Category: Weight Loss

Belly Fat
April 20, 2023

Belly Fat: Types, Risk Factors, and How to Effectively Reduce It

According to the world health organisation, in 2016, more than 1.9 billion adults were overweight or obese. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle might be difficult if you have a busy and stressful existence. Many factors like stress, unhealthy eating, dependence on devices, sedentary lifestyle and easy availability of fast food have contributed to belly fat.  One […]

By Zoomi Singh

Green Tea Smoothie Recipe
January 10, 2022

Web Stories – 5 Smoothie Recipes for Weight Loss

The best way to slim down, without missing out on the right nutrients, is by focusing on your diet. A great addition to it is fresh homemade smoothies. These blends of fresh fruits and vegetables are the perfect vehicle for low-cal yet nutrient-rich ingredients that keep you satiated for long. A good mix of protein, complex carbohydrates and good fats along with […]

By Alpa Momaya

October 11, 2022

The Best Nuts to Consume for Weight Loss

Nuts refer to dry fruits that are mainly single-seeded. Although nuts generally have a high oil content, they are also highly rich in fibre, healthy fat, vitamins, and plant protein. In addition, nuts have a hard, leathery, textured protective shell around them. Nuts are defined as hazelnuts, pecans, and chestnuts. However, as per botanical definition, […]

By Zoomi Singh

January 6, 2022

Web Stories – 11 Protein Shakes to Help Achieve Weight Loss

Losing weight is never an easy feat. It’s disheartening to lose 10 pounds through sweat and tears only to gain them back after a single cheat meal. Is it possible to satisfy your sweet tooth cravings while sticking to your weight loss goals? It might seem like sweet and healthy aren’t destined to work together. […]

By Alpa Momaya

Aloe Vera Juice Health Benefits, Nutritional Facts, and More
January 5, 2022

Web Stories – 9 Benefits of Drinking Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe Vera is a spiky succulent plant that grows in dry tropical climates. It also has a few other unusual names. It is alternatively called the ‘burn plant’, ‘lily of the desert’, and ‘elephant’s gall’. People used to call it the ‘plant of immortality’ in ancient times because of its healing properties. Aloe vera juice […]

By Hiral Patel

January 5, 2022

Web Stories – 10 Amazing Benefits of Drinking Black Tea

Black tea is a very common type of tea. It is the most oxidized form compared to oolong, green or white tea and these types of tea is derived from shrub ‘Camellia Sinensis’. Tea is the second most consumed beverage in the world after water. Black tea is popular due to its strong, bold taste, […]

By Alpa Momaya

January 5, 2022

Web Stories – Benefits of Lemon Water for Weight Loss

Adding lemon juice is an excellent way to kick-start your diet, either by including it in your meals or by swapping out sugary drinks that are high in calories with lemon water. So, does this actually work? We’ll explore this topic and discuss how lemon helps to stay healthy, hydrated, and in line to meet your […]

By Imon Roy

January 4, 2022

Web Stories – 7 Common Diet Myths for Weight Loss

To err is human. We all have our secret meltdowns, like munching junk food or stealing ice cream straight from the freezer. Bad habits such as eating amnesia, after-dinner treats, drinking without thinking, skipping breakfast, and portion distortion induces weight gain among all sections of the population. But the lifestyle habits causing your weight gain […]

By Parul Dube

Decoding Vegetarian Diet for Weight Loss
January 4, 2022

Web Stories – 7 Food Swaps for Quick Weight Loss

Does embarking on a weight loss journey mean giving up your sweets, French fries and red meat? Not necessarily. Creating space for better nutrition doesn’t necessarily require a total overhaul or giving up on your favourite foods. Here are seven food swaps that may help you in cutting down on unhealthy calories.

By Parul Dube

October 11, 2022

Top Five Reasons That Sabotage Your Weight Loss

We often see a lot of our clients frustrated with their weight loss. They try really hard to avoid candy, sugary drinks and soda but they still don’t get the results they’d like. It’s so easy to get frustrated and want to throw in the towel altogether. While diet culture may have influenced you to […]

By Lienna May

How to Speed Up Your Weight Loss Journey
January 4, 2022

Web Stories – 10 Weight Loss Mistakes We All Make

Are you struggling to perform your basic everyday tasks or just inherently feeling unhealthy? Then it’s time to hop on a healthy weight loss routine.  This pandemic and the new work from the home routine have added a few extra inches to the waistline for some of us. With the new sedentary lifestyle, sitting for […]

By Parul Dube

December 27, 2021

Web Stories – The Best Diet Plan for Weight Loss

Are you looking for the best Indian Diet Plan to lose weight? The rules are simple. All you need to do is start eating right food. However, in India, this can feel like an insurmountable challenge, given our food culture and dietary habits. For instance, a typical Indian meal is high in carbohydrates and sugar […]

By Sumita Thomas

December 22, 2021

Web Stories – 15 Proven Weight Loss Tips for Healthy Lifestyle

Are you frustrated about gaining weight but not knowing the reason behind it? You are certainly not alone. While overindulging is often the most crucial element leading to weight gain, other variables, such as stress, life stages, job, and even gender, all play a role.

By Parul Dube

12 Easy Diet Tips to cut 1000s of Calories
January 4, 2022

12 Easy Diet Tips to cut 1000s of Calories

The world today runs on screens. From students to the people working in the office, everyone is living a sedentary lifestyle. It means most people today are doing little to no physical activities, hence burning no additional calories other than their BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate). In the modern-day scenario, where we are always on the […]

By Parul Dube

7 Food Swaps to Speed Up Weight Loss
October 12, 2022

7 Food Swaps for Quick Weight Loss

Does embarking on a weight loss journey mean giving up your sweets, French fries and red meat? Not necessarily. Creating space for better nutrition doesn’t necessarily require a total overhaul or giving up on your favourite foods. Here are seven food swaps that may help you in cutting down on unhealthy calories. 1. Eggs or […]

By Parul Dube

How to Speed Up Your Weight Loss Journey
October 11, 2022

How to Speed Up Your Weight Loss Journey?

Getting fit and in shape is something that we all desire. However, our hectic lifestyle and wrong food habits make it almost impossible for us to stay healthy. But as they say, it is never too late to turn things around in your life. So start now, start at whatever age you are, whichever place […]

By Parul Dube

Top 10 Weight Loss Mistakes We All Make
December 6, 2022

Top 10 Weight Loss Mistakes We All Make

Are you struggling to perform your basic everyday tasks or just inherently feeling unhealthy? Then it’s time to hop on a healthy weight loss routine.  This pandemic and the new work from the home routine have added a few extra inches to the waistline for some of us. With the new sedentary lifestyle, sitting for […]

By Parul Dube

Obesity: Causes, symptoms, risks,
February 3, 2020

Obesity: Causes, Symptoms, Risks, and Treatment

Obesity is a complicated disease that is affecting more and more people everyday. It isn’t simply a body image concern, it is a medical condition that can lead to serious illnesses if not treated. The fact is, some people are genetically predisposed to this condition but for others it’s through years and years of poor eating […]

By Hiral Patel

acupressure: points, benefits, weight loss
May 26, 2023

Acupressure: Pressure Points, Weight Loss, and Benefits

Acupressure is an ancient Chinese treatment method that focuses on target points around the body, to which pressure is to be applied. In simpler terms, acupressure is similar to acupuncture with the use of needles in the latter being the difference between the two. Acupressure has been used for centuries to treat a myriad of […]

By Hiral Patel

December 13, 2019

Are Weight Fluctuations Normal ?

If you are experiencing weight fluctuations, fret not! because they are extremely normal. In fact, an average person’s body weight will fluctuate 5-6 pounds throughout the day. Sometimes weight fluctuations can seem unusual. If you experience fluctuating weight by 6 pounds in either direction over a period of 6 months, there may be a more serious […]

By Shradha Dang

Aerobic Exercise
December 3, 2022

Aerobic Exercise – Types, Benefits, and Weight Loss

What is Aerobic Exercise? Aerobic exercise is a moderately intense physical activity, which improves your cardio respiratory fitness and your overall health. Aerobic exercise counts as a stipulated physical activity that causes you to breathe hard and sweat. This exercises has a continuous beat or rhythm to it which indulges all your large muscle groups. […]

By Saravanan "Sharu" Hariram

October 11, 2022

Everything about Calculating Calories

Calorie is a unit of energy. Here, it refers to the energy we absorb from the food and drinks that we intake. They are essential for human health. They can put you on the range of either overweight or underweight. The key is taking in just the right amount. As humans, we need the energy […]

By Ritu Puri

BMI calculation formula
October 19, 2022

How to Calculate Body Mass Index: Normal Range and Tips to Reduce BMI

As the term suggests, Body Mass Index or BMI, serves as an indicator of one’s health or body weight. It is important to understand what exactly BMI means and how it can affect your health. Maintaining normal BMI ranges can prove to be the most basic step to maintaining good health. In this article, we […]

By Sumita Thomas

weight loss in 7 days
October 11, 2022

Weight Loss in 7 Days: Tips, Exercises and Side Effects

Good health and weight loss are known to be interrelated. Any individual with a higher BMI is known to have an increased risk of several disorders such as diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension, and other cardiovascular diseases. However, immediate weight loss may not be healthy. Trying to lose weight in 7 days can do more harm […]

By Dr. Priyanka Marakini

sleeping and weight loss
November 23, 2022

Why Sleep Is the Most Important Factor for Weight Loss

Recently, I was talking to a client who had tried to lose weight on his own but with little success. He was following a healthy diet, drinking three litres of water daily and exercising regularly. For all intents and purposes, he was leading a healthy lifestyle. So where was he going wrong? A few minutes […]

By Nahida

weight loss
July 11, 2019

How Stress Affects Weight Loss

Deadlines. Money issues. Relationship pressures. The deadline-driven digital world we live in has made stress an integral part of our lives. Apart from affecting mental and emotional health, stress can also affect one’s physical well being. The stress hormone, cortisol, has been linked to increased amounts of adipose tissue and can lead to weight gain. […]

By Chaitanya Varma

weight loss
October 11, 2022

10 weight loss mistakes we all make

On the face of it, weight loss sounds like a simple formula – burn more calories than you consume, eat less, move more and workout regularly. But we all know it is a lot harder than it sounds! However, this is because we often make mistakes without even realising it. We share 10 weight loss […]

By Meenakshi S.

Struggling To Lose Weight With PCOS? Here're 8 Effective Nutrition & Diet Tips- HealthifyMe
August 11, 2023

Controlling portion sizes can help you lose more weight

You are exercising every day, you make sure you’re not overtraining and you watch your diet carefully. But why are you not losing any weight? Blame it on the portions you serve yourself, be it dal chawal, chicken curry and rice, green smoothies or juice. The fact that continually growing portion sizes in Americans’ diets […]

By Sumita Thomas

September 14, 2020

5 important weight loss lessons to learn from The Biggest Loser study

The Biggest Loser study, which weight-watcher doesn’t know of The Biggest Loser, the reality show that pushes contestants into being the biggest loser when it comes to weight? A recent study of former contestants of the reality show has thrown some interesting insights into weight loss and the phenomenon of trying to stay in shape […]

By Dileep B. Shivaram

July 10, 2019

7 ways to get off that weight loss plateau

You hit the gym regularly and you eat healthy, but while earlier you were dropping those kilos you now seem to have hit a weight-loss roadblock. Whatever you do, your weight won’t budge on your weighing scales. How can you get off the dreaded weight loss plateau? Watch your habits Most of us are on […]

By Saravanan "Sharu" Hariram