Author: Shamlee Pathare

  • Surya Namaskar – Steps, Poses, Benefits, and More

    Surya Namaskar – Steps, Poses, Benefits, and More

    Surya Namaskar Ek, Fayde Anekh. In Surya Namaskar, Surya refers to “the sun,” and Namaskar means “bowing down in respect.” This has been the most popular yogic kriyas for many decades now, as it combines 12 yoga asanas in a yogic sequence. Practicing Surya Namaskar daily helps in balancing three constituents of your body, i.e.,…

  • Are Yoga Asanas Good for Diabetes?

    Are Yoga Asanas Good for Diabetes?

    Yoga is essential to keep you healthy both mentally and physically and you might already know that. But do you know, doing it without the right guidance may not bring about the results you expect? There are specific categories, and today we explore yoga for diabetes. Diabetes management requires lifestyle changes along with a healthy…

  • Types of Yoga Asanas – A Complete Guide

    Types of Yoga Asanas – A Complete Guide

    The word “yoga” means “union”. Yoga aligns the mind with the body. The benefits of yoga are both physical and emotional. Yoga is a practice that has existed since ancient times. The relevance of yoga has never got lost. Yoga helps achieve perfect mind and body alignment. Therefore, even today, yoga is necessary for healthy…

  • 10 Yoga Poses to Increase Spine Mobility

    10 Yoga Poses to Increase Spine Mobility

    Among the various pain areas in the body, many people experience trouble with their back. With our lifestyle that includes sitting for long spells and reduced movement, pain & stiffness are almost inevitable.  With age and stress, the troubles of the back are only likely to increase, which is why preventive and early care is…

  • Yoga Asanas to Help Reduce Gastric Problems

    Yoga Asanas to Help Reduce Gastric Problems

    Summary: When asked to a senior obstetrician and gynecologist of Odisha, “What would you choose in between Yoga and gym workout,” he chose yoga and said, “Gym workout mostly focuses on muscle building, which leads to hypertrophy (increase in muscle mass). But yoga benefits my inner body organs.”  Yoga is an ancient art, believed to…