Author: Jeh Lekhi
Dancing For Weight Loss – A Fun Way to Burn Calories
Dancing is a universal form of expression and communication used by humans for centuries. Various forms of dance are part of several cultures, societies or ceremonies. Dance has numerous forms, each with its movements and expressions that vary from one another. There is a form of dance for every age and ability ranging from elaborate…
7 Best Tennis Stretches that You Must Try
Tennis is a highly demanding sport requiring increased cardiovascular endurance, agility, strength, and flexibility. In tennis, stretching is a secret advantage for players since it brings many benefits. For example, a study has shown that stretching will help you be highly flexible. In addition, tennis stretches can reduce the risk of injury and ultimately contribute…
Knowing Everything About Hip Flexor Stretches
The hip flexors are a set of muscles on both sides of your lower body. The movement of your lower body is dependent on these hip flexors. It includes the rectus femoris, psoas, and sartorius muscles. This set of muscles helps move our hips and lift the knees. Since it is such a vital part…
The Best Exercises for Improving Hip Muscle Mobility
Movement and flexibility have become challenging in the digital and gadget era of the last few decades and the recent pandemic. As a result, several vital body muscles remain unused for a long time, leading to fatigue and exhaustion. In addition, hip joint pain and spine issues are common in desk jobs, as we move…
A Guide to Burn Calories Without Exercise and Gym
Most of us check our calorie intake to avoid gaining unnecessary weight. Also, overeating or overindulgence in high-calorie food can harm the body. However, our body breaks down food to release energy which powers our body to perform various functions. Therefore, when we over-eat food with high calories, the excess calories get stored in the…