Author: Farha Akram

  • DASH Diet for High Blood Pressure for Healthy Life

    DASH Diet for High Blood Pressure for Healthy Life

    High blood pressure, or hypertension, happens when the blood moves through the arteries at a higher pressure than normal. It rarely has noticeable symptoms. But if untreated, high blood pressure increases your risk of serious problems such as heart attacks and strokes. A typical modern diet is high in saturated fats, high glycemic load carbohydrates,…

  • Blood Sugar Management on Low Carb Diets

    Blood Sugar Management on Low Carb Diets

    Carbohydrate is the primary source of energy for the body. It aids the functioning of the brain, kidneys, heart muscles and central nervous system. Thus, it is essential to maintain a good carbohydrate level. The body’s blood sugar levels depend on carbohydrates. Low availability of carbohydrates can reduce the blood sugars leading to tiredness, weakness,…

  • 10 Common Low Carb Diet Mistakes To Avoid

    10 Common Low Carb Diet Mistakes To Avoid

    Low-carb diets are trendy nowadays. For weight loss, most people follow a low-carb or low-fat diet plan. However, mistakes when starting the diet might not lead to the desired results. For example, you might check macros and count calories but not lose weight on the low-carb diet due to mistakes. But you need not worry…

  • Effects of Low-Carb Diet on Your Lipids Profile

    Effects of Low-Carb Diet on Your Lipids Profile

    Low-carb diets are considered the cornerstone for a weight loss and fat-loss journey. They provide limited energy and burn away quickly, which facilitates the body to turn to the fat stored in the form of triglycerides in your body to obtain energy for functioning of the body. During this process your body enters into a…

  • Is Beef Jerky A Healthy Snack? Let’s Find Out

    Is Beef Jerky A Healthy Snack? Let’s Find Out

    Beef jerky is a snack made by marinating and drying beef in a curing solution. Processed meat has a long shelf life and a distinct flavour. As a result, beef jerky often gets marketed as a healthy, low-calorie snack that is high in protein but low in carbohydrates. Studies have found that 70% of millennials…