Category: health

How to Grieve the Loss of a Loved one to Covid-19?
May 25, 2021

How to Grieve the Loss of a Loved one to Covid-19?

Summary: You could be angry, irritated, helpless to have not had the chance to say goodbye. The passing of your loved one could have been possibly sudden and this can be overwhelming. Dealing with a loss of a loved one at any time can be distressing and even more so during the pandemic. We understand […]

By S Sharanya

How to Manage Work-from-home Burnout?
May 19, 2021

How to Manage Work-from-home Burnout?

Summary: Work-from-home has increased the burnout rate amongst working professionals. It has blurred the line between work and home. This has created conflicts, disagreements, and difficulty in managing tasks. Burnout lowers productivity, impacts concentration & memory, and can also affect mental & physical health.  Work-from-home + Pandemic = Burnout  It’s been almost a year since […]

By Ishita Sharma

Self-Care in the Second Wave of COVID-19
May 27, 2021

Self-Care in the Second Wave of COVID-19

Have you been spending too much time on social media? Has your sleep cycle taken a hit once again? Have you been consulting a lot of news of late? Do you feel a sense of Déjà vu since the last lockdown? If you have said yes to at least one of these statements, then you […]

By S Sharanya

How to Stay Sane if You are Quarantining Alone?
May 10, 2021

How to Stay Sane if You are Quarantining Alone?

By now there has been enough chatter about the people quarantined at home with the stressors of partners, spouses, roommates or kids. But what about those who have been braving this storm alone? People who live or may have to quarantine alone and for whom the lockdown orders have caused limited activity and a significant […]

By S Sharanya

Proning Techniques to Help Improve Oxygen Levels in COVID-19 Patients
May 25, 2021

What is Proning and How Does it Help with COVID-19 Patients?

SARS-CoV-2 virus causes pneumonia that is identified through fever, dyspnea, acute respiratory symptoms and named COVID-19. This disease exacerbates in a number of patients and causes pulmonary edema, multi-organ failure, and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).  Prevalence of ARDS among COVID-19 patients has been reported to be up to 17%. Among the introduced treatment methods […]

By Dr.Poonam Sharma

How to Handle Caregiver Burnout During the Pandemic?
May 26, 2021

How to Handle Caregiver Burnout During the Pandemic?

Summary There are many forms of burnout. Caregiver burnout arises when you are providing constant support and assistance to a receiver who is ailing, suffering from chronic illness, or has any form of disability.  This pandemic has led people to quickly assume the role of a caregiver with limited resources at disposable. This article assists […]

By Ishita Sharma

All You Need to Know About Bariatric Surgery
May 25, 2021

All You Need to Know About Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric surgery is a type of weight-loss surgery performed on people who are obese and wish to lose weight. It is generally considered when a person suffers from severe health issues due to obesity, and no other method, whether diet or workouts, has helped.  In this article, we discuss bariatric surgery, its types, the risks […]

By Dr.Poonam Sharma

Sleep Disorders Stages, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments
April 26, 2021

Sleep Disorders: Stages, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Summary: Sleep is a key body function that is very important for an outstanding quality of life. An average adult needs 7-8 hours of sleep per day. The quality of sleep along with the number of hours is important for a healthy mind and body.  List of Contents:  Stages of Sleep Causes of Sleep Disorders […]

By Dr.Poonam Sharma

How to be Resilient with the Second Wave of COVID-19?
May 27, 2021

How to be Resilient with the Second Wave of COVID-19?

We will not say “this too shall pass” because we understand that this is not an easy situation to deal with once again. But we are here for you. This article will help you with the much-needed mental health essentials that will help you brave through home quarantine once again. Keep scrolling to know more. […]

By S Sharanya

April 17, 2021

Addiction – Causes, Types and its Treatment

Do you have a habit you want to break free from? Do you drink,smoke,eat etc just to get rid of your stress? Then you might have an addiction. Addiction is a compulsive behaviour that enables consuming a chemical,drug or a substance. This article will help you understand the causes, effects and treatment of Addiction. Keep […]

By S Sharanya

Self confidence
April 16, 2021

Does confidence issues stem from your childhood?

Summary Do you struggle with expressing yourself ? Do you find yourself staying quiet during meetings and conflicts? You might be struggling with confidence issues. This article explores how confidence issues start and its impact. This will be an eye-opener to help address issues pertaining to self-esteem.  Table of Contents What is confidence Signs of […]

By Ishita Sharma

May 25, 2021

What is burnout and how can you manage it?

Summary  Burnout leads to physical and mental exhaustion. It is a state where you feel highly demotivated, hopeless and detached. Understanding the difference between stress and burnout becomes crucial to managing burnout.  Table of content  What is burnout? Stress or Burnout? Signs of Burnout Reasons for Burnout Ways to manage burnout Conclusion Frequently Asked Questions […]

By Ishita Sharma

15 Tips for Travellers to Stay Healthy
March 31, 2021

15 Tips for Travellers to Stay Healthy

Summary: Travelling is a one-of-its-kind experience that comes with its share of difficulties. So, if you want the ups to befriend you and the downs to leave you alone while travelling, you need to stay healthy. Here are some useful and healthy tips for travellers that will help you stay fit and enjoy your journey […]

By Dr.Poonam Sharma

How to Have a Good Relationship with Yourself?
March 26, 2021

How to Have a Good Relationship with Yourself?

Summary  When did you stop loving yourself? What prevented you from being in a relationship with your own self? This article explores why it is vital to start connecting with oneself. It provides different ways you can start becoming your own close friend. Therapy can help you get insight about yourself. Connect with our expert […]

By Ishita Sharma

Home-made Face Masks for Healthy and Glowing Skin
May 25, 2021

Home-made Face Masks for Healthy and Glowing Skin

Want to avoid paying a visit to a cosmetic store or salon now and then? Now you can look after your skin without professional aid. Get a salon-like glow with these 8 effective home-made face masks for smooth, healthy, and glowing skin. There’s no need to loosen your purse strings over a professional facial when […]

By Alpa Momaya

March 19, 2021

Wow or Woe of Work From Home

When the pandemic hit in 2020, life came to a standstill. Everything was so sudden and all of us went on auto-pilot to help fight the deadly COVID-19. What felt initially as a boon, later on, turned out to be one of the causes of Depression and Anxiety. In this article, we will explore the […]

By S Sharanya

Women and Wellness- Tapping the inner YOU
March 12, 2021

Women and Wellness – Tapping the inner YOU

Summary Women and Wellness is one such topic that is most neglected in a progressive country like ours. We have dedicated an exclusive day for women because even internationally there was a need for it. In 2021, there is a paradigm shift happening. Women are finally being treated as equals at work and home. The […]

By S Sharanya

Arthritis - Symptoms, Causes, Treatments and Diet Tips
October 12, 2022

Arthritis – Symptoms, Causes, Treatments and Diet Tips

Arthritis is a broad term that refers to the inflammation of joints. The main symptoms of arthritis are stiffness and joint pain in one or multiple joints. There are more than 200 different types of arthritis, each differing in cause and treatment method.  The most common types of arthritis are Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis […]

By Alpa Momaya

What is Imposter Syndrome and How to Overcome it?
May 27, 2021

What is Imposter Syndrome and How to Overcome it?

Have you ever felt like others are far more capable than you? Do you think your ideas and opinions might be completely wrong? And do you experience a crippling fear that you might be exposed as a fake? Then you may be experiencing Imposter Syndrome. Scroll down to read more about it and learn ways […]

By Ishita Sharma

10 Health Risks of Being Overweight or Obese
May 25, 2021

10 Health Risks of Being Overweight or Obese

Overweight is not an appearance issue; it is a medical concern. Overweight is a condition in which a person has an unhealthy distribution of body fat. Excess body fat increases strain on the bones and organs and causes changes in hormones and metabolism. People with a body mass index greater than 30 are classified as […]

By Dr.Poonam Sharma

May 27, 2021

Signs You are in a Toxic Relationship and How to Cope With It?

Summary Relationships are the most complicated part of growing up, and we are masters of winging it. We are often torn between many roles we play on a daily basis, and each role requires different social intelligence. In this article, we will explore the knitty-gritty of why a relationship becomes toxic and some signs to […]

By S Sharanya

Are you Getting Enough Sleep? 8 Ways to Improve Sleep Hygiene
May 27, 2021

Are You Getting Enough Sleep? 8 Ways to Improve Sleep Hygiene

Do you find yourself tossing and turning at night? Have you noticed your sleep, deteriorating? Then this article is for you! Learn ways to make sleep your priority and experience a good night’s rest with our sleep hygiene tips.  Connect with our experts to learn about relaxation techniques to enhance your sleep. What makes sleep […]

By Ishita Sharma

Mental Illnesses – Types, Symptoms, and Treatments (Part 2)
May 25, 2021

Mental Illnesses – Types, Symptoms, and Treatments (Part 2)

Read part 1 of Mental Illnesses – Types, Symptoms and Treatments here Mental illnesses are treatable, provided we have the right kind of awareness on how to get help. This article explains the various mental disorders and their due course of treatment.  As far as types of mental health disorders are concerned, there are many. […]

By S Sharanya

Mental Illnesses - Types, Symptoms and Treatments (Part 1)
May 25, 2021

Mental Illnesses – Types, Symptoms, and Treatments (Part 1)

A health condition that involves your mind, behavior, habits, emotions and thinking patterns is known as a mental illness. It is as common and similar to hypertension, diabetes, kidney, and heart diseases. Mostly, mental health problems are related to functions that involve various walks of life, including work, social, family, and everyday activities.  Mental illnesses […]

By S Sharanya

Why Do We Procrastinate and How to Beat it?
March 17, 2021

Why Do We Procrastinate and How to Beat it?

Summary  All of us procrastinate at some point. Procrastination becomes an issue when it becomes a daily habit. Is it just laziness or is there more to procrastination? Read further to get to know more and battle your habit of procrastination.  Our counsellors can help you with more tips and techniques at just ₹99/-  Table […]

By Ishita Sharma

How to Control Your Anger Before it Controls You?
March 17, 2021

How to Control Your Anger Before it Controls You?

Summary Anger affects our mood on a day-to-day basis. It is often associated with one’s personality. The by-product of anger is typically guilt and sadness. In this blog, we explore the possible reasons as to why do we get angry? What causes it and how to cope with it. You can find helpful tips and […]

By S Sharanya

What is Holistic Well-being and Ways to Achieve it?
May 27, 2021

What is Holistic Well-being and Ways to Achieve it?

Health does not exist as a singular concept. It is an integration of various aspects. The four important components of well-being are interconnected. This makes it vital to engage with well-being from a holistic perspective. This article gives an insight into holistic wellbeing, its components, and ways you can achieve them. You can find helpful […]

By Ishita Sharma

Acidity Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, and Tips
May 27, 2021

Acidity: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, and Tips

Regardless of your age and gender, acidity is something that you’ve probably experienced at some point or the other. This uncomfortable sensation can be quite alarming, especially if it occurs on a regular basis.  Today, we are going to discuss this topic in-depth and outline a few tips on acidity for you to follow.  Table […]

By Hiral Patel

What is Art therapy and how does it help?
May 26, 2021

What is Art Therapy and How Does it Help?

Look around you. There is an art in everything, but how often do you actually pause to take a long look at it? In our busy lives, art and aesthetics generally take a back seat, and we often forget to appreciate the beauty of it. Art, both creating and admiring it, has also been scientifically […]

By S Sharanya

The Do’s and Don’ts For Defeating Stress
November 12, 2021

Do’s and Don’ts of Defeating Stress

Stress management seems like a challenging process, particularly in a scenario when you are fighting with your emotions & thoughts and fail to find a way to escape your day-to-day challenges. Stress can make you feel like a cruise lost in the ocean that struggles to find its way out. It forces you to enter […]

By S Sharanya