Category: Diet

December 4, 2019

What Men should Eat to Lose Weight

Tummy tires and a double chin don’t look good on anyone, be it a man or woman. But when men want to go on a diet, they have to aim in the dark. Magazine and diet books offer heaps of weight-loss advice for women but there is little for men. What men should eat to […]

By Alpa Momaya

January 27, 2021

Are diet sodas bad for weight loss?

These days, when someone asks for a cola, it is common to hear an add-on, ‘Make that a diet, please’. From Coke to Pepsi and Sprite, almost every popular sugar-sweetened beverage on the market has a “light” or a “diet” version. But are they really good for weight loss? Diet sodas are carbonated beverages. Instead […]

By Ritu Puri

Bowl of Quinoa Poha
September 16, 2019

Quinoa Poha: a low-carb, high fiber breakfast

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. A bowl of quinoa (pronounced KEEN-wah) a day does that and much more. A recent study by Harvard Medical School has shown that eating the tiny, tasteless food daily significantly reduces the risk of premature death from cancer, heart attack, respiratory disease and diabetes. Consider the fact that quinoa […]

By Alpa Momaya

September 16, 2021

Tinda: The Underrated Superfood

Are you someone who turns your nose up at the sight of Tinda? Think again because this light summer gourd, popularly called Tinda, is a superfood and has numerous health benefits. Tinda consists of 94% water and has very few calories, approximately 66 cal in 100 grams per serving. That is what makes it a […]

By R. Kalpana

February 4, 2021

Cooking trick to cut calories in rice

Soft puffy chawal with rajma, chicken curry, chole or sambar is a source of comfort on the toughest of days. Rice is an intrinsic part of the diet of most Indians. Unfortunately, it is unhealthy as it is laden with starch and empty calories. Wouldn’t you like it if there was a way to cut […]

By Sumita Thomas

vegetarian pizza
August 4, 2023

Looking for a healthy pizza? Try our recipe

Who says pizza only makes you pile on the pounds? You can enjoy a healthy version of this tasty treat just by tweaking the recipe slightly. For starters, changing the pizza base can make a lot of difference. If you’re making it at home, use wheat flour mixed with refined. Or buy a whole-wheat pizza […]

By Neha Jain

August 3, 2023

Healthy Mutton Curry Recipe

Though often dismissed as a fatty meat, in flavor, not much can compete with a good mutton curry. The meat from an adult goat, mutton has its benefits too – it contains high quality protein, essential amino acids and high levels of valuable micronutrients including iron, zinc and vitamin B. You can prepare a low […]

By R. Kalpana

August 4, 2023

Can too much fruit lead to weight gain?

We’re all of the opinion that fruits are healthy and can keep you fit and strong as they contain anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals and fiber. But can overeating certain kinds of fruit lead to weight gain? As most fruits contain high amounts of natural sugar, if you do not watch out, these can be converted into […]

By Ritu Puri

September 16, 2019

Healthy festive Recipes for Gudi Padwa, Ugadi

Who says festivals have to be fattening? This Gudi Padwa, or Ugadi, we bring you healthy festive recipes. Gudi Padwa, the Maharashtrian New Year, wouldn’t be the same without the classic delicacy puran poli, a stuffed roti with sweet chana dal filling topped with ghee. Originally made of maida, we recommend you use whole-wheat flour […]

By Dr. Priyanka Marakini

brown rice
May 7, 2021

High fiber low calorie recipe: Brown Rice Pulao

Who says rice can’t be nice if you’re trying to lose weight? Just make the healthier choice, by swapping brown rice with white. Paired with vegetables and spices, the brown rice pulao recipe I’ve given below can work as a small snack, or even a complete meal, based on your preference. Brown rice, unlike white […]

By Neha Jain

fat belly statue
November 23, 2022

Yoga poses to help you lose belly fat

There are several benefits to doing yoga but perhaps one that isn’t often highlighted is how this ancient technique can help you lose weight, and also tone and strengthen specific body parts like help you lose belly fat. Certain yoga postures directly target belly fat and help build core strength too. Breathing exercise like kapalbhati, […]

By Shamlee Pathare

Healthy Salad
March 26, 2021

Three healthy Indian salad recipes

We’ve talked about Can Salad replace Indian Food ? Like in the West, salads are a key accompaniment to any Indian meal. A good appetizer, salads are an excellent source of vitamins, minerals and fiber. But unlike the West, where fatty dressings of cheese, mayonnaise, alcohol, vinegars, sugars, etc, bring flavour to the bowl, the speciality […]

By Nahida

vegetable basket
May 27, 2019

Can a vegetarian diet help you lose weight faster?

Pumpkin or poultry – which of the two meal choices are likely to help you drop the pounds? Research shows that following a vegetarian diet may actually help you lose weight faster. There are many reasons why people choose to go vegetarian. Some are compelled by the environmental impact of confinement animal feeding operations (CAFO). […]

By Nahida

sweet potatoes
September 16, 2019

Low carb, high fiber treat: sweet potato recipes

Fancy some spuds? Try these sweet potato recipes (shakarkandi in Hindi) instead. Low on carbs, this crunchy, starch root vegetable packs a powerful nutritional punch as it is rich in flavonoid anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals and dietary fibers, all essential for optimal health. Sweet potatoes are available all year round, but like most carbs, should be […]

By Alpa Momaya

September 16, 2019

Recipe: Palak Lachcha Paratha

Who says parathas only make you put on the pounds? As long as you take care of the carbs and fat which go into making the Indian breakfast staple, it can be both nutritious and tasty meal. Palak lachcha paratha for instance is packed with nutrients and taste. Some tips – while preparing the paratha, […]

By Neha Jain

August 3, 2023

Traditional Indian probiotics that are good for you

Indian Probiotics? Well, say the word ‘germs’ or ‘bacteria’ and people are likely to think ‘disease’. But scientific research has in recent years established that there are good bacteria, too, and that they are essential for the efficient functioning of our body. Known as probiotics, which means ‘for life’, these microorganisms are widely prevalent in our […]

By Sumita Thomas

August 3, 2023

Healthy green Goodness: Sarson ka Saag

It may be the tail end of the season for sarson ka saag (mustard greens with spinach) but it isn’t too late for you to enjoy its healthy green goodness. The main ingredient mustard leaves are rich in anti-cancer nutrients and also help lower blood cholesterol levels. Spinach is a good source of fiber and […]

By Sumita Thomas

Tea cup with tea bag
August 4, 2023

Tea-Time Treats: Healthy Indian snack recipes

Banish that bread pakora that has become your 5 pm tea-time snack; savour these high energy, low calorie treats instead! Try these healthy Indian snack recipes instead. #1 Ragi Masala Idli Of all cereals and millet, finger millet (or ragi) has the highest amount of calcium (344 mg %) and potassium (408 mg %). Adding […]

By Neha Jain

Indian gooseberry
September 13, 2019

All about Amla (Indian gooseberry)

The Indian Gooseberry, or Amla, is a tangy seasonal fruit available during the winter months. It is a fruit with a peculiar mix of tastes, containing five of the six tastes from bitter, pungent, sweet to astringent and sour and is famous in India as a health and beauty aid. Popularly known as Amalki in […]

By Alpa Momaya

November 29, 2021

Pumpkin halwa recipe: Get your daily Vitamin B12 quota

Did you ever think that a serving of Pumpkin Halwa might help you remember where you kept your car keys? Believe us, it’s connected! Memory loss could be caused by the deficiency of a single vitamin – B12 – in your body. One of the eight B vitamins, B12 or Cobalamin is essential for the […]

By Dr. Priyanka Marakini

January 27, 2021

Quick and healthy evening snack ideas

Fretting about choosing something fried for that 4 pm ‘pick-me-up’ evening snack at work? Then don’t depend on the canteen chow – try these two healthy, easy-to-prepare mini-meals instead. #1 Chicken Salad Chicken salad is a high protein, low sodium. A cup of diced, roasted chicken meat has about 231 calories; 45 calories come from […]

By Neha Jain

barley fields
August 3, 2023

Jau: A cereal that burns fat

Most people believe they need to stick to boring soups and salads and steer clear of cereals to lose weight. But some cereals actually aid in burning fat. Jau, or barley grain, is one of them. It was once known as a ‘poor man’s wheat’ and used mainly as horse and cattle feed. But jau […]

By Dr. Priyanka Marakini

sprouts for healthy snacking
August 4, 2023

In the mood to snack? Choose sprouts

Cheap, home-grown and healthy – three reasons why you need to grow a liking for sprouts. Experts estimate there are over 100 times more enzymes (special types of proteins that act as catalysts for all your body’s functions) in sprouts than uncooked fruits and vegetables. The energy contained in the bean or legume is ignited […]

By Neha Jain

Tofu good source of protein
August 4, 2023

Want a protein packed lunch? Try Tofu

Some dismiss it as tough version of paneer, but there are several benefits to including tofu in your diet. Tofu, or bean curd, is derived from curdling fresh soya milk, pressing it into a solid block and then cooling it – in much the same way as paneer. The liquid (whey) is discarded, and the […]

By Neha Jain

Read the health benefits of coconut oil
March 26, 2021

Can eating coconut oil help you lose weight? Yes!

Jennifer Aniston was spotted with a shopping trolley loaded with virgin coconut oil bottles. Angelina Jolie sprinkles this ghee-like thick fat on her breakfast cereal. And, Victoria Secret supermodel Miranda Kerr credits her post-baby weight loss to her daily intake of four teaspoons of it. The humble coconut oil has gone from kesh tel to culinary star. Once […]

By Dr. Priyanka Marakini

Pav Bhaji
August 3, 2023

Try this healthy pav bhaji sans the calories

Find yourself craving a tangy treat, but don’t want to break your diet? Try this homemade pav bhaji recipe which will satiate your desire for some chatpata street food while ensuring you stay within your daily calorie consumption count. Just a few pointers – this should be had as a meal, not snack, since it […]

By Neha Jain

Indian Breakfast Options
August 26, 2023

5 Healthy Indian Breakfast Options

In the fast-paced world we live in today, breakfast often takes a backseat in our daily routine. However, the old adage that “breakfast is the most important meal of the day” still holds true. A wholesome breakfast not only kickstarts your metabolism but also provides the energy and nutrients necessary to tackle the day ahead. […]

By Shweta kumari

Till Laddoos with dates, healthy Makar Sankrant .
August 4, 2023

Makar Sankrant Special – Til laddoos

Till Laddoos with dates, healthy Makar Sankrant . It’s Makar Sankrant season, and you might be asking yourself whether the health benefits of sesame extend to a til laddoos. It’s yes and no. Age-old traditions in India have ascertained that til is good for your health. For starters, it’s a great winter food . It […]

By Alpa Momaya

August 4, 2023

Try oats, Indian style, for breakfast

Sick of regular oats with milk ? Try Oats Indian Style. Why does everyone tell you to have oats for breakfast? Don’t you wish you could have Oats Indian style? Nutritionists call this cereal a superfood. It contains soluble fibre (the highest amount among cereals – 16 g per cup), a powerful class of anti-oxidants […]

By Dr. Priyanka Marakini

Negative calorie soups are best for weightloss
August 4, 2023

Magic Soup that Guarantees Weight Loss

Soup is among the foods listed as being great for weightloss. It’s more beneficial than drinking a glass of water with a meal, another diet tip that’s often handed out. Research has revealed that soup before a meal is filling, and helps you eat less and take in fewer calories which is great for weight […]

By Neha Jain