Category: Life

August 3, 2023

10 Must Try Healthy Food Joints in Delhi

Began your day with an intensive workout, but squandered away all that effort when hunger struck you? Stay on track with your diet by hitting these healthy food joints in Delhi! Pita Pit If you’re looking for a healthy snack on-the-go, look no further!  Pita Pit, a quick-service restaurant offers a range of wraps and […]

By Habil

September 15, 2020

How to prevent the occurrence of Repetitive Stress Injury

Experiencing a tingling feeling in your wrist or stiffness in your neck? Don’t ignore it! You may be suffering from a Repetitive Stress Injury. One of the biggest challenges to our health today is the amount of time we spend on activities that cause strain on our bodies. From staying slumped over the desk for […]

By Meenakshi S.

healthy lifestyle
August 4, 2023

How to Manage Lifestyle Disorders

Most of us structure our days around comfort and rest. But what we fail to see is that these lifestyle choices pose a major threat to our health. From choosing fast food over home-cooked meals, and a sedentary pace of life over an active one, we’ve created a host of new problems that are popularly […]

By Roshini Gilbert

weight loss
July 11, 2019

How Stress Affects Weight Loss

Deadlines. Money issues. Relationship pressures. The deadline-driven digital world we live in has made stress an integral part of our lives. Apart from affecting mental and emotional health, stress can also affect one’s physical well being. The stress hormone, cortisol, has been linked to increased amounts of adipose tissue and can lead to weight gain. […]

By Chaitanya Varma

Best Drug for Depression
May 20, 2020

4 Reasons Why Exercise is the Best Drug for Depression

The fortunate individuals who haven’t experienced depression, find it difficult to understand the hardships faced by people who suffer from it. Author of The Guardian, Tim Lott summarizes it as: “Depression is actually much more complex, nuanced and dark than unhappiness—more like an implosion of self. In a serious state of depression, you become a […]

By Varun Nagar

August 4, 2023

Osteoporosis – A new health threat on the rise

This article on Osteoporosis was originally featured in Your Wellness Magazine and is written by Senior Physiotherapist and Fitness Coach, Meenakshi S.  Aches are a normal part of aging, but it’s important to know when pain may be signalling something more. In women, bone mass or density starts to decrease after 35 years of age […]

By Meenakshi S.

Achieving Your Fitness Goals with a Comprehensive 2000 Calorie Diet Plan- HealthifyMe
August 10, 2023

10 easy ways to boost your fitness levels

Too busy to hit the gym? Don’t fret! Here are some nifty ways to get fit without making drastic changes to your daily routine. Taking your dog for a walk gives you more than eight hours of exercise a week, according to a study by the UK-based pet care company Bob Martin.   Giving up […]

By Saravanan "Sharu" Hariram

whole wheat
August 10, 2023

Food Face-off: Whole-wheat vs Multigrain Bread

Happiness is…the smell of freshly baked bread! See how well your favorite bread fares in terms of nutritional content is it whoel wheat or multigrain bread?

By Neha Jain

August 10, 2023

The four pillars to adopt a healthy lifestyle

Embarked on a detox week after binge eating over the weekend, but forgot to slot in the exercise in your daily routine? Started your day with yoga, but ended it with an entire pizza? Eating small meals at frequent intervals, working out regularly, but failing to get enough sleep? Do you relate to this? If […]

By Meenakshi S.

July 11, 2019

Here’s how celebrity moms lose post-natal weight

One month they’re flaunting the biggest baby bump, the month after, they’re svelte and sexy just like they used to be. How do celebrity moms drop their baby weight so quickly? It may prove more challenging for most new moms to drop all those pounds so fast, but there’s no harm in seeking inspiration to […]

By Meenakshi S.

November 8, 2021

7 Indian superfoods that should be a part of your diet

To most of us, superfoods mean exotic foods such as kale, broccoli, blueberries, acai berries, Greek yogurt and olive oil. Recent research, however, shows that traditional Indian food items also  deserve superfood status. These 7 local and traditional foods rank higher than exotic items any day: Ghee Once dismissed for its “fatty” nature, ghee today […]

By Neha Jain

May 27, 2019

Why dark chocolate’s so good for you!

If there’s one thing that makes billions of people go mmmmm, it’s got to be chocolate! It’s celebration, it’s pleasure and it’s a mood-upper! We tell you why you should eat a bit – just a bit – of dark chocolate every day! [symple_button url=”” color=”red” size=”medium” border_radius=”3px” target=”self” rel=”” icon_left=”” icon_right=””]Get fit with HealthifyMe. […]

By Sumita Thomas

Fitness Goal
September 14, 2020

6 months down, do you need to take these 7 fitness re-resolutions?

We start out every New Year, keen to make a difference. At home and work, with family and friends, with finances and health! We entered 2016 armed with a load of fitness resolutions and healthy habits, hoping to turn the clock back this year. Six months into the year, it’s time to take stock. Have […]

By Habil

August 8, 2019

How to stay healthy despite working 24/7

Do you come in early, skip lunch break and take work home? If so, you’re a certified workaholic! The world celebrates Workaholics Day on July 5. This infographic is for those work round the clock and want to stay healthy despite working 24/7

By Shaik Moyeenuddin

July 11, 2019

5 reasons you need to re-resolve to be fit and healthy

With long commutes, work-related stress, sedentary jobs and unhealthy eating habits, the modern lifestyle are taking a toll on both the mental and physical health of people. Obesity is a growing problem and it is estimated that cardiovascular disease will be the cause of over 40 per cent deaths in India by 2020, making the […]

By Dileep B. Shivaram

April 7, 2021

Why resolutions fail and how you can make them #NOFAIL

You started out the New Year, full of promise and hope. 2016 was going to be your year, the one in which you made a difference to your health and fitness by getting to your ideal weight and staying there. Cut to six months later. The resolutions have failed and so – it seems but […]

By Habil

July 11, 2019

Willpower alone can’t take you to permanent weight loss

If you believe your willpower will help you power through to permanent weight loss, you had better think again. A recent article in The Atlantic suggests that dieting and willpower alone can’t guarantee that you will shed the extra kilos and keep them off. It backs what other recent research showed. A study on contestants […]

By Saravanan "Sharu" Hariram

January 17, 2020

7 reasons that haldi (Turmeric) is good for you

The world may be going gaga over turmeric latte now but we in India have been sipping on haldi doodh for years! Turmeric, which comes from the root of the Curcuma longa plant, has been used as a powerful anti-inflammatory in Chinese and Indian systems of medicine. The deep yellow-orange colour led it to be […]

By Ritu Puri

April 28, 2022

10 foods that will help you beat the summer heat

Beat the summer! the monsoon is around the corner but there has been no letup in the heat. Indian summers can be devastating; they can elevate your body temperature, cause dehydration, fatigue and even heat stroke. Put these 10 cooling foods on the menu to soothe the body from the inside and flush out toxins. […]

By Kamala Somasundaram

September 14, 2020

10 reasons why lauki should be your best friend in summer

It may not seem like it but bottle gourd – also known as dudhi or lauki – is one of the best things about summer. Be it as juice, in a sabzi or in soup, you will reap benefits galore from this water-rich vegetable. Backed by Ayurveda, this veggie is delightful, be it sweet, think […]

By Nahida

August 10, 2023

7 Things to Avoid if you’re Fasting During Ramzan

Ramzan, or Ramadan, is one of the most important festivals in the world with over 2 billion people celebrating the pious occasion. But, as you fast through the day and commit to the spiritual journey, it is also important to follow healthy measures during the post-fasting period. Most people have the misconception that fasting through […]

By Nahida

January 27, 2021

10 reasons why meditation is good for you

It’s not easy staying on top of things, especially when a million things are pulling you in every direction. For a lot of people who fail to deal with the pressure, burnout results in several mental and physiological health problems. The age-old practice of meditation has a proven record of curing health-related problems. Here are […]

By Manoj Bahuguna

August 10, 2023

Is your smartphone making you fat?

Late-night text messaging with your significant other or scrolling through social media feeds have become a part of your routine, thanks to the smartphone. And although we have all come across information that suggests that looking at the bright screen in the dark can affect our sleep patterns, there are more ways this light exposure […]

By Team HealthifyMe

alcohol leads to unnecessary weight gain
August 10, 2023

5 tips to make diet-friendly alcohol choices

A glass of wine has as many calories as a doughnut. Four pints of beer on game night is equivalent to two-and-a-half burgers. A Pina Colada equals up to two puff pastry sausage rolls. Two glasses of champagne are the calorific equivalent of a large slice of chocolate cake.  A bottle of alcopop – such as […]

By Alpa Momaya

What causes stress
May 19, 2020

7 ways exercise helps you in efficient stress management

You religiously set the alarm early for your morning jog but end up hitting the snooze button. As the day passes, your stress grows. But did you know that avoiding that snooze button and getting your exercise fix could help you avoid stress? And all the health issues that stress can bring? Many studies have […]

By Saravanan "Sharu" Hariram

September 14, 2020

5 important weight loss lessons to learn from The Biggest Loser study

The Biggest Loser study, which weight-watcher doesn’t know of The Biggest Loser, the reality show that pushes contestants into being the biggest loser when it comes to weight? A recent study of former contestants of the reality show has thrown some interesting insights into weight loss and the phenomenon of trying to stay in shape […]

By Dileep B. Shivaram

Common Squat Mistakes you Should Avoid
August 10, 2023

Why group exercise scores over solo sessions

As kids, we enjoyed playing with friends. Is there any reason why the games – fitness ones, we mean – can’t continue once we’re older? Group exercise, typically defined as exercise performed by a group of individuals led by an instructor, can be a great way to mix up your workout and add a fun […]

By Roshini Gilbert

September 14, 2020

The health risks of desk jobs and how you can sidestep them

If you have a sedentary job, it might be doing more harm to your body than you realise. Several recent studies have demonstrated the ill effects of sitting, going so far as to compare the harmful effects of a deskbound job to that of smoking. Prolonged sitting is the root cause numerous serious health concerns, […]

By Roshini Gilbert

April 7, 2021

5 tips to live life ‘Danishly’

What is with the Danish lifestyle and happiness? The recently released World Happiness Report 2016 Update placed Denmark on top of a list of 156 countries ranked by happiness levels. The rankings, which covered the years from 2013 to 2015, revealed an average score of 5.1. But Denmark stood out with an average of 7.52. […]

By Saravanan "Sharu" Hariram

September 17, 2019

Happiness workout: Release those endorphins

Forget being an adrenaline junkie. Focus on your endorphins and you’re sure to have a happier and healthier life. Endorphins are chemicals released by the pituitary gland and are responsible for that post-workout buzz. Structurally similar to morphine, they are considered natural painkillers and bring about feelings of euphoria and wellbeing. Research has linked endorphins […]

By Shaik Moyeenuddin