Anjeer For Diabetes – Is Diabetic-Friendly?

Hiral Patel
October 29, 2024
Hiral Patel
October 29, 2024
Anjeer, also known as figs, is a superfood. It is rich in minerals. It is a native Asian plant primarily cultivated in southwest Asia. Anjeer has had its uses in Chinese and traditional Indian medicine over the years.
It belongs to the mulberry family. It is tasty and features inside-out crunchy seeds and a soft, juicy shell. Anjeer is nutrient-rich. It is also called a “miracle fruit” for treating arthritis, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and weight loss.
So, is anjeer beneficial for diabetes considering its many advantages?
Anjeer’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities aid in diabetes by enhancing insulin production. Anjeer is believed to be beneficial for diabetes because it has a low glycemic index (GI) value. Foods with a low GI value are slowly absorbed and metabolised by the body. Therefore, they help regulate blood sugar levels.
Figs contain high levels of fibre and antioxidants, which can also help to improve blood sugar control. However, it is essential to note that you should consume in moderation as part of a balanced diet and in consultation with a doctor or registered dietitian.
Anjeer, due to its fibre content, is safe to eat for those with bowel movement problems. Studies show that figs are a fantastic food for digestion and help with bowel motions. In addition, anjeer, or figs, contain a fair amount of sugar. Thus, including them in a diabetes food plan is very safe.
According to USDA, 100 grams of anjeer contains the following nutrients.
Anjeer is rich in minerals like potassium, magnesium and phosphorus. As a result, it is incredibly effective at improving digestion, and absorption, lowering hunger and controlling blood sugar levels. In addition to helping to maintain blood sugar levels in the body, anjeer is high in potassium content.
Anjeer has a moderate glycemic index (GI) of fresh figs is 35, and that of dried figs is 50, which means it releases glucose into the blood more slowly than meals with high GIs. It, combined with anjeer’s high fibre content, ensures that food is digested gradually and keeps you fuller for longer.
Anjeer has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help to prevent inflammation and preserve the pancreas. It ensures that proper insulin secretion occurs and that blood sugar breaks down to provide energy. Anjeer is very high in fibre which guarantees that all sugar does not instantly release into the system. However, this does not imply that you have too many of them at once. A diabetic patient must exercise moderation. Therefore, they should minimise their consumption of anjeer.
Fresh figs have a lower glycemic index (GI) value than dried figs. The glycemic index measures how quickly a food raises blood sugar levels.
Foods with a low GI value are slowly absorbed and metabolised by the body. Therefore, it helps to regulate blood sugar levels. Fresh figs also have a higher water content than dried figs, which can help slow down sugar absorption.
Fresh figs also contain more antioxidants than dried figs, which can help to improve overall health and blood sugar control. It is important to note that both (fresh and dried figs) can be a good option for people with diabetes as part of a balanced diet. But it depends on serving size and the overall diet.
Anjeer is rich in fibre. Fibre aids in long-term satiety. The fruit also curbs the urge to eat between meals. A healthy body lessens the likelihood of having severe health issues like cancer, cardiac illnesses, etc.
Antioxidants found in Anjeer are abundant and significantly improve cardiac health in people. From a person’s body, they eliminate dangerous radicals. According to research, figs have a well-established ability to reduce triglyceride levels. Also, one can maintain cardiac activity at its peak by controlling triglyceride levels.
Potassium is abundant in figs. An essential mineral that helps with diabetic treatment is potassium. It aids in regulating the quantity of glucose absorbed following meals.
Diabetic patients can potentially benefit from a different substance called chlorogenic acid. It helps in the reduction of blood sugar levels. In turn, this aids in the person’s successful management of their diabetes.
Anjeer is soaked in water to treat piles and constipation problems. People who frequently have these problems ought to drink anjeer water every morning. Also, the fibre in anjeer aids in regulating bowel motions. Anjeer aids in digestion and maintains bodily health.
Anjeer is also beneficial for one’s skin. The simplest method is to make an anjeer paste and apply it to the face. But remember that after 15 minutes, wash your face with lukewarm water.
The best time to consume anjeer for your health is right after you wake in the morning. Consume 2-3 Anjeer soaked in water the night prior. You can consume it with other proteins for mid morning snack. Please include them in salads. But if taken at night, it is advised to do so with warm milk before bed.
It is not advisable to consume excessive amounts of anjeer just because it is a miracle fruit packed with macro and micronutrients. Anjeer is safe for diabetic patients to eat. Still, because it contains a good amount of carbohydrates, it will behave exactly the opposite of how it should.
The risk of hypoglycemia exists even in those with normal blood sugar levels. Because of the high concentration of minerals, it could potentially be hazardous to the digestive system. A person with diabetes or high blood sugar should not consume more than 2-3 anjeer per day.
Anjeers’ blood coagulation qualities make it unsafe for those taking blood thinners. Therefore, one should seek medical advice before including them in their diet. Connect with the coaches at HealthifyMe to begin your journey right away.
There are several ways to incorporate anjeer into your daily diet:
Combine lettuce, almonds, 2 to 3 figs, a few of your favourite fruits, and mint leaves. Mix lemon juice, a dash of jaggery powder, and salt to prepare the dressing. Add some chaat masala for taste.
Studies have indicated that regular nut and dried fig eating may help prevent type 2 diabetes and manage blood sugar levels in persons who already have the disease.
Anjeer Figs soaked in water for the night are suitable for diabetic patients. 1 or two pieces of anjeer can be soaked in water overnight. Add it to your plain milk, yoghurt or eat as it is.
Soak dry figs overnight or for 5-6 hours. Puree them and freeze them in an ice tray. These cubes can be stored in the freezer for 10-15 days. One can use these puree cubes in smoothies, milkshakes, etc. But never forget to practise moderation.
Anjeer is a food with a low to moderate GI. It induces a prolonged release of glucose when ingested on an empty stomach throughout the day.
Because Anjeer is high in fibre, they support healthy insulin activity in diabetics. However, dried Anjeer has a high sugar content and may temporarily raise blood sugar levels. Therefore, one should regularly monitor blood sugar levels when consuming it.
Although diabetic patients can consume Anjeer, it is advisable to limit their intake. Anjeer is highly beneficial for people with problems such as mental health, diabetes, constipation, high cholesterol, obesity, sleeplessness, and even reproductive issues.
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