Category: Life

Pledge to lose weight this new year
August 4, 2023

5 ways to stick to your fitness resolutions

So you’ve set those New Year fitness resolutions. Now the task is to ensure they stick year-long. In the course of the year, there will come a time you get distracted, feel worn out, or hit a lull with your weight-loss progress and start to feel discouraged. Here are some suggestions to help you power […]

By Habil

August 3, 2023

After-party purge: 5 ways to cleanse your system

The party’s over, and now it’s time to get back to a healthy lifestyle. And while experts are cautious about recommending juice cleanses and other extreme diets that rid the body of toxins, these small changes will aid the body’s natural detox process. Don’t skip breakfast You may wake up feeling full from all the […]

By Dr. Priyanka Marakini

Pledge to lose weight this new year
January 5, 2021

5 New Year fitness resolutions that will work

The success of any fitness resolution is dependent on whether they are suited to your daily routine. But these five tried-and-tested pledges could be a starting point for you to draft your own. Get enough sleep Research has shown that a good night’s sleep results in the right mix of hormones in the body that […]

By Roshini Gilbert

December 30, 2019

New Year Eve Party: Alcohol Guide for Dieters

New Year’s may not be the best time to ponder over weighty matters, but for those of you planning a booze binge beware – it can wreak havoc with your waistline. This New Year eve party alcohol guide for dieters can guide how not to dilute the fun but still stay true to your diet […]

By Alpa Momaya

Pledge to lose weight this new year
August 4, 2023

Setting fitness resolutions? Focus on goals

You’ve pledged to make a healthy start in the new year. But how are you going to accomplish that? Setting fitness resolutions can be a tricky task – often, people set goals that are difficult to maintain, try and change their diet within days or expect to see significant weight loss within weeks, and are […]

By Shaik Moyeenuddin

Pledge to lose weight this new year
August 4, 2023

New Year fitness resolutions do work

Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu has said a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Most of us set the pace at the start of the New Year, by committing to big life changes. “I’ll work less and make time for family”, “I’ll save more” or “I’ll get back in shape by dropping […]

By Dileep B. Shivaram

April 7, 2021

Weight gain reasons: Are you an emotional eater?

What does your emotions have to do with weight gain? The next time you reach for a bag of chips, minutes before an important meeting, pause and ask yourself, ‘Am I really hungry?’ If your tummy is still full with the pulao you ate for lunch, chances are the stress is making you want to munch. Eating for […]

By Nahida

August 4, 2023

Stay healthy on a holiday

Santa looks cute with a belly, not all of us. When you head out of town for a much-deserved winter break, remember that you are going to unwind, not to wind up with a large waistline. Research shows that adults put on as much as 500 per cent more weight during holidays compared to when […]

By Roshini Gilbert

August 8, 2019

Five ways to reduce weight despite a busy career

Work can get in the way of working out. Many of us struggle to find time to get fitter and reduce weight but we can’t afford to not exercise because it is integral to sustained success. Here are five ways to reduce weight and stay fit despite a demanding job Do something over nothing Any form […]

By Dr. Priyanka Marakini

Fitness Goal
August 4, 2023

What’s your fitness goal ?

You’ve worked out that for your health and well-being, you need to start working out. Your success at this may be determined by defining the results you want prior to the start. Firstly, define both your short-term and long-term personal fitness goals. A short-term goal could be to lose 10 kg in six months; a […]

By Shaik Moyeenuddin

8 Tips to Speed Up Weight Loss
May 27, 2019

8 Tips to Speed Up Weight Loss

Trying to lose weight and get fitter? Want faster and better results? Here are some tips. 1. Eat on time It’s important to be consistent with your mealtimes. DO NOT eat breakfast at 9am on one day and at 11am on another. Your body will be expecting nutrition, and if it doesn’t get it on […]

By Roshini Gilbert