Author: Lienna May

  • Glucose Intolerance: A Vital Sign Leading to Diabetes

    Glucose Intolerance: A Vital Sign Leading to Diabetes

    The phrase “glucose intolerance,” also known as “dysglycemia,” refers to metabolic disorders that cause blood glucose (sugar) levels to be higher than usual. The body uses glucose, a simple sugar, as its primary fuel source. Glucose intolerance hampers the body’s ability to use glucose as fuel effectively. Due to an abnormal blood glucose buildup, glucose…

  • Glucose Monitors for Preventive Healthcare: A Guide

    Glucose Monitors for Preventive Healthcare: A Guide

    Glucose monitoring is a system that uses a device to continuously monitor and track your blood glucose levels to aid you in understanding them better. Doctors and medical practitioners usually recommend glucose monitoring devices for people with diabetes. However, anyone can use these devices to help protect themselves from developing diabetes and other related or…

  • The Importance of Monitoring Glucose Levels

    The Importance of Monitoring Glucose Levels

    Monitoring your glucose levels is an essential part of managing diabetes. Glucose or blood sugar is the main sugar present in your blood. It is the primary energy source that the body requires to function effectively. The body gets glucose from the food you eat. In other words, glucose enters the bloodstream after eating carbohydrates.…

  • Does HealthifyMe’s Technology Measure Metabolism?

    Does HealthifyMe’s Technology Measure Metabolism?

    Metabolism refers to the essential chemical reactions which take place in the body. The primary function of metabolism is to create and utilise energy. There are two different metabolisms, namely, anabolism and catabolism. For the body to function normally, these two must be in balance. Nutrition, body weight, and glucose levels all affect metabolism. Other…

  • Green Tea Can Boost Your Metabolism: Here’s How!

    Green Tea Can Boost Your Metabolism: Here’s How!

    Tea is the most popular beverage in the world after water. You get tea in several forms, green, oolong, and black tea, herbal, all from the leaves of Camellia sinensis. Among them, green tea is an outstanding source of phenolic antioxidants, and green tea’s health benefits have piqued the scientific community’s interest. Multiple studies have…