Category: Success Stories

August 24, 2023

Weight Loss Stories – How Dr. Darshan Lost 40 kgs in 8 Months

Name: Dr. Darshan Gender: Male Age: 29 Profession: Gynaecologist Before HealthifyMe  I was always overweight, even while growing up. I was focused on my studies and academics, neglecting sports and physical activity. I weighed 112 kgs by the age of 24. The highest weight recorded was 117 at 29 years! Being a doctor, I always […]

By Misbah Fathima

August 24, 2023

Weight Loss Story – How Vertika Lost 12 kgs in 3 Months with HealthifyMe

Name: Vertika Singh Gender: Female Profession: Graduating student Before HealthifyMe  I was very slim and super active during my school days, and later I was also diagnosed with Hypothyroidism, which led to weight gain. I saw myself as an overweight person whose tummy peeped out from the surface of her body. I gradually became lethargic […]

By Misbah Fathima

August 24, 2023

Weight Loss Stories – How Nitesh Lost 37 kgs with HealthifyMe

Name: Nitesh Gandhi Gender: Male Age: 29 Profession: Marketing Professional Before HealthifyMe  I started to gain weight during my school days when I was about 14 to 15 years old. The weight gain was due to poor nutrition. No one in my family had the correct knowledge of nutrition to guide me on the same.  […]

By Misbah Fathima

December 28, 2021

Pranay Shah – How I lost 18 Kgs in 2020 with HealthifyMe

Name: Pranay Shah Gender: Male Age: 28 Profession: Sales Manager Before HealthifyMe  I am a 28-year-old Sales Manager living in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. My fitness levels were quite low before joining HealthifyMe. My job includes frequent travel due to which my lifestyle had turned haywire. I would often eat unhealthy food on various business trips. I […]

By Misbah Fathima

March 8, 2021

5 Inspiring Weight Loss Stories – HealthifyMe

Sometimes, the hardest part of the journey to any goal is to stay motivated. When the goal line starts to look fuzzy in the distance, it can be super inspiring to revel in other people’s successes and be reminded that if they can do it, then so can I. At HealthifyMe, we love to celebrate […]

By Misbah Fathima

November 29, 2023

Jayanth – How I Lost 20 kgs in 11 Months with HealthifyMe

A Chartered Accountant by profession, Jayanth was very frustrated with his unhealthy lifestyle and his increasing weight. When he finally decided to change everything holding him back, there was no stopping him.  Here is how he lost 20 kgs in 11 months!  Name: Jayanth Gender: Male Age: 32 Profession: Chartered Accountant Before HealthifyMe  The shift […]

By Misbah Fathima

June 26, 2022

Diksha Singh – How I lost 20 kgs in 6 Months With HealthifyMe

Losing weight can be a challenge, but maintaining the lost weight can be an even bigger challenge. Diksha Singh started to gain weight during her college days. This was majorly due to the unhealthy and sedentary lifestyle she had slipped into. She often resorted to eating junk food and did not have enough time to […]

By Misbah Fathima

November 29, 2023

Lakshmi Rao – How HealthifyMe Helped Me Lose Weight and Bring My Sugar Levels Under Control

Lakshmi Rao was diagnosed with Hypertension & diabetes 25 years ago. But she did not let it dominate her life and managed it by including physical activity in her daily routine. But over the years her lifestyle had become sedentary, which resulted in weight gain. Her illness required her to take insulin twice a day, […]

By Misbah Fathima

November 29, 2023

Kartik Rao – How I Lost 26 kgs in 7 Months with HealthifyMe

When you are overweight, life isn’t exactly smooth. From battling unsolicited comments and the judgmental stares to health conditions that stem from all the extra kilos, Kartik had seen it all. However, when his confidence levels began to take a beating, he knew that he needed to get back on track. His transformation journey shows […]

By Misbah Fathima

March 17, 2021

5 Best Transformation Stories – HealthifyMe

Many of us decided on fitness goals as our New Year’s resolution, but how many of us have stuck to it? Nevertheless, it’s still not too late to jump back on the wagon and reach the fitness goal set for yourself. The main reasons you should do it is to make yourself happy and healthy. […]

By Misbah Fathima

December 28, 2021

From Depressed to Confident – Shivaram’s Transformation Story

Irregular eating and sleeping patterns due to work took a toll on Shivaram’s health and he suffered from Laryngopharyngeal reflux disease, hypertension, anxiety, and depression. During his counseling session on obesity and diabetes with his family doctor, he was advised on healthy & balanced eating, calorie deficit & portion control, and the importance of physical […]

By Misbah Fathima

A Story of Passion - Charchika’s Transformation Story with HealthifyMe
December 28, 2021

A Story of Passion – Charchika’s Transformation Story with HealthifyMe

Most of us spend our lifetime searching for passion and only a few succeed. Charchika Goyal found her passion in the process of getting healthy.  Like most of our schedules, Charchika’s work schedule didn’t allow her to plan and follow a routine to lose weight and stay healthy. While looking for ways to achieve her […]

By Misbah Fathima

December 28, 2021

How HealthifyMe helped an IAF Aspirant Reach her Goal

Read about Abharani’s transformation journey of losing 10 kgs in under 2 months, which helped her clear the Indian Air Force (IAF) exam. Abharani’s dream was to be able to clear the entrance exam for the IAF. But frustration took over her when the extra kilos stopped her from fulfilling her dream.  Abharani’s life as […]

By Misbah Fathima

March 4, 2021

Top 10 Transformation Stories of 2020

2020 has been a rollercoaster ride and one of the many challenges of the pandemic was the sudden change in daily routines – we began working from home, parks and gyms closed down which put a stop to exercise routines. Stress levels rose for most of us which resulted in us baking, eating and drinking […]

By Misbah Fathima

March 4, 2021

HealthifyMe – #OnTrack 2020 Fitness Report

New year – 2021 is just around the corner. There is anticipation and excitement of leaving 2020 behind and welcoming the new year with hope and new goals but before we jump into that, we’d like to shine some light on what the healthifiers have achieved despite the odds not being in their favor – […]

By Misbah Fathima

November 30, 2023

Valentine’s Day Special: Sandeep and Sonali’s weight loss story

A happily married couple, Sonali Panda and Sandeep Dash, lived a near perfect life, yet yearned for more. Hectic working hours and schedules, and the easy availability of unhealthy food had seen them gain unnecessary kilos over the years. Sonali and Sandeep found themselves weighing 96 kg and 116 kg, respectively, last year. It was […]

By Habil

November 30, 2023

Weight loss diaries ft. Suruchi Mehta

At the time of her wedding in 2005, Suruchi found herself weighing 48 kg. Marriage and two pregnancies later, things changed and her weight shot up to 75 kg by 2012, about 10 kilos more than what she would have preferred. The responsibilities of marriage and motherhood had started to take a toll on her […]

By Habil

November 30, 2023

Indrani’s battle against hypothyroidism and weight loss

Weighing 10 pounds at birth, Indrani Mishra had always been on the heavier side! “I can’t recall a time when I was lean or thin,” says Indrani, a 34-year-old lawyer from Asansol, West Bengal. “Hormonal imbalance caused due to hypothyroidism, and my love for junk food prevented me from controlling my eating habits, which eventually […]

By Habil

December 28, 2021

Runner Mom Breaks Through the Weight Loss Plateau

Breaking through a weight loss plateau and losing an extra 10 kg in just two months is not an easy task. Minal, who weighed 85 kg, is the symbol of sheer strength and willpower when it comes to this. Not only did she lose 20 kg on her own, but she also ran her first […]

By Habil

December 28, 2021

Akanksha Triumphs over the Aftermath of her Thyroid Treatment

Suffering from a medical condition has an impact on one’s physical and mental well-being. Akanksha Chauhan, a homemaker from a small town in Bijnaur, Uttar Pradesh, tells us about the aftermath of her thyroid treatment and the effect it had on her physical and mental health. When a person is confronted by a medical condition, […]

By Habil

December 28, 2021

Change in Diet after Delivery – The Secret to Neetha’s Transformation

This is the story of a mother who proved to us that you don’t have to be a fitness freak to lead a healthy life. Neetha’s decision to make changes to her diet after delivery took her one step closer to the health goal she had set. Life takes a 360º turn when a woman […]

By Habil

December 28, 2021

How important it is to put #HerHealthFirst

While on a weight loss journey, getting out of a plateau can be difficult. Like every other woman out there, I opened my eyes when I had gained almost 10 kg while I was doing my masters. This got me involved in all things fitness. I would keep myself up to date with what’s trending […]

By Habil

Srabani feature image
December 28, 2021

A Business Owner puts #HerHealthFirst to Care Better for her Family

For someone who handles a business, takes care of her son and her family, stress is my best friend. That’s when yoga comes into the picture. Being a business owner and a mother is not an easy job. Maintaining the right balance between the family and professional life is very important. Leading a hectic life, […]

By Habil

December 28, 2021

An Investment Banker puts #HerHealthFirst for Her Daughter

Being a mother is a full-time job and managing a real job while being a single mother requires the skills of a superwoman. I’m an investment banker and mother to an adorable 5-year-old. Here is my story of why I put my health first to put her (my daughter’s) health first. Like every mother, I […]

By Habil

December 28, 2021

The Encouraging Story of a Mother Who Became a Healthy Baker

It all began with the intent of developing a healthy atmosphere. At the age of 35 she lost 10.5 kg in just 6 months. Damayanti Dutta, who is the mother of a two-year-old, gave up her job to look after her son. All mothers will relate to this when we say, it is close to […]

By Habil

December 28, 2021

#HealthNeedsLove – HealthifyMe plays Cupid on a Weight Loss Journey

Intrigued by fitness being delivered on a digital platform, Rajat Bhasin, who was looking to build muscle and get lean, after losing 17 kilos, enrolled with HealthifyMe. A balanced diet that was tweaked every week along with unmonitored workouts led to his phenomenal transformation, but the over-exertion left him with a weak back. Rajat kick-started […]

By Habil

December 28, 2021

Mo’iz Qutbi’s weight loss while battling a prolonged illness

Mo’iz Qutbi’s weight loss is an inspirational one, he started at 94 kg and is now 85 kg Lost 9 kg in 6 months! As a teen, Mo’iz Qutbi describes himself as being “very fit”, but an illness that afflicted him 10 years ago and the prolonged medication that followed, caused him to gain a considerable amount […]

By Habil

December 28, 2021

Rajalakshmi C’s stunning transformation: How she lost weight twice!

Weight before: 80.5 kg Weight after: 63 kg Lost 17.5 kg in 8 months Chennai-based software professional Rajalakshmi C. started putting on weight during her pregnancy in 2012. It had been three years and she was still not able to lose weight, this got her worried. “My original weight used to be about 62 kg. […]

By Habil

December 28, 2021

Nishant Ambastha Drops the Extra Kilos – An Inspiring Journey

Weight before: 78 kg Weight now: 68.4 kg Lost 9.6 kg in 6 months Growing up, Nishant Ambastha who was always on the heavier side, can’t pinpoint the exact reason for his weight gain. “I was always active and played sports in school and college, so I don’t really know how I touched 78 kg. […]

By Habil

December 28, 2021

Post-pregnancy Transformation: Rachna Vadhera’s inspiring journey

Read about Rachna Vadhera’s inspiring journey from 80 kg to 61 kg in 6 months. In honour of welcoming their second child in 2015, Rachna’s husband gifted her a beautiful dress that she was to wear to the celebration. However, she was left heartbroken when she found out that she could not fit into the dress. […]

By Habil