Author: Imon Roy
Web Stories – 7 Health Benefits of Eggs in your Diet
Eggs are indeed one of the most versatile food items available to all. Eggs can be cooked in countless ways, and sometimes requires little to no effort. A simple boiled or scrambled egg is not only delicious but also provides the person with plenty of nutritional benefits. Eggs can be paired with a variety of…
Welcoming the Harvest Season with Health, Healing and Happiness
There are numerous festivals that have graced our land, however, there are a few that hold cultural significance and add to its splendour. The significance of agriculture has always been a jewel in the crown for India. Honouring the roots, the entire country comes together in January to celebrate the abundance and prosperity brought by…
Web Stories – Benefits of Lemon Water for Weight Loss
Adding lemon juice is an excellent way to kick-start your diet, either by including it in your meals or by swapping out sugary drinks that are high in calories with lemon water. So, does this actually work? We’ll explore this topic and discuss how lemon helps to stay healthy, hydrated, and in line to meet your…
22 Self-Care Practices to Employ in 2022
It’s been two years since the earth went into emergency mode. COVID 19 spread like wildfire and soon became a pandemic. We were all quarantined and hidden into the comforts of our homes. Sounds so apocalyptic, right? Though humanity suffered a great loss, we can’t be giving up on our will to pursue passion and…
Web Stories – 10 Proven Health Benefits of Ash Gourd
Ash gourd is a tender vine, which produces large fruit. Famous as a wax gourd, winter melon, white gourd, and Chinese watermelon, the immature ash gourd fruit has thick white flesh and is fuzzy in appearance.