Category: Workout

Flexibility Training: Health Benefits and Best Practices- HealthifyMe
April 8, 2024

Flexibility Training: Health Benefits and Best Practices

If you have played any sport, you would remember how the coach would make you jog a couple of rounds and stretch for the first 15- 20 minutes. Did you ever ponder as to why she or he was so adamant about it? Those couple minutes of stretching and jogging warm up your body and […]

By Jeh Lekhi

7 Best Tennis Stretches that You Must Try- HealthifyMe
October 13, 2022

7 Best Tennis Stretches that You Must Try

Tennis is a highly demanding sport requiring increased cardiovascular endurance, agility, strength, and flexibility. In tennis, stretching is a secret advantage for players since it brings many benefits. For example, a study has shown that stretching will help you be highly flexible. In addition, tennis stretches can reduce the risk of injury and ultimately contribute […]

By Jeh Lekhi

The Best Exercises for Improving Hip Muscle Mobility- HealthifyMe
August 26, 2022

The Best Exercises for Improving Hip Muscle Mobility

Movement and flexibility have become challenging in the digital and gadget era of the last few decades and the recent pandemic. As a result, several vital body muscles remain unused for a long time, leading to fatigue and exhaustion. In addition, hip joint pain and spine issues are common in desk jobs, as we move […]

By Jeh Lekhi

Virtual Workout Partner: The Benefits and Challenges- HealthifyMe
October 12, 2022

Virtual Workout Partner: The Benefits and Challenges

A workout is a session where you perform physical exercises or, in some cases, do vigorous training. It keeps your body active and fit. It also makes your body ready for any physical challenges you might be aiming for. If you are part of any sports, it becomes vital for you to work out every […]

By Jeh Lekhi

Exciting Benefits of Biking to Work- HealthifyMe
October 20, 2022

Exciting Benefits of Biking to Work

To be healthy, you must remain physically active. Physical activity can help protect you from serious diseases such as obesity, heart disease, cancer, mental illness, diabetes and arthritis. Cycling regularly (Biking to Work) on a bicycle is one of the best ways to stay healthy and reduce your risk of related complications associated with a […]

By Jeh Lekhi

The Top 10 Superfoods for Cycling- HealthifyMe
October 12, 2022

The Top 10 Superfoods for Cycling

Nutrition is integral to training, stamina building, injury aversion, and rehabilitation. Improved nutrition can increase your performance in all physical activities. The same is applicable when you are cycling. Superfoods contain a variety of nutrients, such as phytonutrients and antioxidants. They also include healthy fats, fibre, and phytochemicals, providing several health benefits. Eating meals high […]

By Jeh Lekhi

Exercise Affects Fertility: A Detailed Guide- HealthifyMe
August 25, 2022

Best Workouts for Stress Relief: A Simple Guide

Stress is a natural feeling of the inability to deal with specific emotional, physical and situational trauma and demands. It could be a physical or psychological reaction to common triggers like family or personal issues, jobs, exams, etc. Stress is different for each individual. However, our bodies’ reactions to stressors are consistent. For example, it […]

By Jeh Lekhi

Exercise Affects Fertility: A Detailed Guide- HealthifyMe
August 25, 2022

Exercise Affects Fertility: A Detailed Guide

Fertility is the ability to conceive a child. Modifying your lifestyle to improve your preconception health can improve your chances of pregnancy and the health of your future child. Numerous factors can influence fertility. Inversely, PCOS, pelvic inflammatory diseases, endometriosis, Celiac disease, and other medical conditions can reduce fertility. A healthy weight increases the chances […]

By Jeh Lekhi

Reasons Why Should You Hire A Personal Trainer- HealthifyMe
December 6, 2022

Reasons Why Should You Hire A Personal Trainer

Have you ever bought an expensive gym membership, and fallen off the bandwagon? We visualise a beautifully sculpted body and increased prowess. But we let go somewhere. For example, imagine going to the gym for 5-8 months and not getting the desired weight loss results. We see our fellow gym goers sporting cool outfits and […]

By Jeh Lekhi

Easy to Follow Fitness Tips for Every Woman Over 50- HealthifyMe
October 13, 2022

Easy to Follow Fitness Tips for Every Woman Over 50

As the number of candles on our birthday cakes increases, so does the number of times somebody tells us that fifty is a new beginning. It is entirely ok to deplete a little and become a little wiser. On the other hand, the modern world’s standards can be unforgiving. Some of us feel low, thinking […]

By Jeh Lekhi

August 24, 2022

Chest Exercises For Men – Ways To Pump Your Chest Muscles

The pectoralis major and minor are the two muscles that make up the chest muscles. They’re known as the “pecs” when they’re all grouped. The pectoralis major is the larger muscle, with an upper portion (known as the clavicular head) and a lower part (known as the pectoralis minor) (called the sternal head). The pectoralis […]

By Jeh Lekhi

Essential Tips and Ways to Workout Twice a Day- HealthifyMe
October 12, 2022

Essential Tips and Ways to Workout Twice a Day

Losing weight or maintaining it is never an easy task. It is an undertaking that involves consistency and diligence. However, with the sedentary nature of office life and the peer pressure to indulge in unhealthy binges at social gatherings, this consistency demands a whole lot of effort. However, a morning walk and a good evening […]

By Jeh Lekhi

KickBoxing: Advantages and Precautionary Measures- HealthifyMe
October 13, 2022

KickBoxing: Advantages and Precautionary Measures

Kickboxing is a form of martial arts consisting of punching, kicking, and footwork. It is a high-intensity workout that uses a mixture of boxing and martial art movements such as various punches, kicks, and footwork. Kickboxing involves the moves from karate, Muay Thai, and boxing along with powerful kicks from karate and agile punches from […]

By Jeh Lekhi

A Basic Guide on The Best Exercises For Pregnancy- HealthifyMe
August 15, 2022

A Basic Guide on The Best Exercises For Pregnancy

Pregnancy is not an illness; it’s a time to slow down and be gentle with oneself. However, it may come with some nagging issues. For example, you can have backaches, swollen ankles, insomnia, bloating, and constipation. To prevent this, staying active from the beginning is good. In addition, it is good to have a well-thought-out […]

By Jeh Lekhi

October 11, 2022

Exercises to Prevent Muscle Loss – Beginner’s Guide

Has it become difficult for you to be physically active nowadays? Are you experiencing muscle fatigue and weakness? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you might be experiencing muscle loss.  The muscle in the human body is a function of age, sex, genetics, diet, and workout. Therefore, exercises that boost muscle growth […]

By Jeh Lekhi

Chest Exercises
August 10, 2022

The Best Chest Exercises to Include in Your Workout

Most people adore a well-sculpted, broad framed chest and spend innumerable hours hitting the gym to get that perfect shape. A well-built chest is not only impressive but is strong enough to push heavy objects such as a barbell to massive cars.  There are many exercises that can help you build a genuinely spectacular chest. […]

By Saravanan "Sharu" Hariram

Prenatal Back Pain Exercises: A Simple Guide- HealthifyMe
August 6, 2022

Prenatal Back Pain Exercises – A Simple Guide

Being pregnant brings immense joy, but it also brings some difficulties that some of us must face. There will be days when you might feel low or feel chronic aches. But you need not worry; this is part of the process. There are various effective ways to ease the pain. This article talks about how […]

By Jeh Lekhi

How yoga helps build immunity
July 30, 2022

How Yoga Can Help Strengthen Your Immune System

A 5,000-year-old repository of Indian knowledge and know-how, yoga is more than just twisting, turning, stretching and breathing exercises. It’s a way of life. This ancient art that strengthens the body and relaxes the mind can also be the best way to stave off routine illnesses and ailments. At any given time of the day […]

By Manoj Bahuguna

July 29, 2022

Top 10 Leg Workouts that Can be Done at Home

It is not an absolute necessity to attend the gym in order to effectively work the muscles of the legs and bring about significant changes in strength and fitness. One of the most practical pieces of resistance that you have access to is your own bodyweight. The best part about bodyweight training is that workout […]

By Dileep B. Shivaram

July 17, 2022

9 Powerful Arm Workouts and Their Benefits

We are often told that 30 minutes of physical activity, exercise, or workout are essential for our overall health. That is because physical activities boost our energy and also make us feel more energetic. Our daily workouts should include activities such as cardio, strength or weight training, and stretches to live an active and healthy […]

By Saravanan "Sharu" Hariram

July 13, 2022

12 Yogis Share Their Favourite Yoga Pose

For all those of you aspiring to master the art of stretching and finding your inner peace, here is a little something.  You don’t have to be a passionate yogi to reap the benefits of doing yoga. All you ought to do is include it in your daily routine. Twelve of our certified yoga coaches talk […]

By Habil

July 6, 2022

10 Yoga Poses to Increase Spine Mobility

Among the various pain areas in the body, many people experience trouble with their back. With our lifestyle that includes sitting for long spells and reduced movement, pain & stiffness are almost inevitable.  With age and stress, the troubles of the back are only likely to increase, which is why preventive and early care is […]

By Shamlee Pathare

आयरन-समृद्ध प्यायच्या
June 30, 2022

Yoga Asanas to Help Reduce Gastric Problems

Summary: When asked to a senior obstetrician and gynecologist of Odisha, “What would you choose in between Yoga and gym workout,” he chose yoga and said, “Gym workout mostly focuses on muscle building, which leads to hypertrophy (increase in muscle mass). But yoga benefits my inner body organs.”  Yoga is an ancient art, believed to […]

By Shamlee Pathare

Yoga for One Earth, One Family, One Future. Yoga for Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam- HealthifyMe
June 21, 2023

Yoga for One Earth, One Family, One Future. Yoga for Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam

Yoga can mean different things to different people, but the definition of Yoga comes from its ancient Sanskrit root word “yuj” which means “to yoke” or “to join”. Yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual practice that originated in ancient India that aims to create a union between the mind, body, and spirit, as well […]

By Kyle E. Goldstein

Yoga for Rheumatoid Arthritis: The Best Poses for Pain Relief- HealthifyMe
May 14, 2022

Yoga for Rheumatoid Arthritis: The Best Poses for Pain Relief

Yoga, a spiritual discipline, is based on a highly subtle science. It is over 5000 years old and focuses on bringing balance between the mind and the body. As a result, it reduces the risk of many diseases. Additionally, it also helps in relieving pain and stress. One such disease is Rheumatoid Arthritis. It’s an […]

By Shamlee Pathare

Everything You Should Know About Battle Rope Workout- HealthifyMe
May 12, 2022

Everything You Should Know About Battle Rope Workout

With the increase in sedentary lifestyles, the chances of fostering various lifestyle health conditions are significantly increasing. Rope training has gained popularity with fitness enthusiasts,  trainers and professional athletes. People have been using them for intense  calorie-burning workouts. Exercises, such as battle rope workout, require less time and have increased the sedentary population’s interest as […]

By Saravanan "Sharu" Hariram

Best Exercises for Diabetes and Manage Blood Sugar Levels- HealthifyMe
April 26, 2022

Best Exercises for Diabetes and Manage Blood Sugar Levels

Diabetes is a silent lifestyle disorder that needs to be controlled and prevented. Most people believe that you can only control diabetes by changing your dietary habits. At the same time, some believe that only medication can help. However, not many would know that you can prevent and manage or regulate diabetes with physical exercises. […]

By Saravanan "Sharu" Hariram

Benefits of Swimming- HealthifyMe
April 26, 2022

Mental and Physical Benefits of Swimming

Swimming is one of the most popular sports globally and ranks second in the top ten most popular Olympic sports. Today, we have specific heated pools and regular swimming pools in clubs, resorts and even in many housing societies. But, people have been using natural water reservoirs for ages to swim. In modern times, most […]

By Sucharita Sen

Benefits of Strength Training Backed by Science - HealthifyMe
April 26, 2022

Benefits of Strength Training Backed by Science

The first thing that comes to mind while hearing the words “Strength Training” is probably going to the gym and lifting heavyweights. But in reality, that’s not the case at all. Strength training is often known as resistance training. It uses resistance to improve muscular contraction, anaerobic endurance, and skeletal muscle size. It has several […]

By Sucharita Sen

A Dietary Guideline on Post Workout Nutrition- HealthifyMe
October 12, 2022

A Dietary Guideline on Post Workout Nutrition

Nutrition is vital for post-workout recovery and optimising performance. That is because your energy depletes after an intense workout. In addition, the muscle tissues experience damage, and the fluids and electrolytes go out with sweat. Therefore, what you eat after exercise is crucial in helping your body refuel, rehydrate, recover and remodel. The best foods […]

By Alpa Momaya