Category: Diet

February 10, 2021

How to Lose Weight by Eating Right

Although the best way to lose weight is through a combination of diet and exercise, don’t fret if you can’t find the time for both. As it is possible to lose weight with a healthy diet. After all, weight loss is 70% about diet and 30% exercise, so it’s better to choose the former if […]

By Nishita Kaushik

Detox Diet
August 3, 2023

Do Crash Diets Work? The Risks associated with it

The word ‘crash’ in Crash Diets should give an inkling about their success rate. While you may be tempted by the promise of weight loss in a week’s time, know that in the long term, they are bound to fail. While there is greater awareness about the importance of a balanced exercise and diet plan […]

By Sumita Thomas

Onam Sadhya
August 4, 2023

How to Prepare a Nutritious Onam Sadya

Legend has it that Onam marks the day when revered King Mahabali makes an annual visit to his home state Kerala. And in India, there’s no better way to celebrate the return of a much-loved mythical figure than by preparing a feast fit for the king. The Onam Sadya served on this day is a […]

By Dr. Priyanka Marakini

Benefits and Risks You Need to be Aware of Ketogenic Diet
September 15, 2020

Ketogenic Diet – The Benefits and Risks You Need to be Aware of

Many of us believe that fats can wreck your diet. So can a meal plan that recommends high amounts of fats help you lose weight? Yes, if research surrounding the Ketogenic Diet is to be believed. Known as the fat-busting diet, it recommends a combination of high fat, adequate protein and low carbohydrates that change […]

By Alpa Momaya

weight loss
July 11, 2019

How Stress Affects Weight Loss

Deadlines. Money issues. Relationship pressures. The deadline-driven digital world we live in has made stress an integral part of our lives. Apart from affecting mental and emotional health, stress can also affect one’s physical well being. The stress hormone, cortisol, has been linked to increased amounts of adipose tissue and can lead to weight gain. […]

By Chaitanya Varma

Indian food calorie counter
October 1, 2019

How to Calculate Calorie Intake in Indian Foods

Nutrition and weight loss go hand in hand. While nutritional science is an entire medical vertical that deals with the study of the effects of food on metabolism, health and performance, tracking calorie intake is something anyone can do. The recommended calorie intake varies from person to person, based on age, gender, fitness, metabolism and […]

By Dr. Priyanka Marakini

favourite snack
February 10, 2021

10 Healthy Low-Calorie Late-Night Snacks

You had a great day, all you meals had the perfect balance of Protein, Fats, Carbs and Fibre; it’s way past mid-night and all you can think of is indulging in a late night snack, and can’t seem to resist that feeling. Don’t give in to your cravings and undo the efforts put at the […]

By Kamala Somasundaram

whole wheat
August 10, 2023

Food Face-off: Whole-wheat vs Multigrain Bread

Happiness is…the smell of freshly baked bread! See how well your favorite bread fares in terms of nutritional content is it whoel wheat or multigrain bread?

By Neha Jain

March 26, 2021

Why you need to begin your day with a high protein breakfast

We all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but are you having a proper, nutritious breakfast? In India, the most common breakfast mistake is loading up on carbs—for instance, a popular breakfast combination constitutes paranthas with a hot cup of chai. The second most common breakfast mistake is not eating […]

By Alpa Momaya

August 10, 2023

The four pillars to adopt a healthy lifestyle

Embarked on a detox week after binge eating over the weekend, but forgot to slot in the exercise in your daily routine? Started your day with yoga, but ended it with an entire pizza? Eating small meals at frequent intervals, working out regularly, but failing to get enough sleep? Do you relate to this? If […]

By Meenakshi S.

November 8, 2021

7 Indian superfoods that should be a part of your diet

To most of us, superfoods mean exotic foods such as kale, broccoli, blueberries, acai berries, Greek yogurt and olive oil. Recent research, however, shows that traditional Indian food items also  deserve superfood status. These 7 local and traditional foods rank higher than exotic items any day: Ghee Once dismissed for its “fatty” nature, ghee today […]

By Neha Jain

September 18, 2019

5 Side dishes to avoid if you’re trying to lose weight.

Ever wondered why you aren’t losing weight in spite of eating at regular intervals, not cheating on your diet, and limiting your calorie intake? Chances are that the sides you indulge in are packing on the calories. And you thought they were harmless, right? We give you 5 dishes to avoid if you want to lose […]

By Kamala Somasundaram

March 30, 2023

10 foods that are packed with fibre

You’ve packed in protein, covered your carbs and cooked your meal in good fats. But have you added fiber? Most of us (if not most) tend to ignore this equally important ingredient for good health. Fibre is not just essential for an easy (and satisfactory) trip to the loo, first thing in the morning, studies […]

By Alpa Momaya

September 14, 2020

9 types of people who failed their 2016 Fitness Resolution

Come January, you climbed up the fitness wagon, sure that this was the year you would make a difference to your health, fitness and weight. Six months on, do you recognise yourself as any one of these people? 1.The Grandstander: You began the year with such incredible plans – “I will get up at 5 am every […]

By Habil

May 27, 2019

Why dark chocolate’s so good for you!

If there’s one thing that makes billions of people go mmmmm, it’s got to be chocolate! It’s celebration, it’s pleasure and it’s a mood-upper! We tell you why you should eat a bit – just a bit – of dark chocolate every day! [symple_button url=”” color=”red” size=”medium” border_radius=”3px” target=”self” rel=”” icon_left=”” icon_right=””]Get fit with HealthifyMe. […]

By Sumita Thomas

July 11, 2019

5 reasons you need to re-resolve to be fit and healthy

With long commutes, work-related stress, sedentary jobs and unhealthy eating habits, the modern lifestyle are taking a toll on both the mental and physical health of people. Obesity is a growing problem and it is estimated that cardiovascular disease will be the cause of over 40 per cent deaths in India by 2020, making the […]

By Dileep B. Shivaram

September 14, 2020

Hitting the bar over the weekend? Try these 5 low-calorie snacks

You pride yourself on being diligent about your diet through the week. Come the weekend, and that pride gives way to guilt because you have gorged on unhealthy snacks – salted peanuts, chips, cashew nuts, or French fries – when you hit the bar with your buddies or hosted a party at home. If this […]

By Alpa Momaya

July 11, 2019

Make the best summer drink: Infused water

The elixir of life is also a weight watcher’s best friend. You may love your teas and coffees and juices, but no beverage can play the role that water does in your life! But if you want to add a little more interest to your water – visually and taste wise – may we suggest […]

By Alpa Momaya

weight loss
October 11, 2022

10 weight loss mistakes we all make

On the face of it, weight loss sounds like a simple formula – burn more calories than you consume, eat less, move more and workout regularly. But we all know it is a lot harder than it sounds! However, this is because we often make mistakes without even realising it. We share 10 weight loss […]

By Meenakshi S.

Mediterranean diet
January 27, 2021

The high-fat Mediterranean diet can help you lose weight

There are diets and there are diets. And then there is the Mediterranean diet! Validation has come for the diet once again with a new study showing that the high-fat Mediterranean diet does not cause people to gain weight. The study, conducted by scientists at University of Barcelone, Spain, and published in The Lancet, followed […]

By Neha Jain

September 14, 2020

10 reasons why lauki should be your best friend in summer

It may not seem like it but bottle gourd – also known as dudhi or lauki – is one of the best things about summer. Be it as juice, in a sabzi or in soup, you will reap benefits galore from this water-rich vegetable. Backed by Ayurveda, this veggie is delightful, be it sweet, think […]

By Nahida

7 things to avoid if you're fasting during Ramzan
August 11, 2023

The 5 best and worst foods during Ramzan

The Holy Month of Ramzan is here, and with it, begins the season of delicious feasts and pious fasting. Ramzan is not just a season of prayer and charity, it is also the time one can fall into some poor dietary habits. Even though you will be fasting the entire day, it’s a misconception that […]

By Nahida

March 26, 2021

5 reasons that raw jackfruit is a superfood

Jackfruit is one of the least known superfoods. It means many things to many people. Like the five blind people who explored the elephant, jack fruit means five different things depending on where you grew up in India. It can be a fruit, nut, vegetable vegan meat or a carbohydrate. Most people from the South […]

By R. Kalpana

Struggling To Lose Weight With PCOS? Here're 8 Effective Nutrition & Diet Tips- HealthifyMe
August 11, 2023

Controlling portion sizes can help you lose more weight

You are exercising every day, you make sure you’re not overtraining and you watch your diet carefully. But why are you not losing any weight? Blame it on the portions you serve yourself, be it dal chawal, chicken curry and rice, green smoothies or juice. The fact that continually growing portion sizes in Americans’ diets […]

By Sumita Thomas

March 9, 2023

7 reasons you need to eat more oats

Eat more oats, an apple a day keeps the doctor away, In modern times, we could well replace this apple with oats. An apple a day, it is said, keeps the doctor away. In modern times, we could well replace the apple with oats. A bowl of oatmeal has everything to keep you fit and […]

By Neha Jain

alcohol leads to unnecessary weight gain
August 10, 2023

5 tips to make diet-friendly alcohol choices

A glass of wine has as many calories as a doughnut. Four pints of beer on game night is equivalent to two-and-a-half burgers. A Pina Colada equals up to two puff pastry sausage rolls. Two glasses of champagne are the calorific equivalent of a large slice of chocolate cake.  A bottle of alcopop – such as […]

By Alpa Momaya

Healthy Pantry Oats
August 10, 2023

These 10 options in the office pantry will make snacking guilt-free

You pack a healthy lunch to take to work but by the time three o’ clock rolls around, you’re craving a snack. Your head tells you that you must choose protein-rich snacks but your tongue wants a taste of the cake, chocolate or crisps. Make the mid-afternoon slump easier on yourself by stocking the office […]

By Alpa Momaya

September 14, 2020

5 important weight loss lessons to learn from The Biggest Loser study

The Biggest Loser study, which weight-watcher doesn’t know of The Biggest Loser, the reality show that pushes contestants into being the biggest loser when it comes to weight? A recent study of former contestants of the reality show has thrown some interesting insights into weight loss and the phenomenon of trying to stay in shape […]

By Dileep B. Shivaram

July 10, 2019

7 foods that can torch belly fat

You have been going to the gym religiously and have lost oodles of weight, but that tummy refused to be tamed. It’s isn’t you, it’s what may be eating! Research shows our eat-and-sleep clocks have been completely jumbled due to cues we send it all day with the foods we eat. Unhealthy foods, mostly those […]

By Neha Jain

July 10, 2019

7 ways to get off that weight loss plateau

You hit the gym regularly and you eat healthy, but while earlier you were dropping those kilos you now seem to have hit a weight-loss roadblock. Whatever you do, your weight won’t budge on your weighing scales. How can you get off the dreaded weight loss plateau? Watch your habits Most of us are on […]

By Saravanan "Sharu" Hariram