Author: Gunjan Sooden

  • Top 8 Health Benefits of Kiwano (Horned Melon)

    Top 8 Health Benefits of Kiwano (Horned Melon)

    Kiwano, also called Horned Melon, is a Cucurbitaceae family member. It is a tropical fruit found in Africa’s tropical and subtropical sub-Saharan areas, Australia, and several Pacific islands. People named this fruit “Kiwano” because its flesh resembled a kiwi fruit: juicy, emerald-green, jellylike meat. The Horned Melon is native to South Africa’s semi-arid regions, including…

  • Health Benefits of Broccoli Rabe

    Health Benefits of Broccoli Rabe

    Broccoli rabe (also known as rapini, broccoli raab, or broccoli de rape) is a cruciferous vegetable with a leafy texture. Broccoli rabe, unlike broccolini, does not belong to the broccoli family. Instead, it is a member of the Brassica family. It is related to turnips, though you can often cook it like leafy greens. Long…

  • Acai: The Nutritious Superfood That Will Improve Your Health

    Acai: The Nutritious Superfood That Will Improve Your Health

    Acai is a valuable plant for its fruit, trunk, and leaves. It is native to the Amazon Rainforest, and its demand in the past few years has increased tremendously; most of the cultivation of Acai is for human usage. Therefore, Acai is known as a superfood owing to its benefits. Acai is present in two…

  • Split Peas: The Nutrient-Rich Legume

    Split Peas: The Nutrient-Rich Legume

    Split peas are a type of processed peas where the seed is cut in half, peeled and dried. It is the same as green peas. Only the processing of this type makes the ingredient unique. Both split peas and green peas belong to the same Pisum Sativum plant. Split peas come in green and yellow…

  • Why Should You Add Salsa to Your Next Meal?

    Why Should You Add Salsa to Your Next Meal?

    Salsa, made from finely diced vegetables and spices, is a fresh, nourishing, and flavorful addition to any meal. But, more significantly, it is a nutritious powerhouse with numerous health advantages. Salsa is the Spanish word for “sauce”, but it is healthier than sauces like sriracha. Its primary ingredient is usually fresh-chopped tomatoes. However, other exotic…