Author: Roshini Gilbert
The health risks of desk jobs and how you can sidestep them
If you have a sedentary job, it might be doing more harm to your body than you realise. Several recent studies have demonstrated the ill effects of sitting, going so far as to compare the harmful effects of a deskbound job to that of smoking. Prolonged sitting is the root cause numerous serious health concerns,…
Want to lose weight? Weigh yourself daily
Don’t avoid the weighing scale – it may be your best friend on the journey to weight loss. Two studies have shown that consistent self-weighing may help your determination to shed those extra kilos that are weighing you down. More frequent and consistent weighing has been linked to a positive effect on a person’s confidence…
5 ways to put #HerHealthFirst and make your family fitter
Putting #HerHealthFirst is important and how. You can change your life – and that of your family’s – by changing your mindset. Make these five healthy habits your own and you’ll see how. Exercise as often as you can We all step into a new year with lofty resolutions of hitting the gym every single…
Why a woman should put #HerHealthFirst
Most of us tend to put the needs of our children, husband, parents and in-laws ahead of ourselves. It’s no wonder, then, that we are left with little time to pay attention to our own health! We’ve all been there. After I gave birth to triplets, I became supermom. At home, I went back to…
Why weightlifting is good for women
If you are a woman, you have probably heard countless horror stories about weight training. Lifting weights will make you muscular like a man; the muscles will turn to fat when you discontinue; it will put pressure on your uterus and so on. Talk to any sports medicine specialist or qualified fitness instructor and you…