Category: Diet

December 28, 2021

Web Stories – 9 Impressive Health Benefits of Kalonji Seeds

Kalonji or Nigella Sativa is considered a miraculous herb with a rich historical and religious background. It is widely grown in different parts of the world and is an annual herb cultivated in India. The seeds of kalonji find their use as a spice and in herbal medicine. Ayurveda speaks highly of kalonji seeds for […]

By Hiral Patel

High-Calorie Foods for Good Health
December 27, 2021

Web Stories – 12 Healthy Foods for Your Weight Loss Journey

Slide 1- If losing weight is your goal, these 18 foods may help support a healthy weight loss journey Slide 2- Whole Eggs: Eggs are incredibly nutrient-dense. Interestingly, almost all its nutrients are found in the yolks — like choline and vitamin D — though egg whites deliver 4–6 grams of protein each. Slide 3- […]

By Sumita Thomas

December 27, 2021

Web Stories – The Best Diet Plan for Weight Loss

Are you looking for the best Indian Diet Plan to lose weight? The rules are simple. All you need to do is start eating right food. However, in India, this can feel like an insurmountable challenge, given our food culture and dietary habits. For instance, a typical Indian meal is high in carbohydrates and sugar […]

By Sumita Thomas

sabja seeds feature image
December 24, 2021

Web Stories – 7 Fascinating Benefits of Sabja Seeds

Sabja seeds, also called tukmaria or basil seeds, are black seeds that look a lot like chia seeds and offer immense health benefits. They are native to India but different from the holy basil- also called Tulsi. Sabja seeds are rich in protein, essential fats, carbs, and are packed with fiber. Surprisingly, they contain no calories.

By Alpa Momaya

Jowar grains
December 24, 2021

Web Stories – 12 Reasons Why Jowar is Good For Your Health

Jowar is globally known as the “new quinoa” for its gluten-free and whole-grain goodness. It goes by the name of Sorghum in English. In India, jowar is a staple food item. It has many words in different states, namely, Cholam in Tamil Nadu and Jonna in Andhra Pradesh. Jowar is ground into flour that is […]

By Alpa Momaya

December 23, 2021

Web Stories – 9 Amazing Health Benefits Of Tapioca

Tapioca is neither a fruit nor a vegetable. It is a starchy substance derived from the roots of the cassava plant. This plant goes by the name of manioc, yuca, and Manihot as well. Brazil and much of South America are home to these shrubs. Though cassava roots are edible in their boiled form, a […]

By Alpa Momaya

star fruit
December 23, 2021

Web Stories – 6 Magical Benefits of Eating Star Fruit

Star fruit is a tropical fruit native to Southeast Asia. It has gained popularity across the world for its myriad of uses and benefits. Biting into the star fruit is extremely satisfying as it is both crunchy and juicy. In some areas, it is relished as a local delicacy, while other areas consume it as […]

By Hiral Patel

Ginseng: Benefits, Uses and Side Effects
December 23, 2021

Ginseng: Benefits, Uses and Side Effects

Ginseng is one of the most popular natural medications. For ages, it has found its application in traditional Chinese medicine. It is a small, slow-growing plant with bulbous roots. Ginseng has the potential to replenish and promote well-being. It is known as man-root as it provides benefits to the whole body. Ginseng benefits range from […]

By Parul Dube

December 22, 2021

Web Stories – 15 Proven Weight Loss Tips for Healthy Lifestyle

Are you frustrated about gaining weight but not knowing the reason behind it? You are certainly not alone. While overindulging is often the most crucial element leading to weight gain, other variables, such as stress, life stages, job, and even gender, all play a role.

By Parul Dube

Soya Chunks Nutritional Facts Benefits and Recipe
December 22, 2021

Web Stories – 9 Amazing Benefits Of Soya Chunks

With more people turning to vegetarianism, veganism and plant-based diets, and a renewed interest in high-protein diets, soya chunks are popular among vegetarians for their high protein content. Apart from vegetarians, soya chunks are popular among non-vegetarians too, for their meat-like density and texture. The high protein content in soya chunks makes it very popular, […]

By Parul Dube

Custard apple
December 21, 2021

Web Stories – 9 Surprising Benefits of Custard Apple

Custard Apple, also known as “sitaphal” in Hindi, is a delicious fruit that is quite popular. This soft and creamy fruit has a hard rind and is full of nutrients.

By Hiral Patel

dairy-free source
December 21, 2021

Web Stories – 10 Health and Nutrition Benefits of Sesame Seeds

‘Til’ or sesame seeds have been a kitchen commodity in every Indian household for generations. Known to humankind for thousands of years, sesame seeds are a powerhouse of minerals and earned a special place in Ayurveda and other traditional medicinal forms.

By Hiral Patel

December 21, 2021

Web Stories – 10 Proven Health Benefits of Ash Gourd

Ash gourd is a tender vine, which produces large fruit. Famous as a wax gourd, winter melon, white gourd, and Chinese watermelon, the immature ash gourd fruit has thick white flesh and is fuzzy in appearance.

By Imon Roy

December 20, 2021

Web Stories -10 Incredible Health Benefits Of Muskmelon

We all are familiar with this delicious summer fruit but aren’t aware of its potential benefits. You would be happy to know that it is not only an incredibly refreshing evening snack of the summer but also a great nutritional source.

By Shradha Dang

Immunity Boosting Drinks- HealthifyMe
October 12, 2022

Immunity-Boosting Drinks: Kick-Start Your Immune System

In 2020, we all put one of the defences on the pedestal. And no, we’re not talking about the masks. We are talking about immunity booster drinks. These kadhas have always been renowned for their effects on enhancing immunity. Immunity booster drinks and juices are no less than a miracle for our bodies’ defences. It […]

By Parul Dube

December 20, 2021

Web Stories – Top 12 Health Benefits of Jaggery

Jaggery is a traditional Indian sweetener and a staple in Indian households. Jaggery sweets are a standard offering to God in various parts of India. It is healthier than refined white sugar, a product of raw and concentrated sugar cane juice.  Sugar contains the ominous empty calories dreaded by all. On the other hand, jaggery […]

By Parul Dube

December 19, 2021

Web Stories – 9 Powerful Health Benefits of Kiwi You Should Know

Kiwi fruit is not often considered a “superfood”, but in fact, it’s a fruit that is full of important vitamins and minerals and can have a very positive effect on your health. These brown fuzzy fruits have a sweet and slightly tangy taste with green flesh on the inside that lends a unique flavor and tropical […]

By Hiral Patel

December 19, 2021

Web Stories – 10 Foods That Are High in Potassium

An essential nutrient, potassium is a mineral that your body needs to perform a myriad of important functions. Balancing the electrolytes and fluids in your body and ensuring your heart continues to pump blood depends on consuming adequate amounts of potassium.

By Dr. Priyanka Marakini

Basa fish
December 19, 2021

Web Stories – 8 Incredible Benefits Of Basa Fish

Basa fish is a catfish, scientifically referred to as Pangasius Bocourti. It is also commonly called river cobbler, Vietnamese cobbler, and swai. Native to Vietnam, Basa fish is found abundantly in the Mekong and Chao Phraya rivers and is extensively exported worldwide.

By Alpa Momaya

The role of High Protein food for Weight Loss- HealthifyMe
October 11, 2022

High Protein Foods to Include in Your Daily Diet

Nutritionists recommend high protein diets for reducing and managing obesity by improving body weight management. For every 1 kg of body weight, the recommended quantity is 0.08- 1g  grams of protein. However, age and health parameters can change the intake. Protein helps build tissues and muscle strength, oxygenates food, helps in regulating hormones and enzyme […]

By Parul Dube

On-The-Go Diet Plan for a Busy Day
May 18, 2022

On-The-Go Diet Plan for a Busy Day

The work culture and the constant grind have got so many of us compromising on our health. We go about our busy days with tight schedules without conscious thought about the repercussions of munching on extremely oily, salty, and unhealthy food. In addition, the constant glorification of excess work, long hours, and always being productive […]

By Parul Dube

10 Diet Tips to Increase Protein Intake for Vegetarians
October 12, 2022

10 Diet Tips to Increase Protein Intake for Vegetarians

When one thinks of protein, steak, eggs, or chicken might come to mind. But suppose you’re not a big meat eater and are a vegetarian or, well, an eggetarian. In that case, you have other options to make sure you get the recommended amount of protein that your body needs. Protein is a macronutrient and […]

By Parul Dube

12 Diet and Nutrition Myths People Still Believe In
October 12, 2022

12 Diet and Nutrition Myths People Still Believe In

A scroll through your social media feed and group chats forwards will bring you across multiple guaranteed tips and tricks to use food as a cure for many ailments. Unfortunately, this digital era of fast content creation proves to be easy to perpetrate food and nutrition myths by unlicensed individuals. Furthermore, we are also passing […]

By Parul Dube

Diet and Nutrition Tips for Healthy Skin
October 12, 2022

Diet and Nutrition Tips for Healthy Skin!

Hydrated, supple, clear, glowing and healthy skin is what we all desire. But do we pay attention to aspects other than complicated skincare routines? Many of us don’t realise that intentionally or unintentionally, our daily choices result in our skin getting ‘starved’ of certain essential nutrients. Skin starvation leads to frequent breakouts, skin allergies, dullness […]

By Parul Dube

12 Easy Diet Tips to cut 1000s of Calories
January 4, 2022

12 Easy Diet Tips to cut 1000s of Calories

The world today runs on screens. From students to the people working in the office, everyone is living a sedentary lifestyle. It means most people today are doing little to no physical activities, hence burning no additional calories other than their BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate). In the modern-day scenario, where we are always on the […]

By Parul Dube

10 Healthy Snack Options Under 100 Calories
October 12, 2022

10 Healthy Snack Options Under 100 Calories

Afternoon is the time of day that starts mid-day and ends in the evening. When the afternoon slump hits, it is natural to reach for the candy jar, snacks or swing by the vending machine. But while snacking might feel satisfying at first, it fades away, compelling you to reach out for more unhealthy snacks. […]

By Parul Dube

Healthy Navratri Food
October 12, 2022

What to eat this Navratri 2021 and Stay Healthy?

The beginning of the festive season is here and along with the arrival of goddess Durga, it is time to meet family, friends and make memories. The spirit of Navratri is at its peak, still wondering how to fast for nine days and keep yourself healthy? Avoid having fried and oil-laden foods, switch to healthier […]

By Parul Dube

Why You Cannot Outrun a Bad Diet
October 11, 2022

Why You Cannot Outrun a Bad Diet?

Food is the foundation of how our body looks and feels from within. Therefore, what we eat directly affects how we look and feel. If you spend innumerable hours hitting the gym and still fail to see any significant results, maybe it is time to modify your bad diet. Your diet plays a vital role […]

By Parul Dube

7 Foods to Improve Fertility in Women
October 12, 2022

7 Foods to Improve Fertility in Women

Lifestyle, Diet and various other factors heavily impacts Fertility of a women. While food alone cannot cure all the problems, it can undoubtedly support and maintain your overall health. Eating an excellent, well-balanced diet is the key to a healthy and fit body. However, many times the infertility problem has nothing to do with a […]

By Parul Dube

Top 10 Ways to Make Hydration Fun!
October 12, 2022

Top 10 Ways to Make Hydration Fun!

Just as plants dry out and die without sufficient water, similarly, humans need water to stay alive. Water is the elixir of life. A human body contains 75% of water, and it is as vital as blood. Therefore, proper hydration is the key to a healthy body and a stable mind. Water is essential for […]

By Parul Dube