Category: Diet

Pair These Protein and Fibre Foods for Weight Loss- HealthifyMe
December 17, 2022

Protein and Fiber Foods for Weight Loss

With so much contradicting information about weight loss and dieting, it is no wonder people are finding it hard to make wise and healthy choices. However, one crucial tip that all nutritionists agree on is that combining different types of food groups in the right proportions is best for weight loss—for example, proteins combined with […]

By Farha Akram

Is White Bread Good for Weight Loss? Things to Know-HealthifyMe
December 16, 2022

Is White Bread Good for Weight Loss? Things to Know

There is bread everywhere, and they come in every shape and form. However different they may seem, they all get made from flour or a moist meal that is then worked into the dough and fermented. Interestingly you find mention of bread since the beginning of civilisation. So be it when Moses fed his people […]

By Parul Dube

Chapati Diet For Quick Weight Loss: A Dietary Guide- HealthifyMe
December 16, 2022

Chapati Diet For Quick Weight Loss – A Dietary Guide

The chapati diet for weight loss is a popular and effective strategy involving incorporating chapatis, or Indian flatbreads, into your daily meals. This diet is based on the traditional Indian diet, which focuses on plant-based foods and emphasises the importance of whole grains and healthy fats. The chapati diet for weight loss is not restrictive […]

By Aditi Shenai

7 Weight Loss Breakfast Ideas For A Delicious Week- HealthifyMe
December 14, 2022

7 Weight Loss Breakfast Ideas For A Delicious Week

Breakfast!! Our day starts with this particular word. And it is crucial to kickstart our day with something delicious and nutritious that promotes our fit lifestyle. Who knew that a simple breakfast could make us fit and stay healthy? The Indian diet is famous worldwide for its yumminess and the health benefits it brings to […]

By Farha Akram

November 22, 2024

The Best Indian Soups for Weight Loss

Soups are comfort food. They can help a female fight her period cramps, strengthen her immune system and can be great appetisers when your taste suffers during illness. In the freezing winter, there aren’t many things that can match a warm bowl of soup. However, this dish can do more for you. Soups can be […]

By Zoomi Singh

A Guide to Choosing The Best Fish Oil for Weight Loss-HealthifyMe
December 12, 2022

The Best Fish Oil for Weight Loss

It is true that “the body reflects what we ingest,” which is why providing your body with the necessary nutrients to stay healthy is vital. In addition, eating nutrient-rich foods regularly is a great way to start making positive lifestyle changes.  People may use nonvitamin and nonmineral dietary supplements in addition to conventional medicine to […]

By Parul Dube

Is Apple Juice Good for Losing Weight? Let's Find Out- HealthifyMe
December 9, 2022

Is Apple Juice Good for Losing Weight? Let’s Find Out

We are constantly trying to identify the foods that will enable us to lose additional weight. Apples are a fantastic source of fibre and polyphenols, two nutrients that support a healthy gut, decline inflammation, and prolong the duration of feeling full. Did you know that apples can help you maintain a balanced diet and promote […]

By Zoomi Singh

All You Must Know About the Egg Diet- HealthifyMe
December 10, 2022

All You Must Know About the Egg Diet

The term that gets the most online searches is “losing weight.” However, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that more than 1.9 billion adults worldwide are overweight, with 650 million obese. Obesity has become a global concern due to sedentary lifestyles, junk food, and irregular sleeping patterns. Unfortunately, reversing this condition and returning to a […]

By Alpa Momaya

Sugar Diet: An Insight into the Sugar Detoxification- HealthifyMe
December 10, 2022

Sugar Diet – An Insight into the Sugar Detoxification

Want to lose weight and stay at bay from any slightest chances of diabetes? Well, then, a sugar diet will be your best friend. Many nutritionists stress people to lessen or, better, totally avoid sugar in their daily food consumption. Also, as per a study, sugar, when consumed in more than the necessary quantity, can […]

By Farha Akram

How Much Fat Should You Eat a Day to Lose Weight?- HealthifyMe
December 9, 2022

How Much Fat Should You Eat a Day to Lose Weight?

Most people think that to lose weight, they must drastically reduce their fat intake. However, this is not necessarily true. You can lose weight by eating fewer calories than you burn. It is also important to note that fat is an essential nutrient, and one should not eliminate it from their diet altogether. Fat helps […]

By Pragya Sharma

Does Coffee Help You Lose Weight?- HealthifyMe
December 2, 2022

Does Coffee Help You Lose Weight?

Coffee is one of the most popular drinks worldwide. It is a rich dark beverage with biologically active ingredients like caffeine and a suite of antioxidants. There are a plethora of coffee choices to suit the different tastes of people. Today, caffeine is present in some weight loss supplements. Hence, people worldwide view coffee as […]

By Hiral Patel

What Foods to Eat For Weight Loss: A Basic Guide- HealthifyMe
December 1, 2022

What Foods to Eat For Weight Loss: A Basic Guide

Numerous factors, including genetic, physiological, and behavioural ones, affect your body weight. Inappropriate nutritional intake, however, is a significant contributor to the increase in body weight. Therefore, monitoring your dietary consumption can aid in effective weight loss. Read on to discover which foods are most effective for weight loss and improved weight management! Nutrition: A […]

By Pragya Sharma

BMI Chart: What is It and How to Calculate BMI?- HealthifyMe
December 9, 2022

BMI Chart – Men & Women and How to Calculate BMI?

The body mass index (BMI) is a way of understanding whether an individual’s weight is in a healthy proportion to their height. A BMI reading can estimate any weight-related health risks one might face. For most adults, a BMI value in the low range signals that they are underweight or malnourished. At the same time, a high […]

By Parul Dube

Does Rice Make You Gain Weight?Unveiling the Truth- HealthifyMe
December 11, 2022

Does Rice Make You Gain Weight? Unveiling the Truth

If someone wants to lose weight, the first advice they often hear is to avoid rice. However, does rice really deserve the infamous nutritional status it has? Let’s get some facts straight!  Rice is a staple food and a rich source of carbohydrates, which is neither fattening nor unhealthy. However, it has a poor reputation […]

By Pragya Sharma

How Healthy are Flax Seeds for Weight loss?- HealthifyMe
November 28, 2022

Flax Seeds for Weight Loss

Flax seeds are one of the superfoods that are popular worldwide. They are golden-yellow to brown coloured seeds and are rich in various nutrients. They are full of antioxidants, essential minerals and vitamins. Flax seeds found their place in traditional medicine early on. Nonetheless, they have recently gained popularity due to their properties in weight […]

By Sarah Gaur

All You Need to Know About Calorie Deficit Diet!
November 26, 2022

Calorie Deficit Diet – All You Need to Know

In India’s ever-growing fitness industry, most young adults are looking for ways to lose weight. With many opinions regarding various weight loss methods, a calorie deficit diet has been a commonly suggested method by a majority of experts.  In this article, we will talk about what a calorie deficit diet is? How does it work? […]

By Hiral Patel

How Many Calories Should I Eat to Gain Weight? - HealthifyMe
November 23, 2022

How Many Calories Should I Eat to Gain Weight?

Although it may seem simple, gaining weight requires a thoughtful diet and exercise plan to be successful. As with weight loss, gaining weight is a matter of consuming the correct number of calories. Those trying to gain weight always question how many calories they should eat to gain weight. However, the goal should be to […]

By Parul Dube

November 18, 2022

Intermittent Fasting – Diet Plan, Benefits, and Weight Loss

Intermittent fasting or IF is rapidly becoming the most widespread fitness and health trend. Many people are using IF to lead a better lifestyle, improve health, and lose weight. There are several studies that have demonstrated the powerful effects that occur on the brain and body due to intermittent fasting. Some studies have even shown […]

By Shradha Dang

Walking Mistakes to Avoid for Weight Loss- HealthifyMe
November 14, 2022

Walking Mistakes to Avoid for Weight Loss

Doctors and dieticians across the globe advise individuals aiming to lose weight to integrate at least 20 to 30 minutes of walking every day. But before building a daily walking regime, one must be aware of the direct and indirect walking-related mistakes most commonly made by individuals. Not only will it help one correct their […]

By Nahida Wankhade

Trying to Lose Weight by Not Eating Isn’t a Good Idea- HealthifyMe
November 11, 2022

Trying to Lose Weight by Not Eating Isn’t a Good Idea

Most of us would like to lose a few kilos of weight and that too instantly. And many people think the best way to lose weight is by starving ourselves. However, not eating enough is the worst thing you can do if you want to lose weight. Your body needs to be in a calorie […]

By Alpa Momaya

What to Eat to Lose Weight? A Simple Guide- HealthifyMe
December 6, 2022

What to Eat to Lose Weight? A Simple Guide

While most people talk about reducing calorie intake to lose weight, it is not always the healthiest choice. Instead, it is more sustainable when you lose weight by nourishing your body with better-quality foods rather than drastically reducing your calorie intake. Although we cannot brand any food as a weight-loss elixir, some help maintain safe […]

By Aditi Shenai

Why am I Gaining Weight So Fast? Possible Causes- HealthifyMe
December 6, 2022

Why am I Gaining Weight So Fast? Possible Causes

The hustle to lose weight is not uncommon. According to a report, 45% of the global population is constantly trying to lose weight. There are many possible reasons why someone might gain weight fast. Some reasons could include overeating, a sedentary lifestyle, hormonal changes, or certain medical conditions. Therefore, if you are concerned about weight […]

By Aditi Shenai

How Long Does It Take to Lose Weight?- HealthifyMe
November 4, 2022

How Long Does It Take to Lose Weight?

Whether men or women, a large percentage of the population is always looking to lose weight. However, multiple factors play into weight loss, and only some of them are in your immediate control. Losing weight is a gradual process that requires commitment and discipline. In the age of instant gratification, it is understandable that seeing […]

By Aditi Shenai

Pregnancy Weight Gain: A Beginner's Guide- HealthifyMe
December 6, 2022

Pregnancy Weight Gain – A Beginner’s Guide

There are no official guidelines for how much weight you should gain during pregnancy because every woman is different. However, you need to gain some weight to support your growing baby and have a healthy pregnancy. But how do you know how much weight to gain while expecting? Does it depend on how much you […]

By Parul Dube

Should You Eat More Protein to Lose Weight? A Guide- HealthifyMe
November 2, 2022

Should You Eat More Protein to Lose Weight? A Guide

Protein is a macronutrient popular for its ability to promote healthy weight loss. However, simply eating excessive amounts of protein won’t necessarily help you lose weight. Instead, it can cause weight gain, much like gaining weight from eating excess carbs or fat. For this reason, you need to estimate how many grams of protein you […]

By Parul Dube

Simple Tips on How to Lose Weight on Your Face- HealthifyMe
November 3, 2022

Simple Tips on How to Lose Weight on Your Face

Putting on face weight is one of the most common problems people experience as they gain weight. Your weight gain shows on the face instantly, and most people struggle with losing weight on the face as that makes them look bloated. People also want to lose fat from their cheeks, neck, or chin to enhance […]

By Parul Dube

A Beginner's Guide to Losing Weight with Carbs- HealthifyMe
November 2, 2022

A Beginner’s Guide to Losing Weight with Carbs

Many people are familiar with low-carbohydrate diets, a popular diet restricting carb intake so that the body will burn more fat. Your body gets the majority of its energy from carbs. So, by reducing the amount of high-calorie carbs, you will automatically decrease the number of calories you consume every day and force your body […]

By Parul Dube

Does Birth Control Make You Gain Weight?- HealthifyMe
December 6, 2022

Does Birth Control Make You Gain Weight?

Many people who want to start taking hormonal birth control (contraceptive) medicines worry about gaining weight. However, the reality is that everyone’s experience with birth control varies. Although studies show that various birth control methods can lead to a small amount of weight gain, not everyone experiences it the same way. Some claim that they […]

By Parul Dube

No-Sugar Diet: A Recipe for Better Health- HealthifyMe
October 31, 2022

No-Sugar Diet: A Recipe for Better Health

Sugar consumption, whether by adults or kids, is often surrounded by controversy. No doubt consuming too much added sugar leads to the potential onset of serious diseases. Whether you’re looking to lose weight or want to manage diabetes, sugar is always the villain. You can try the no-sugar or sugar-free diet to reduce your added […]

By Parul Dube

Do's and Don'ts of Pancreatitis Diet- HealthifyMe
October 29, 2022

Do’s and Don’ts of Pancreatitis Diet

The pancreas is an organ of many talents. Most of us know the pancreas as the tireless brewer of insulin, the super-important hormone for blood sugar control. We could say that one couldn’t eat without this spongy organ since it plays a pretty important role in digestion. But sometimes, the pancreas is known to digest […]

By Parul Dube