and wellbeing and condition your brain. Let the […]

By Shamlee Pathare