Month: March 2015

  • 5 summer diet tips to beat the heat

    5 summer diet tips to beat the heat

    Looking for smart ways to stay fit and cool this summer? Here’s what we recommend to stay healthy and beat the heat with these 5 summer diet tips: Eat small, frequent meals To digest a large meal the body creates more metabolic heat while breaking down the food. Steer clear of high protein foods as […]

  • Looking for a healthy pizza? Try our recipe

    Looking for a healthy pizza? Try our recipe

    Who says pizza only makes you pile on the pounds? You can enjoy a healthy version of this tasty treat just by tweaking the recipe slightly. For starters, changing the pizza base can make a lot of difference. If you’re making it at home, use wheat flour mixed with refined. Or buy a whole-wheat pizza […]

  • Why a virtual trainer scores over one in person

    Why a virtual trainer scores over one in person

    The battle to lose weight is one that people struggle with on a daily basis. You have your good days, like the ones where you step on the scale to learn that you’ve dropped a kilo. There are the bad days too, where you can’t find the time to exercise, or you’ve cheated on your […]

  • Exercise can make you happy

    Exercise can make you happy

    Feeling anxious, stressed? Don’t curl up in a corner; get up and exercise instead. A workout is guaranteed to make you feel happier, energized and calm. Exercise has been shown to stimulate the growth of cerebral blood vessels, enhance communication across synapses, boost mood and act as a natural anti-depressant, augment memory and learning and […]

  • How you can keep those kilos you dropped off

    How you can keep those kilos you dropped off

    Have you found that after having gone on a diet, and reaching your goal weight, you’ve just gone and piled on all the lost pounds again? This phenomenon, called weight cycling, or the ‘diet yo-yo’, is one that several people struggle with but experts say there might be more to it than just failing to […]