Author: Farha Akram

  • Is Fish Good for Cholesterol Disorders? Let’s Find Out

    Is Fish Good for Cholesterol Disorders? Let’s Find Out

    According to popular notions, cholesterol in the body is synonymous with heart ailments and conditions. However, that is not the case in the true sense of the term. On the contrary, the presence of cholesterol in the body is normal, at the correct value, and even beneficial.  Cholesterol is present in every body cell and…

  • Can Type 1 Diabetes Be Cured? Know All About It!

    Can Type 1 Diabetes Be Cured? Know All About It!

    Type 1 diabetes is a chronic illness where people suffering from it face trouble with their bodies producing no insulin. Well, when we think about diabetes, most of us would imagine that there is only one kind. But, in reality, it is of multiple types, and juvenile diabetes, aka type 1 diabetes, is one such…

  • Sugar Diet – An Insight into the Sugar Detoxification

    Sugar Diet – An Insight into the Sugar Detoxification

    Want to lose weight and stay at bay from any slightest chances of diabetes? Well, then, a sugar diet will be your best friend. Many nutritionists stress people to lessen or, better, totally avoid sugar in their daily food consumption. Also, as per a study, sugar, when consumed in more than the necessary quantity, can…

  • Home Remedies to Lower Cholesterol Levels

    Home Remedies to Lower Cholesterol Levels

    High cholesterol levels can cause concern, and it’s normal to feel anxious about it. Many worry about the risks associated with high cholesterol, medications’ costs, and potential side effects. Your doctor may suggest statins or other drugs to lower your cholesterol if your levels remain high. Research suggests that those with elevated levels of low-density…

  • What are the Worst Foods for High Cholesterol?

    What are the Worst Foods for High Cholesterol?

    High cholesterol levels are concerning because they put you at higher risk for heart diseases, including heart attack and stroke. Eating fatty fish, nuts, and whole grains like oatmeal can help keep your cholesterol levels in check. However, some foods, primarily those high in saturated fat, can raise bad cholesterol (LDL) levels. So whether you…