Tag: good fats

  • The Health Benefits of Seeds – Why You Need to Eat Them

    The Health Benefits of Seeds – Why You Need to Eat Them

    Seeds, often overlooked as mere components of plants, hold a wealth of nutritional treasures that can greatly contribute to our overall health and well-being. These tiny powerhouses pack an impressive nutritional punch, offering an array of essential nutrients, healthy fats, and unique bioactive compounds. From chia to flax, pumpkin to sunflower, and beyond, the world […]

  • Ghee is good, but what kind should you buy?

    Ghee is good, but what kind should you buy?

    Where’s the fun in dal without a dollop of ghee? Those on a diet may have read mixed opinions about whether clarified butter is good or bad for weight loss. But the simple truth is that, like many traditional foods, ghee is good if consumed in very modest quantities, and when derived from the right […]

  • Why soaked almonds are good for you

    Why soaked almonds are good for you

    Have you ever wondered why you soak almonds before eating them? Almonds are a healthy, savory snack, packed with protein, fiber and Omega-3 and 6 fatty acids. Soaking them before eating has several health benefits – for starters, it makes it easier to digest the nut. It also increases the amount of nutrients and vitamins […]