Category: Weight Loss

First borns' beware of obessity
January 28, 2021

NEW RESEARCH: Firstborn women more likely to be obese

Birth order lends itself to many stereotypes. The firstborn is responsible; the middle child is easy-going; the baby is the rebel. Other studies try to pin personality differences on birth order. But a recent study claims that birth order may have an effect on a woman’s weight. A study published in the Journal of Epidemiology […]

By Meenakshi S.

January 27, 2021

Hormone deficiency may cause you to overeat

You’re not really hungry but you still accept another piece of pizza or the last helping of dessert. It’s not you. A hormone deficiency in your brain could be causing you to overeat for pleasure. A Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School study published in Cell Reports has revealed that the reduction of glucagon like […]

By Roshini Gilbert

January 28, 2021

In season: fresh ginger can help you lose weight

Through the year, you find yourself sifting through mounds of dry, shriveled pieces of ginger. But during the monsoons, the roots are moist and full of flavor. Which is why now is the time to get inspired by ginger and its weight-loss properties, and incorporate it in your daily diet. Fresh ginger has several health […]

By Alpa Momaya

January 28, 2021

Stand up to slim down

Doctors say office-goers should stand or walk for five minutes every half hour of an eight-hour work day. That would put them on their feet for at least an hour and 20 minutes daily and help burn 2,500 calories every month.

By Roshini Gilbert

lose weight - lady with measuring tape around waist
January 28, 2021

Four ways to stay motivated to lose weight

Staying focused on a plan is always the hardest part about losing weight. While positive feedback does provide encouragement when you first start dropping sizes, it inevitably wanes. And with our tendency to use food as emotional support, slipping back into old eating patterns when we’re stressed, makes it doubly difficult to stay on course. […]

By Roshini Gilbert

fat belly statue
November 23, 2022

Yoga poses to help you lose belly fat

There are several benefits to doing yoga but perhaps one that isn’t often highlighted is how this ancient technique can help you lose weight, and also tone and strengthen specific body parts like help you lose belly fat. Certain yoga postures directly target belly fat and help build core strength too. Breathing exercise like kapalbhati, […]

By Shamlee Pathare

sprouts for healthy snacking
August 4, 2023

In the mood to snack? Choose sprouts

Cheap, home-grown and healthy – three reasons why you need to grow a liking for sprouts. Experts estimate there are over 100 times more enzymes (special types of proteins that act as catalysts for all your body’s functions) in sprouts than uncooked fruits and vegetables. The energy contained in the bean or legume is ignited […]

By Neha Jain

Sleep Loss Affects Weight Loss
September 27, 2023

Why Sleep Loss Affects Weight Loss

In the fast-paced world, we live in today, sleep often takes a backseat to the demands of our busy lives. Many of us are guilty of sacrificing those precious hours of rest to meet work deadlines, social obligations, or simply to binge-watch our favourite TV shows. While the consequences of sleep loss are widely recognized, […]

By Mehak Shah