Author: R. Kalpana

  • Movember: How Depression Affects Men & Women Differently

    Movember: How Depression Affects Men & Women Differently

    For a long time, clinical depression was known as a “woman’s disease.” While it’s true that women are twice as likely to develop depression as compared to men, experts believe that plenty of men suffer from this serious and pervasive illness. However, men tend to experience it differently as compared to women, and many times may…

  • 4 Reasons Why You Still Aren’t Losing Weight

    4 Reasons Why You Still Aren’t Losing Weight

    Have you ever been in a situation where, despite sticking to your diet and exercise plan, your weight stubbornly refuses to budge? This is a common problem many people face during the course of their weight loss programme and can be traced back to factors like unhealthy lifestyle, diet mistakes, plateauing of the metabolic rate or…

  • How to Build Muscle Mass on a Vegetarian Diet

    How to Build Muscle Mass on a Vegetarian Diet

    Among the myths that abound with regard to diet and exercise, one of the most persistent ones relates to the necessity of eating meat and eggs in order to build muscle mass. However, this is far from true since a vegetarian diet is equally effective in helping you pack on muscle. Take wrestler Sushil Kumar,…

  • 5 reasons that raw jackfruit is a superfood

    Jackfruit is one of the least known superfoods. It means many things to many people. Like the five blind people who explored the elephant, jack fruit means five different things depending on where you grew up in India. It can be a fruit, nut, vegetable vegan meat or a carbohydrate. Most people from the South…

  • Losing Weight With Hashimoto’s Disease

    Losing Weight With Hashimoto’s Disease

    Hashimoto’s disease is a condition in which your immune system attacks your thyroid, a small gland at the base of the neck below your Adam’s apple. This throws the body’s functioning haywire as the thyroid gland – a part of the endocrine system – needs to be in top working order. The gland produces hormones…