Author: Lienna May

  • Glucose and Keto: The Things You Should Know

    A high-fat, adequate-protein, low-carb diet is what the ketogenic diet is all about. It is among the most widely used diet plans. The ketogenic diet has helped make eating high-fat foods more common. It has been exceedingly popular as a way to lose weight. Additionally, ketogenic diets have multiple other benefits, including their effect on…

  • Glucose Tracking and Weight Management: A Link

    Weight loss has a significant impact on blood glucose control. Maintaining an ideal weight helps you manage your glucose level. It also prevents further complications associated with the condition. Glucose levels fluctuate all day long, providing valuable and actionable insights into metabolic health. When it comes to diabetes and weight management, one needs to understand how…

  • Excessive Consumption of Carbs Cause Diabetes?

    Diabetes is one of the most prevalent diseases worldwide, affecting a large population yearly. More than 422 million people suffer from the disease worldwide, and about 1 to 6 million deaths occur because of diabetes annually. In the United States alone, around 10.5% of its total population, which accounts for 34.2 million people, fell victim…

  • The Effects of Intermittent Fasting on Diabetes!

    Intermittent fasting is one of the popular dietary patterns that many people follow in the modern world. Intermittent fasting is gaining popularity worldwide due to its weight loss effects. It restricts your mealtimes to a specific window, followed by a set amount of time where you eat very little or nothing. A few hours to…

  • Tips to Finding a Diet for Non-Diabetic Hypoglycemia

    Your eating habits and food choices can significantly impact your health. Unfortunately, our dependence on junk and unhealthy food has increased with our hectic schedules and busy lifestyles. The growing number of people suffering from lifestyle diseases is proof of the same. Unfortunately, ignorance toward healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle makes people refrain from…