Chronic sleep deficiency occurs when you are sleep deprived for an extended amount of time. It increases the risk of weight gain in your body through a variety of mechanisms, including the ones listed.
Weight Gain
People began to binge eat due to a lack of sleep, but they won't burn those extra calories. As a result, calorie consumption exceeds calorie expenditure, resulting in weight gain.
Increase in Appetite
The neurotransmitter imbalance in your body increases your appetite while decreasing your feeling of fullness. As a result, you overeat, which leads to weight gain.
Decreases Metabolism
As per a study, lack of sleep causes metabolic irregularities. Stress, diabetes, and high blood pressure are the end results. Furthermore, less sleep may disrupt biological rhythms which may lead to weight gain.
Inhibits Physical Activity
Sleep deprivation makes you weak and exhausted. Furthermore, your energy level for physical activity and workouts decreases. As a result, it impacts your health.