Author: Neha Jain

  • Diet Soda may Lead to Junk Food Overdose

    Who hasn’t been there and done this: Ordered a diet soda virtuously to keep calories in check? And upended the diet by ordering fries or chicken wings? A new study that examined the dietary habits of over 22,000 adults has found that people who opt for diet beverages may compensate for the absence of calories […]

  • Why you should eat a banana everyday

    Why you should eat a banana everyday

    Apart from their nutrient value, the low glycemic index and pectin content give bananas fat-busting qualities

  • Can Vitamin-C replace your daily exercise?

    Can Vitamin-C replace your daily exercise?

    The benefits of Vitamin C are many: Protection against immune system deficiencies, cardiovascular disease, eye problems, prenatal health issues, eye disease, and even skin wrinkling. But recent research seems to indicate that daily vitamin C supplements could have cardiovascular benefits similar to regular exercise for overweight and obese adults. Overweight and obese adults show an […]

  • Nutritional Balance v/s Calorie Count: which is more important?

    Nutritional Balance v/s Calorie Count: which is more important?

    It’s National Nutrition Week, a good time to revisit some of the myths surrounding diet and weight loss. Let’s take a look at the concept of a calorie deficit, for instance. We’ve all been told that to lose weight, you need to eat fewer calories than you burn. However, this is not entirely true. If […]

  • Corn Chatpata: Tea-Time Treat in Season

    Corn Chatpata: Tea-Time Treat in Season

    It’s tea-time and the tummy’s rumbling. But do a cup of tea and a snack spell good news for those on a diet? Why not, if both are smart and sensible choices. The Best Tea for You Opt for green tea/white tea, both which are minimally processed and are “in” these days. The two varieties […]