Year: 2014

  • 3 superfoods to superlove in 2015

    3 superfoods to superlove in 2015

    These health foods, locally sourced and available at online health food websites and organic stores across India, will be trending in the new year. Will you be eating healthy in 2015. Goji berries  Description Although Goji berries (otherwise referred to as wolfberry) are grown along the India-China-Tibet border, only the dried version is available locally. […]

  • New Year Eve Party: Alcohol Guide for Dieters

    New Year’s may not be the best time to ponder over weighty matters, but for those of you planning a booze binge beware – it can wreak havoc with your waistline. This New Year eve party alcohol guide for dieters can guide how not to dilute the fun but still stay true to your diet […]

  • Setting fitness resolutions? Focus on goals

    Setting fitness resolutions? Focus on goals

    You’ve pledged to make a healthy start in the new year. But how are you going to accomplish that? Setting fitness resolutions can be a tricky task – often, people set goals that are difficult to maintain, try and change their diet within days or expect to see significant weight loss within weeks, and are […]

  • New Year fitness resolutions do work

    New Year fitness resolutions do work

    Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu has said a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Most of us set the pace at the start of the New Year, by committing to big life changes. “I’ll work less and make time for family”, “I’ll save more” or “I’ll get back in shape by dropping […]

  • Get your sugar fix minus the calories

    Get your sugar fix minus the calories

    Sugar is the new fat, say doctors and scientists. New research establishes how it leads to obesity, poor heart health and increased risk of diabetes and has also been linked to certain cancers. What is scarier is the fact that it is addictive in nature. Good news is that you can safely indulge your sweet […]